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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Hi mods, hope you dont mind me posting here, just a link to a competition, £500 Blitz voucher to the winner: http://www.facebook.com/blitzsport?sk=app_7146470109


    If anyone interested. Ill sort out something extra if its a 350z member that wins it :thumbs:


    Here was a quick promo I did to get the ball rolling, just quickly done it real low budget fiming with my iphone.






    What's this about?

    The staff at Blitz decided to have a bit of fun and host a competition with big prizes. We want the martial arts in you to show off any of our Blitz products in a 35 second advert. You can make it funny, serious anything you like (keep it PG guys ;-)).


    The three entries with the most likes will make it to the finals, where our panel of sponsored Blitz fighters will judge who will take the £500 golden prize Blitz gift voucher. Don't worry if you don't win, there's a second and third place prizes up for grabs. Second place is a £200 Blitz gift voucher and third place wins a heavy duty Bad Breed Filled Leather Punch Bag and Boxing Gloves. The Winner will also have a write up featured on our Facebook page and their advert will be watched by 100's of thousands on our blitzsport.com home webpage.


    You have until the 9th of March to submit your adverts, so get cracking!!!


    To see our example video visit our Kick Flicks YouTube page.


    How it works

    1.Make a video advert up to 35 seconds, using and promoting a Blitz Product. Make sure you finish the advert with our logo (download here) and be creative. The following video codecs will be accepted: We strongly recommend you use H.264 (with AAC or uncompressed audio)


    MPEG (1, 2, & 4)

    Motion JPEG


    2.Email your finished master piece to kickflicks@blitzsport.com or send it in on a CD. By submitting your entry, you automatically accept the terms and conditions of the competition.

    3.Once approved, your advert will be uploaded on our YouTube and Facebook page where the public will be able to like your video on both sites.

    4.The 3 videos with the most votes added together from both sites will then go to our judging panel of sponsored Blitz Fighters to see who will win the £500 Blitz Voucher prize and also the second and third prizes.

    5.If you win go ahead and spend your winning on Blitz Gear. Kit your club out or your home gym ready for your New Years Resolution.


    The Prizes

    1.First Place winner will receive £500 Blitz Sport Vouchers and their advert will be placed on the home page of our Blitz Website for 1 week for all our customers to see, plus a martial arts write up bio on the Director for our over 37,000 Facebook fans to view.

    2.Second Place winner will receive £200 Blitz Sport Vouchers.

    3.Third Place winner will receive a Bad Breed Leather Heavy Duty Punch Bag and Boxing Gloves.


    Terms and Conditions

    See Facebook

  2. I called up my nearest dealer again today, luckily they have a new sales guy so they dont remember me as the guy who previously pulled out :blush: I remember why I came away without putting deposit on it, because of how fast they depreciate was incredible, so am thinking of getting an 09/10 plate which has lost much of the depreciation, cant bothered buying new anymore, think that will be the sensible route. The chap said that out of all the models this one is the most reliable and there are no problems with the gear box which people in the past have mentioned. Only problem with getting a year old is you cant request any personalisation, as Im loving black with black interior and yellow stitching. But there are a few red stitchings out there. Ahh reminds me of my zed with the bride seats I had. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: All the time I was modding that I think deep down I was trying to mimic a Masser. B) Think I may have found my soul mate in this care :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

  3. :lol::lol::lol: sorry guys, must have amnesia, I remember going to looking and just before putting deposit down I pulled out, got cold feet and got a sensible diesel. Saw one this morning, blew me away, stunning in gunmetal grey. Now Im clueless again
  4. Hi guys, am planning early next year to get a Maserati Granturismo in either black or white. Anyone got any experience with one or know someone. Are they reliable? Just want to make sure I dont make the same mistake I did when I purchased the Aston V8 last year. Any comments on this car would be great.

  5. A very impressive effort on your own!


    I enjoyed the film but found little I was able to take out of it other than "don't do drugs". How long did it take to film? And to edit?


    Hya thankyou, I filmed it in one day and edited total number of hours about 2 days, Im just getting use to a new camera and new lights so wanted to test them but realised I had a lot of wrong settings including white balance was out and separate audio syncing was a bit of a nightmare. Ill get there eventually

  6. Oay this short film was done really really quick, could of been better edited but had a nightmare trying to get all the scenes and edited done and lost footage, almost gave up but managed to produce something just to justify my efforts not being totally wasted. I know ton of mistakes, colour etc but i need a ton more practice still. Filmed and edited on my own. Bloody difficult without a team. Adverts and music videos are so much easier than this


  7. If any of you actually had flu you wouldn't be able to move let alone write your own obituary....... get your Ugg boots on and go get some fresh air you soft southern sissy! :dummy:


    you watch in a few years, northern men will be wearing ugg boots too, youre just always ten years behind the current fashion lol :lol::p

  8. :lol:


    Your not the only one whose ill mate. Ive also been struck down with the worse cold / flu ive ever had. Been like it for over 2 weeks now and no signs of it easing up. Normally if i get a cold its a 2 day thing and I battle through it, but whatever ive caught this time has really knocked it out of me. :(


    Okay that's great but this is about me, who cares about you this is the great zed rush the amazing spectacle on his knees trying to defeat manflu...


    Just kidding lol yeh it sucks bud just had soup we can get through this, man power bro :thumbs:

  9. Hi guys and gals not sure how to put this but this news may affect some of you (well all of you) but I urge you not too worry, everything is being done in making sure the seemingly inevitable doesn't happen. I know some of you regard me as the driving force in your lives, or the missing cog that makes everything turn in motion.... well... this very special cog... me..... is ill. Please do not worry about me, every top medical staff in the country are being harassed until I am better, but, if this light for me should suddenly cease to exist I want you to know how very dear you have become for me, and I would of gladly accepted anyone of you to switch places with me so that your leader may be able to breath through his nostrils just one last time.


    Oh cruel world why me?!?!?!?!?


    Why didn't you infect someone less important like Sarnie or Sl114. I bring so much joy to peoples lives why me?!?!?!?!?!


    Well, whilst I wait here in my last days, buried under a plethora of tissue paper, may I say adios my dear fans, for man flu may have got me today, but, my name shall live on for much longer, (yes because Jason is a very common name.)


    Feel free to create a statue in my honor, I mean I wouldn't want you to but it would be nice a little version of me in every home in someone's living room, so you may look upon me and say, "Ahhh there goes Zedrush, what a guy..."


    Farewell as I delve into the depth of man flu, and before I go may I finish with my favorite philosopher " this illness may block my nostrils but it will never take..... MY FREEDOM to breath through my mouth !!!! :surrender:

  10. Going to Meribel 3 peaks this Xmas, not sure whether to do skiing which Im not bad at or try something new like snowboarding. Which burns more calories, I know its relative to what you are doing, but if you were to go down the same hill, would one burn and demand more cardio more than the other? Snowboard seems like less work on the legs or am I completely wrong?

  11. Hi guys any help will be appreciated, I have a possibility of buying antique guitars for 6k in total, around 46 different types, but I havnt got a clue if I will make any profit on them, as I want to buy to sell. I dont know my brand names, they have been verified as authentic and I need to make a decision quickish, so if I could email pics to someone and they can give me idea if worth it that be great.


    Makes range from:


    Gibsons Flying V



    Greg Bennett


    Squier telecaster




    Fender Jaguar

    hondo II


    Santana SF PRS

    PAcifica Yamaha



    Fender Stratocasters variety

    Squirer Precision bass

    Fender Corona


    Some of the dates are 1993 limited editions etc...


    Any advice or help would be immensely appreciated, as I am clueless, they are all in really good condition, :blush:

  12. How the heck did you even manage to meet a 15 year old when ur 24...... thats my age just now and just imo its wrong lol :lol:


    Good on you both for making it work tho :thumbs:

    It's easy when there is a nearby school and you have a years supply of harribos and puppies in the boot lol



    If you're all loved up is now a good time to ask for a good price on a kettlebell? I've been meaning to give them a go for a while :teeth:


    Lol message me I'll set u up trade account

  13. Glad to be back on the forum guys,have I missed anything? Have I been missed? :lol::blush: Just been really hectic with work and traveling a lot that not had time to do much really. Hope every one is keeping okay, my new years resolution albeit early is to hang out with some members, meet up with Nixy, Chris Louis. All the old crew. Got some cage fighting events coming up, anyone wanna come shout me a holla. Been a bit weird with cars, as usual changing like the wind, had a carrera 4s pdk, but was too small for me, purchased from web, guy bought down saying plenty of space, he was like 4 ft tall lol :lol: had E350 Merc white amg as run around, now have another merc diesel damn Im getting old lol. Almost drove away in 370z in white instead before getting the Merc. Traveling a lot so dont get to drive much. Wanted to save money so going sensible diesel as having to put 30-40% down on properties as banks aint lending nowt. Still in two minds of thinking sod it Maserati GT but way recession is going I got a feeling more properties will be up for grabs. Just so hard to predict whats going to happen next year. Any how whats new? By the way Im still wearing my Uggs they are fantastic, thanks for all the advice guys, Soho loves me :lol::headhurt:

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