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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Original doesnt necesarily mean better quality/fitment etc though.


    have to agree with chesterfield. I purchase original veilside kit, and quality was crap, the replica that I saw was much hard wearing...


    Also alot of the brands are way over price not everyone can afford them, so if a cheap replica comes on the market and seems just as good, then why not. Talking about stealing original design ideas, but to be honest who says the originals are originals. Everyone is inspired or copys bits of everything nowadays. Its virtually impossible to create anything original :blush:


    just my 2 pence worth.

  2. Yes 7/8 will both be good enough for you. Above the series 6 its just then small features to try and make the picture that little bit better. The jump to LED backlight being one major change


    sorry mate so series 8 has LED backlight and series 7 doesnt? am confused

  3. thanks guys 46" is the max size I can get in the space, Im ording sky hd and have blue ray so will need extra bits. But think series 7 led is hd anyway or am i missing something. Still dont know difference between series 7 and series 8 :wacko:

  4. True true, saw the Fedor vs Arlowski fight on Affliction and Fedor has pure knockout power!!!!



    Thats nothing, the guy is a friggin machine:


    He gets slammed on neck and still wins unhurt: :scare:


    What top MMA fighters say of him



    Amazing ground techniques



    really want to get over to russia and train with red devil fight club, but those people are not human, few screws loose heard alot of horror stories :blush:

  5. Yeah I can't wait BM... Will be awesome :D


    I appreciate what your saying Jay, he hasnt had that many tough opponents but I still like him and I wouldnt fight him for a sausage roll...


    I think its good to have him in the UFC flying the flag for us :thumbs:


    True, keep an eye out for John Hathaway on the UFC scene, he's british and is abouts to explode, he has some amazing talent B)

  6. Hi guys am moving to my new abode and looking at buying another tv for the spare room but has to be 46" as its the only one that I can fit in the area provided.


    Looking at Plasma LCD and LED and seems like LED might be the way forward.




    Cant decide between the Samsung 46" 7 Series or Samsung 46" 8 Series. Anyone know the difference between the two apart from price is picture quality different?


    Anyone know if LED is not as good as plasma or LCD? Never had LED before :blush:

  7. I can't wait to see this :yahoo:


    I also can't wait to see the UFC on the 14th November Manchester woooohoooo



    Yeah, you'll have a right treat.

    Randy Couture is on that card, aswell as Bisping and Hardy


    Bisping was a publicity stunt for the UFC to get UK interest, he is good but is just a UFC poster boy for UK market. His skill does not come even close to most of the talent UFC are holding.


    But until UFC sign Fedor (which is highly unlikely), they will never be able to say they have the best HW fighter in MMA or best overall MMA fighter in the world and in history :blush:

  8. yep the original z I first bought had crappy ones already fitted, its when you shut the door and the alignment offlines (where the crappy gaspump is too weak to hold the heavy doors in place) and you hear a massive clunk :blink::blink::blink: you think.. why didnt i upgrade and spend the extra and buy lsd ones :blush:


    If you are gonna do this mod, pay the best price, I ended up spending a bit fixing damages done to my car cos of cheap ones :dry:

  9. Probably not. Tbh it's not like there's only a very subtle difference between the two cars: A quick look under the bonnet would have told you what engine it had, or even (although this isn't infallible) a glance at the bonnet itself! Actually, scratch both of those, looking at the rev counter should've told you depending on if it went to 7K or 7.5K rpms. You knew enough about the different revisions to want the 313 model, yet didn't think to check that it was one before you paid your money? Sorry bud, but I can't be the only one here thinking that this is a problem entirely of your making, and unless it was mis-sold as a 313bhp model (which I bet it wasn't if it came via a Nissan dealer, as they tend not to put things like that on their adverts) then I'd just suck it up and put it down to a mistake you're not likely to make again.

    +1 you should have done your homework bud :thumbdown:

    +2 ditto the aboves

  10. The whole programme was a chance for the other political parties to attack the BNP & hopefully win the voters support. It never addressed the real problems because everything was aimed at setting up Nick Griffin to take a kicking. The PR guys from the Labour party must be cringing after Jack Straw's bumbling display, he couldn't put together an answer without stumbling over his words :lol: I'm not really sure it did much damage to the BNP, only time will tell.

    By the way, if the BNP used their "indigenous" people theory, would that mean the Royal family would have to pack their bags? :lol::lol:



  11. Ekona I couldnt agree more, alot of people on the panel who loved the sound of their own voice didnt give Nick the chance to speak. Not that Im advocating anything positive Nick would have to say, but it did seem like it was a perfect time for each party to hide their own weaknesses by jumping on the bandwagon and focusing on Nick's crazed ethics rather than dealing with the real issues that are problematic to Britain, one which Jack Straws party has landed us in. :dry:


    For Jack Straw to say that the reason for BNP's recent increase in popularity is nothing to do with the huge in-serge and unaccountable increase of immigration, then it just goes to show how deluded labour really is. Anything to not accept responsibility for their own errors.


    The only one who I thought spoke any sense was the lady on the panel representing the conservatives. Everyone else the panel were just as ignorant as the next.


    And some of the questions asked from the audience, some were valid.. some were just plain stupid. :wacko:

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