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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. You gonna show us some Pink aerobics Jerry? I wont post the pic of it I found when I googled you accreditations :lol:


    Anyhow, back on topic, if these "other forums" are Zed owners, why not get them to sign up on here :thumbs::teeth:


    I`ll try to get those peeps to join here!! ;)


    Pink aerobics is the event that I took part in 2005-06 for breast cancercare, I won best instructor and taught my class to over 800 ladies at Regents Park onstage,competing against some of the best instructors in the Country, I won by the way ;)

    Nice one. A very worth cause, it was the pick of you in the corner of the site that cracked me up :teeth:


    That Pic is taken from a Magazine article I did in 2000, which I shall show you at ACE ;)

    I should mention the following, I am qualified in:





    Circuit Training

    Freestyle Fitness Yoga

    Certified with the American College of Sports Medicine as Health&Fitness Specialist

    GP exercise referral


    What Im qualified in:


    kfc munching champion 2008

    doughnut rolling champion 2003

    Burping decibel champion 2005

    and oo oo I can eat 3 krispy crackers in under a minute



    sorry mate benching max once is no indication of true core strength.


    Anyway back to the meet, look forward to seeing all of you :thumbs:

  2. NO CAR will steal the thunder at ACE!! :thumbs:


    ***STOP PRESS***

    Performance friction front discs have just arrived, pics to follow...

    Jerry, Jay is considerably bigger than you, I dont think you could stop his thunder :boxing::lol:


    Well I can bench press 120KG ;)

    He can probably shoulder press you :lol::lol:


    What is it that make people think how much you bench signifies how strong you are, I've seen a guy bench 290kg and yet can barely do 10 pushups :lol::bangin: Bench has nothing to do with how strong you are, plyometric strength and deadlifting on the other hand, now thats where true strength lies B)


    Any how, I may be big but I couldnt fight my way out of a paper bag :blush:

  3. I may try to get myself along to this one, I'm just worried that after seeing all the modded Zed's I'll get the bug again and start throwing loads of money at mine! :lol:


    Not a question of TRY, but you must be at this, as it will be one of the defining meets in the club`s history (I think..). Plus it will be remembered for a long time to come ;)


    Zedrush, you may attend but any non-Zeds please to park opposite the main car park, as its strictly come Zedly :thumbs:


    okay mate when you say opposite main car park, is it on bumpy grounds or speed bumps or is it still a carpark?

  4. Not bad dude, still waiting to get my car back, im getting real good at this waiting lark! :bounce:


    Lol I know mate feel for you but at least you have something to look forward to.


    Chris I take it that means one can only go to ace meet if you have a z :( lol, not sure if Id lend you it but id take you out for a spin for sure :thumbs:

  5. Hi guys, when i purchased my car I paid extra for the swiss protection paint thingy, how long does this last as not bothered to read any of the info on it, and kind lost some of the paper work :blush: Does it need redoing every year or does it last longer than that and what exactly does it protect, does it stop swirl marks or does it stop paint fading? The car is onyx black with white sparkly bits so and can see slight swirl marks so thinking might need to get it valeted properly, also anyone know anybody in se london who can valet?


    Cheers :thumbs:

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