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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Anyone watch it, love how Jack Straw tried to wangle his way out of the overpopulated immigration questions... idiot :wacko::lol:


    highly doubt Nick Griffin was telling the truth when he said he would let the Islamic man stay if he was born and bred in the U.K. I always thought if we were of different ethnicity and BNp got in we would have to leave. Wonder where i'd go, im like a complete mix, is there a special island for erm pick n mixes like me :blush::surrender::lol:

  2. Recently I bought myself an Itouch 64gb while I was in America. Can anybody advise me the best way to convert my music to the Apple format so I can load it up. Thanks in advance.


    you do it in itunes bud, download it free from the apple website for pc, it should automatically do it when transferring music from cd to your itunes library. Only music purchased from itunes is in a protective format m4p but yours will be fine and will be in mp3. hope that helps :blush:



    God did you really say all that Jay - you don't even know where the on switch is on your computer!


    Welcome to the world of Itunes Keith! :thumbs:


    :p still cant figure out pms

  3. Recently I bought myself an Itouch 64gb while I was in America. Can anybody advise me the best way to convert my music to the Apple format so I can load it up. Thanks in advance.


    you do it in itunes bud, download it free from the apple website for pc, it should automatically do it when transferring music from cd to your itunes library. Only music purchased from itunes is in a protective format m4p but yours will be fine and will be in mp3. hope that helps :blush:

  4. Blimey Zedrush - Are we bored at work????


    I went to school with a lad called Frederick Sebastian Weyland Newton. Oh, and a someone called Phil Collins! Mean parents!!


    On a side note - Heather from Eastenders had her baby last night and called it George Michael Trott. Who's the Daddy???


    :lol: alot of crazy stuff swing through my mind daily :lol: I use to this the moon was the suns alter ego, until science proved me wrong, damn the telescope :rant:

  5. Viewed the pictures on my 42" HD Monitor, Pictures are really tip top.. :thumbs::thumbs:

    What camera are you using?


    The gear i used for this shoot was:


    Nikon D200 body.

    Sigma 18-200 vibration reduction lens.

    Sigma 10-20 lens.

    Manfroto 6' tripod

    Hoya circular polarizing lens filter.

    Metz AF-58 flash gun.

    Younugo radio flash trigger/receiver.


    Alot of the shots where taken at F-stop 4-5.6 so i think it would look sharper at a higher F-stop. Ill try again soon!


    will it darken the image at a slower shutter speed though?

  6. yeh i remember on my old celica I use to have I waited till the oil light came on, put oil in it was bone dry, then before I knew it I had blown the bottom end out :blush:

  7. Jay, cats like Russian Blue's are notoriously bad tempered, and not exactly lap cats.


    i think Jay is thinking of a Burmese blue. Gorgeous cats...........

    As Nixy has already mentioned Blue Burmese, Burmese are very intelligent, inquisitive, rather inquiring, love attention, much quieter than Siamese (aka bigmouths of the cat world), quite a family orientated cat, they will follow you around, inside or outside, they're generally good hunters. Blue or Lilac Burmese are in general much more docile than say a red, cream or seal, or cinnamon Burmese or Siamese.





    Another derivative is the Tonkinese, which are quite similar in nature to the Burmese. Fabulous cats. They're not as common as Burmese either.



    Often in the cat world, darker pointed ones can tend to be a bit scatty. Not always, but quite often.


    If you get a pure breed anything, don't overfeed it, keep it lean and healthy.


    My folks, breed numerous breeds of cats when I was a wee nipper.



    Thanks for that Bronzee, yeh I know Siamese are a nightmare, my mum has two siamese and two orientals, so loud and demanding they dont shut up lol :lol:


    Tonkinese look like little stunners, just contemplating about getting a cat, with the dog I can lock him out of certain rooms like my editing suite, with a cat may prove harder to do, last thing I need is a cat sitting on my keyboard, will give it some though :headhurt:

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