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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Good point Maz on it being a necessary evil at the moment, but that's only because of the actions of the armed forces previously.


    I suppose if we were more defensiev then it wouldn't seem so bad, but we'd still be paying millions for it while people are starving, even in our own country. Plus we'd be paying loads of people to sit around waiting for someone to attack us.


    My theory was a light-hearted John Lennon job - if we all decided wars are bad there'd be no wars.

    Simplistic maybe, but strangley believable...



    Anyway, I'm not a hippee.


    I believe the below video makes the best point about the recent wars America (and therefore bum-sucking England) have been involved in, the 'go back to sleep America' being satirised in Family Guy:




    Brian Griffin for pm :yahoo:

  2. You get my vote so long as you prevent any future wars. How hard can it be?



    Make love, not war ;)


    Without war they'd be no call of duty....... :dry:


    PMSL :lol: but I totally get what MattMe is saying, and whilst on that topic was Afghan our war to be involved with in the first place, wasnt there proof that they had no weapons of Mass Destruction but bush and blair wanted a war anyway and killed the guy that they sent to investigate this in and returned back saying no or did I dream this? :blush:

  3. Oh and don't try and film or take pics inside the Sistine Chapel or you will face the wrath of the very camp looking Swiss Guards ... and they are not very discreet when they point at you and shout ( loud whisper but sounds like a shout when there is deathly silence all around ! ) .... trust me I know :blush:



    lol cheers for that mate, what is the rules regarding cameras and camcorders over there do i need a permit?


    No restrictions at all as far as I'm aware.


    Inside St Peter's ( Sistine Chapel and Vatican Museums ) are probably where the only flash restrictions are.


    As Nixy says just make sure that your missus isn't wandering about in a thong bikini or else she wont get into any of the churches , basilicas and St Peters :lol:

    We had heard before we went that they were even strict on open toe sandals but that wasn't the case.

    My girlfriend kept a light cardigan in her bag which she put on over her shoulders when we were going anywhere with restrictions.

    Also womens skirts should be below the knee ( I did see a couple of women being refused entry into St Peter's becuse they were wearing loose skirts which sat on / above their knees ).


    No chance of that bud am single :blush:

  4. Oh and don't try and film or take pics inside the Sistine Chapel or you will face the wrath of the very camp looking Swiss Guards ... and they are not very discreet when they point at you and shout ( loud whisper but sounds like a shout when there is deathly silence all around ! ) .... trust me I know :blush:



    lol cheers for that mate, what is the rules regarding cameras and camcorders over there do i need a permit?

  5. I went on a girls weekend to Rome a couple of years ago and it was amazing. We stayed in a hotel with views of St Peters Basilica and we walked everywhere. You need to be fairly respectful about cameras with flash etc in some places and also no bare arms etc in religious places - my sister had an old man come and tell her to cover up in the Pantheon because she had a vest top on! It's worth going just to see the crazy parking and driving! :lol:


    The best bit for me was the collosseum - just standing in there imagining what happened on that very ground all those years ago. And the Vatican was amazing too and we had a superb tour guide for that. You'll love it! :thumbs:



    Yeh good point Ill be filming though rather than taking pics, so no flash.


    They should bring the collosseum back, all these extremists and hard core criminals should be forced to fight lions and tigers and each other :thumbs:

  6. This country is getting worse and worse, Ive had enough, if I were Pm here are some of the changes I would make:


    1.) Asbos, people who refuse to work, benifit frauds would be forced into the army serving front line in Afghan

    2.) Pedophiles will be chemically castrated.

    3.) Immigrants who come here will not have first choice over citizens who have been on waiting list longer for council house.

    4.) SIngle parent who have a child over the age of six will be told they have to go work or at least try looking for work otherwise benefits will not be given

    5.) Single parents with kids all under the age of 5 with 10 different fathers moaning about not having enough money yet still have time to go get drunk every weekend looking for their next provider will be forced to have the snip.

    6.) No Inheritance Tax

    7.) More money funded into hospitals that actually go to the improvement of the hospitals.

    8.) If you have been here less than 3 years and not in full time employment and not contributing to the economy you will be asked to leave.

    9.) Kids found with knives, guns, drugs will be forced to go in army.

    10.) Human rights will be done away with, especially for criminals.

    11.) Christmas will be allowed to be advertised as Christmas

    12.) Islamics who protest against this country yet benefit from this country will be thrown out.

    13.)Nurses would get paid more.

    14.) Dentists will offer free services under NHS scheme again for those who cant afford private.

    15.)Put an immediate halt on Immigration and review who should be here and who should not.

    16.)England will given it's own Parliament and St Georges Day will be made a Public Holiday.

    17.) Leave the E.U, money saved could fund the army for better military.

    18.) Economy would be put back under the control of the Bank of England

    19.) If you catch someone burgling your home you will have the rights to dispose of them by any means you desire.

    20.) Green Scheme joke. No more pushing inaccurate unscientific Politico-Science called Global Warming/Climate Change. Cars will not be liable to pay more because the have a high consumption of fuel.

    21.) No more congestion charge, do away with the people who fiddle about with traffic lights which cause the traffic jams in the first place.

    22.) No more speed cameras

    23.) £190 billion that would be spend from 2010-2020 on EU regulations would be spent on child poverty, and people will be expected to do more volunteer work.


    Just some of the things I would change that is p!ssing me off about this sodding country :dry:

  7. We were in Rome last year on hotel and stayed in a nice hotel 2 mins walk from the main Train / Bus / Underground Station.

    Vatican was about 10 mins on the underground. We were 17 Euros each for unlimited bus and underground pass for the week. All the major sightseeing attractions are within a couple of minutes of an underground station so was definitely the way to do it. I'll dig out the Hotel details and post them up :thumbs:


    cheers mate


    I was looking at this one and it looks like it was right in the city


    http://www.grandhoteldelaminerve.com/ce ... n-rome.htm

  8. nice drifting but I have to agree with the rest doing it when traffic is coming is pretty stupid, had he off lost control which is very likely considering drifting is just that ( I watched fast and furious 2: If You Ain't Outta Control, You Ain't In Control) :blush: he could of hit someone else. Drifting is fine in a controlled environment but when the danger of other peoples well being are decided by you, then that's not cool at all and pretty selfish. Just my 2 pence :blush:

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