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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. I just purchased a new camera and have to shoot a music video for a friend who I'm pretty sure has a good chance of getting signed up, he is really good imo. So having never shot a music video before I went on youtube to get some ideas and came across by freak accident this gold dust. It is pure dynomite, I'm still in bits now lol... brace yourself must of been a lot of fun to shoot, editing is spot on:



    I'm off to pop my collar and see if it works :lol:B)


    Edit* Just bought tune from itunes, god I feel dirty ha ha ha ha ha

  2. someone help me here maybe its my dyslexia but something doesn't add up:


    "originally designed for a Maharajah for his private collection "


    so once the Maharajah saw the finished magic, did he spend the rest of the time in the bog spewing up potentially 750k he would of spent?


    How on earth do you get a 350z in the 750k mark unless you got rockets from nasa fuelled by the sudden invention of transferring cows methane into high power fuel?

  3. Anyone seen the film District 9, about Aliens in South Africa, got to say its one of the best movies I've seen in a long long time, originality and some of the special effects were amazing. Just wondering if any ones heard any news of a possible district 10 coming out, the ending was suburb and easily leads to a possible follow up




    anyone who hasnt seen it yet you gotta watch it this weekend, superb film, will have you feeling every emotion possible B)

  4. Been surprised by this too - albeit on a much lower priced item. It's basically ebay's policy to make sure you put in an as high initial value to your item as you can, so that they can collect the higher fee.


    But Zedrush, don't despair, you are way too early in your auction:


    - first, never respond to "can I buy it now" requests if an auction is ongoing - more often than not it's someone trying to avoid competition and you'll end up losing money. Nobody is really desperate to buy on ebay, there's always something else on sale


    - secondly for sure that the highest bid will go up significantly in the last 5 minutes of the auction, as 95% of ebay buyers put sniping bids only these days.


    - you already have a bid for 1.7k which means you'll get at least that much


    - ebay is still the best place to sell second hand cameras and get your money's worth


    cheers mate just annoying that i could have sold it now rather than wait 9 more days and have to put up with idiotic questions from people who have no interest in buying it just want advice on best setup for their own stuff. Ive had about 30 messages this morning on people saying check out my vid i did on that cam or what do you think of this :wacko: dont mind on a forum but dont do it on ebay :wacko:

  5. I've had this a happen on eBay a few times.


    Did you have a Reserve price on the camera?


    I think it works like this:


    If you have a reserve price set for the item, then the Buy It Now will remain until the bids exceed the reserve ... after that it will not show.


    If however you have no reserve price set for the item, then the Buy It Now will disappear as soon as the first bid is placed.


    It's definitely stupid logic on their part ... and they should atleast warn you of this before you list your item.


    I didnt have a reserve price, what a stupid thing to do makes no sense. I was charged only 5.50 to list item and the item its for collection only so hopefully they wont pay by paypal whih will incur more costs.

  6. I dont get it, I post my canon camera on ebay, buy it now price 2200 and starting price at 1600. Within a day I have 27 watching it and 4 bids pushing it to 1750 on a 10 day auction length. I get a message that someone is desperate to buy it now for the 2200 price I want for it but the buy it now price has gone, no longer there, so I call up ebay and they say because there has been four bids they take away the buy it now price as it shows people are willing to bid on it :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: whats the point in having a buy it now price if they are going to omit it when people bid on it :headhurt::headhurt::headhurt::headhurt: I dont get it :wacko: anyone else can explain this to me? :blush:

  7. do pigs have ribs? or cows for that matter :wacko:


    Oddly enough all mammals have exactly the same bones (we even have the tail, it's just hidden up your backside ;) )


    Not sure I quite follow you bud, what you trying to say? :blush:


    Didn't mean up your backside, should have said "one's backside". The bones that would make up the tail (if we had a visble one) now make up your coccyx (three to five bones fused together) - that bit that really hurts if you sit down too hard on a wooden bench ;)


    :lol: I cant believe I have a tail, thats fantastic news, always thought I was different :yahoo:

  8. Cows create a lot of methane, methane is the biggest input of our pollution, pollution is causing problems for the onzone layer and is one of the reasons why our road tax goes up and Gordan Brown gets fat, so it got me thinking, if we kill all the cows we can save the world, and maybe road tax might decrease !!!!


    So whos with me?


    Im off the Maccy D's to order a ton of cheeseburgers :teeth:

  9. Hi guys sorry not finished this training video yet as promised few of you, few things have happened that have set me back a bit, nothing too major, will finish this video in Feb.


    Any how in the mean time I found this clip which is similar kind of training I do, I will go into more detail and show more variety of training that can be done at home with minimal equipment, great for strength and conditioning, these guys are good. Music is a bit cheesy and cheesy film quotes used but the core of their training is great, a lot of plyometrics core strength and conditioning.



  10. apology accepted.


    i'm not massivly offended, or trying to pull the wholier than thou ticket, i've just felt picked on a bit recently and sometimes for no reason, like i'm seen as an easy target. If i was down the pub i'd probably just thump you or make a comment about sleeping with your mum. but for some reason on a forum i don't always find it easy to express myself clearly or come across eactly the same as i do in real life (i think its because i have to type it and i struggle and over think what i'm writing sometimes).


    i worked building sites and am used to banter but for me wives were always a no go area. (mums for some reason were always fair game :wacko: )



    i've posted comments about people but this wasn't even an active topic, it died weeks ago, it felt like a diliberate personal attack, if their is a problem it might be worth us both discussing this by PM.


    as for my assumptions on your posting, it was more to do with the range of threads you'd posted recently and nothing to do with what had been discussed in private.


    no point in lingering on this might as well just move on from this.


    mark we'll have to go for a drink sometime :)


    WHOA !!!!!! You have a wife?!?!?!?!? :scare::scare::scare::scare::scare::scare: I really thought you were gay :blush: sorry mate, had i of known I wouldnt have tried flirting with you my bad :oops:

  11. I don't think Mark's posted anything that has gone further than anyone else has posted in the past. I mean, look at how much gay stuff Louis has had to put up with for like YEARS - but it just goes over his head he doesn't care. The point here is whether it offends an individual or not and if it does then that is what the report button is for. Chill out guys! :)


    +1 totally agree with you Nixy.


    With regards to Louis though, he is a fudge packer :lol::lol::lol:

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