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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. I use to have a blended VS, all i can say is huge headaches, cracks galore on any slight bump. And when you have a headlight problem like i did, you wanna cry when they have to cut the front out then remould it back on :doh:




    this was before I knew what right offset of wheels meant. When I did it a second time I think I learnt from my mistakes and nailed it :thumbs:



  2. can a spoiler really make that much difference that propelled button to win, or was it his superior driving skills? Sorry not to clued up on F1, but would a spoiler really give one car more of an advantage over another or are we talking mere milli seconds?

  3. Hi guys wonder if any audiophiles can help me out as I dont understand some of the jargon and am confused to bits.


    Im looking to get a surround sound system 5.1 for my tele and ps3. I want the surround sound to work for when I watch tv and sky and also when I want to play games or watch blueray on ps3, but all the systems I seem to find tend to come complete with dvd player :wacko:


    Can someone advise me with a decent kit that will allow me to listen to all three (tv, sky and ps3) without having to switch cables, just one that switches by remote and looks good, like freestanding ones. Looks of speakers is really important lol. Want one for around £700 mark. Tv is the Samsung Led 8000 one. Any help be appreciated as I aint got a scooby :blush: also let me know what leads I would need to get, not taken tv out box yet as still prepping room so need to know how to connect everything together. HDMi cable is needed but not sure what it is and know that there are different types. Also optical thingy?? :wacko:

  4. really? not seen in the flesh will have a look at it this weekend, wont be able to buy this year but next year definitely gonna change. Its getting a bit annoying trying to park the damn thing without fear of someone keying it. Plus at first it didnt bother me but now it does, think im a little to big for it, ive banged my head so many times of the roof part getting out Im beginning to look like a right tw$t :blush: And the after care service is as good as Chesterfield Jaguar place, in other words really shite :dry:

  5. Lol. Always good to hear from you jay. Cheers for the offer of a night out while I was down your way but unfortunatly we had very little time and was stuck out somewere in royal Berkshire. Maybe next time mate :thumbs:


    definitely mate, and no not been on a night out just thought Id type that lol, no vix not loved up, I just joined the singles club now. :blush: Not sure what to do with myself now am bit lost :lol::blush:


    Buy a Zed to cheer yourself up and get track driving lessons in it! Job done!


    :lol: can always count on you, am actually in two minds about getting rid of the Aston and getting something more understated like the panamera, fit more in and looks nice with the right wheels B)

  6. Lol. Always good to hear from you jay. Cheers for the offer of a night out while I was down your way but unfortunatly we had very little time and was stuck out somewere in royal Berkshire. Maybe next time mate :thumbs:


    definitely mate, and no not been on a night out just thought Id type that lol, no vix not loved up, I just joined the singles club now. :blush: Not sure what to do with myself now am bit lost :lol::blush:

  7. As the title says, if anyone has any fantastic photo-chopping skills could you maybe do me a favour if your bored...




    Looking for this with a big gay wing in CF/Black and the blue changed to sunset orange :D...


    Thanks in Advance


    Craig :D


    go spoilerless :thumbs:



  8. Was just thinking the other day, i have never been on a forum where I have met and made friends with quite a few people, where nearly everyone gets along and has made ownership of a car so much more enjoyable. This site has been so informative, funny and emotional lol, and we are like one big family, just like to say thanks for the experience, I dont post much anymore but when i did it was so addictive, but after much counseling i was able to tear myself away from this site :lol: Want to thank Nixy, Sl114 and Chesterfield for advice and support and everyone else who have been there for me, in ways of backing me up or taking the **** out of me :lol::blush: So to end off Id like to say erm.... you complete me and that you had me at hello.... (no wait a minute thats not right, well you know what i mean...keep up the great atmosphere and excellent site) :thumbs:

  9. The anniversary models are known as the 350z GT4 and were produced in late 2005. They were limited to only 176 being produced of which I believe 100 were in the Kuro (black) finish and 76 in the yellow finish, (This may not be correct but this is the split I have come to believe).


    The differences with this model over the usual 2005 GT model is the upgraded alloy design previously mentioned and the fact that the brake horse power was increased to 296 bhp from the standard 276 bhp.


    Another method of distinguishing these models is the silver plague located between the driver and passenger seats on the back wall to the right of the sub woofer. This silver plate shows the individual build number of the particular vehicle and states its anniversary status.


    The GT4 model will also hold a higher market value and will generally demand a £2k higer price tag than a similarly aged 350z GT with similar mileage.


    Hope this helps!!!


    Judging by your avatar you've met Stormgirl! :lol:


    PMSL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: stormhorse strikes again :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

  10. Quote:


    " Alright, let's go handsome.... Not you fat Jesus... You pretty boy."


    "Im a merman, a mer... man!"


    "I love lamp, I love lamp..."


    "Troubled childhood? If you consider a 9 year old kid with a 35 year old girlfriend troubled. "


    "Here at Globo Gym we understand that ugliness and fatness are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it's only your fault if you don't hate yourself enough to do something about it."


    "For a second there, I thought you were a unicorn".



    "boy: Really, it's only a side thing for my true passion.

    girl: And what's that?

    boy: I work with retards.

    girl: Isn't that a little politically incorrect?

    boy: Yeah, maybe, but hell, no one's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with."




    and finally the easy one:...


    "granny shifting not double clutching like ya should"



    guess the films and you win......














    sod all :lol::lol::lol:

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