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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Zed'ers, thanks, great information, especially the informative threads posted by Zedrush. I believe that I will go ahead with the modifications, although will now seriously consider increasing the budget to accomodate strengthening the internals. Has anyone on this forum gone through the internal modification route? What sort of costs are involved? I had a quick browse and found some forged pistons at £799, what further modifications are required on top of this to assist with power over 400bhp?


    I must admit, I will without a shadow of doubt go for the progressive controller and window switch, I really don't want to suffer any engine issues.


    Has anyone any further comments de-cating the exhaust, as mentioned, I was advised to have a "hand built" solution which would benefit over any aftermarket product?


    Again thanks for all your comments, very helpful.



    got a quote on between 8k-10k € for that work on mine :byebye:


    That was all the labor and parts. From 3.5 to 4.2 and re-tune.


    parts will land you around: 5200€ delivered to your door. Then xxxxx amount for the work, that depends if you do most yourself or if you know somebody that will fit it for less then 4k? let me know what you decide to do, is your wallet an empty black hole like mine??? :drive1




    There are plenty of insurance companies out there who r fine with nos as long as you state its for track use only and you will take out the necessary insurance on the day. ;) dont think any insurance company will let you have it insured for public road use, not only that I think if caught its not so black and white if its legal. Shows, private roads and tracks are fine, public use is still questionable and not worth the hassel (not to mean you cant have fun but I wont put my name up endorsing it). But for insurance purpose they will be fine as long as you say you have it but is switched of until you track it in which you will get extra insurance for. It is very easy to remove should worst case scenario happens, unless you have direct port into each six cylinders :surrender: Carry spare induction pipe with you, should you need to quickly swap. ;)

  2. probably stupid question but any mods on the front arches needed to be done in order to turn? Any stress on wheel bearing having this wide?


    Love the rear not too sure about that deep dish on front love my staggered offsets a bit more. :blush:


    Although why am i asking in this i no longer have a z :cry:

  3. LOL i can be a bit rude at times but am not that bad :lol:

    Maybe zedrush will offer a forum discount on his products :blush::lol:


    :p cheeky bugger


    of course will see if okay with mods first but yeh members on here will be entitled to discounts, sorry was not trying to use this thread to sell products :blush:


    Whats your involvement in these bags then ?? Are you a designer for punch bags or are you involved some other way, I think I read something about you being a trainer .. is that right ?? If so my Original post about Avators is apt.... Also does Val know that he might be biting off more than he can chew... (Maybe he thinks your a pussy cos of your Avator :lol::lol: )


    Just out of interest how much would a bag like that set me back ??


    lol i train fighters, created the whole badbreed range from bags to gloves to vests tshirts. pm me for price will check with mods first to see if okay, will either give club a % or good discount for members. The bag is 5ft a grade leather triple stitched 50kg hardcore. We have sold out but next shipment due any month.

  4. For business is it mate ;) Dont worry, tax man wont hear anything from us, we know you are on a jolly!


    Sounds like you are having some fun out there, deffo get a look at a 370z, they are a nice upgrade over the 350z, although wont be a patch on the Vantage B)


    :lol::lol: wish it was like that bud, we r expanding the business over here, so just over here to see where we are at as need to launch in feb and still tons of work and researching to do :dry:

  5. hi guys am in cali santa cruz till wednesday, jet lagged as hell and in meetings galore, been spotting tons of 350z out here, and have counted 6 brick colour ones that purply colour. cant make my mind up about that colour, its defo not me. Some have your basic mods, saw 2 turbos go by sound awesome B)B)B) also i think i heard a supercharged one, but could be just a dodgy engine noise :lol::blush:


    Not sure why but all the drivers over here look about 16 years old, going to nissan garage later today to see if they have a 370z as not seen any yet. but seen tons of hummers and 3 dodge vipers B)B)B) damn they sound awesome...


    Unfortunately im here for business not holiday, although im right on the beach and its hot i have not had a second o relax. There were talks of me moving out here permenantly next year, but to be honest, ive only been here since tuesday and i really miss home, its not the same, everything here seems superficial, nothing seems real, and everyone is saying hey how are ya and have a nice day and its driving me nuts :bang::bang::bang:


    managed to get some training done out here and also went to see the American Kickboxing Academy and Shamrocks fight club in San Jose, damnnnnn :scare::scare::scare: These guys make me look tiny and damn can they hit hard, met about 4 UFC fighters really humble but sure wouldnt like to cross any of them.


    Perhaps its because of where i am but noone seems to be an individual, you have the surf dudes which can be stereotypes, baggy shorts beards tshirts, suv trucks, upclass stepford wives and 50 year old men shorts white socks trainers baseball caps and white tshirts acting like 20 year old rampant college kids :wacko::lol:


    I also met some @sswipe who found out I was british in the gym and keeps trying to put on an english accent but fails miserably, to the point where its offending. So i had enough and turned to him and said how about if i impersonate you as a hillbilly redneck would that be fair? You seem the type to sleep with your sister now p!ss, off. Think he got the message. :lol:


    Well cant wait to get back will take some pics over here and close ups of the 370z if they have one, is it even out here yet?

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