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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Was with my dad driving back from teaching last night, pulling into my dad's drive indicated then before he knew it had to apply the brakes a car out of nowhere came on to the pavement trying to serve around us but instead collided on my side and then carried on a little bit before coming to a stop. Dad and I looking at each other thinking WTF then as we are abouts to get out 3 guys get out with their chest pumped up walking towards us with attitudes, dad and I get out and all of a sudden their chests suddenly get deflated and they go are you okay mate we are so so so so sorry :wacko: Dad and I look at each other thinking whats going on thought we were going to have an argument on our hands...


    Police then drive by and two girls then get out of the car, the three guys say to the police its her fault officer she was speeding round the corner and we saw them indicate and pulling into their drive but she was going so fast she couldnt stop... :headhurt::headhurt::headhurt: She admits liability, Police smirk and take down her info and give us reference number and copy of her details.


    Police leave and the guys keep repeating again and again we are so so so sorry....


    Dad and I asked them if they are okay they said they are okay and again apologised repeatedly :wacko:


    They leave and I go inside with dad to have something to eat, I sit down at the table and dad takes off his black belt and says to mum Im going upstairs to get change, I take of my belt and then it dawns on me, two black belts getting out of the car as 3 guys approached us no wonder why their chests deflated :lol::lol::lol::lol:


    Now thinking everyone should wear a karate suit and black belt when driving, incase of accidents clears up incidences alot quicker PMSL :lol: think you can get em from any local fancy dress shop :lol: thanks god for that I might of got my ass kicked :lol:

  2. lighting is looking very good, often the hardest part of filming trying to get the exposure right without hotspots, :thumbs:


    Thanks mate, yeh so true, outside intro was a bloody nightmare to edit cos of hotspots, still trying to get aperture and iso just right but still learning, need nd filter so bloody bright.



    Fake india you crack me up you nutter :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  3. Nice work buddy, looks very professional :snack:


    I know it's not quite the same thing but I did and A-level in media studies back in the school days and I absolutely loved doing the filming and editing.


    Oh and yeah, she's HOT!!! :cloud9:


    it probably is mate you will have a better understanding than me where the camera should be at what angle and how to transition between scenes, you should take it up again :thumbs:

  4. The vid looks very professional, but both of those guys look way too much like douchebags to pound her IMO. Also the song blows.


    :lol::lol: OMFG!



    So Jay.........your man... I'm guessing he's 'missing' his ex yeah? ;)


    Nice work BTW :thumbs:


    :lol::lol: not sure if anyone made any comparisons or even cares lol, but the fiance in the music video, Adam his brother is this guy: http://www.theatermania.com/london/news ... 11276.html


    won tv show grease is the word,


    But Adam is a great guy he is going to be in a movie im making called Michael, he is a world class thai boxer very good B)

  5. Really impressed Jay!!! Can't chose which of the guys I prefer in the video though........ :lol:


    like the track too - although what happened to my favourite one? (the pants one........)


    ha ha thats the next tune lol. Kad is ugly bugger you want Adam, :lol: the fiancee, B)

  6. This is something I am defo looking to get into. Trying to learn Sony Vegas though ... my god that programme is like a blackhole of what you can do!


    Seriously I tried sony vegas and found fcp alot easier, if I can help you on understanding the editing side drop me a pm, I know what its like when you first approach editing film, so many variables its untrue. :surrender:


    thanks SwanageDave but think my niche has and always will be annoying you lot and posting random threads :lol::blush:

  7. Excellent video bud, what equipment are you using camera wise, and what are you using computer and software wise for the editing?


    I use Vimeo for all my uploads, but they are just about all pool matches I record. Dabbled in HD for a little bit but an absolute nightmare editing and rendering before uploading....



    Hi Mate tell me about it, HD can be complete headache, but final cutpro 6 has resolved alot of issues and FCP7 is meant to be even better.


    I used a canon 7d (its a photography camera but dont let that fool you its got amazing video capabilities)


    Canon 17-55mm F2.8

    Canon 85mm F1.8

    Sigma 30mm F1.4


    Edited in Final Cut Pro 6 HD (very good for HD converts codec to proress 4:2:2 which makes rendering times alot quicker)

    Computer Mac Pro 2x3ghz quad core intel xeon, 16GB ram, 4 x 1tb harddrives


    whats your link on vimeo bud :thumbs:

  8. Just waiting on it loading, first impressions are good though. There's a feeling I always get with video's and its difficult to describe what I mean, but when you see something filmed with a home video camera, or even a good quality camera, you can tell that its not professional, because the picture has a sense of ambience, I usually see it on low production films, B movie's etc. I can't tell if its the camera used, or if the production of the video is just poor, like they run a glaze over it, that makes all the colours look good, the sound nice and the picture look smooth and professional.


    I think you've managed to get that professional look with this video, looks well produced mate.


    I know what you mean mate, I joined a forum of indie film makers and they spend ages trying to get as far away as possible from what they call video look (as if we filmed it on our phones) to film look.


    There are a few things I picked up that can help contribute to get a film look instead of the look that we see recorded on our phones.


    One thing is what they call filming in 25p, which is 25 frames per second instead of 30 frames per second, this surprisingly makes a big difference on the eye, it makes movement more dramatic even the slightest ones.


    shallow depth of field, which is when you keep the person in focus and everything behind him blurred out.


    Colour, pushing up the contrast so the colours dont simply blend into each other but instead they stand out a bit.


    Thats all I know at the mo but as mush as I love trying to achieve the film look I no its not the be all and end all when it comes to films... as the indie filmmakers all agree content is King. So many movies that dont have that hollywood look or expensive cgi footage but still win oscars because of the content of the film, the look of the film is just a bonus. Take the Wrestler for example B)

  9. trust you stew :lol:



    for some reason video shows alot cleaner here




    To be honest she is pretty but in person she's pretty average, on camera she carries it off. Its wierd you can have average looking women who look amazing on camera and you can have amazing looking women who look average on camera. Not sure how that works. She did drive me insane, how do I look can you take a picture of me, let me have a look do I look great, have more light on me, I need more light....then 3 days later, texting, I need to have a look at how it looks, I need to make sure I look great, otherwise I dont want to be in it.... can you love yourself anymore lol????? :dry:

  10. Hi guys as some of you know I started up filming as a hobby. Had access to a camera for little over a year now and started as a raw beginner thinking all to filming is point and press record... how wrong I was. Little did I know about the plethora of learning and information needed to start this. In total over the year Ive filmed only about 6 times as work has been manic. But my new years resolution was and is to do more filming and really try and be creative with it.


    So heres another film well music video for a friend, filmed directed and edited by me, was enjoyable to filmed.


    Still learning all the aspects so go easy on me lol.


    As said anyone want me to do a little film of their car Id be more than happy to, any experience for me to shoot helps.





  11. A beautiful woman loved growing tomatoes, but couldn't seem to get her tomatoes to turn red.


    One day, while taking a stroll, she came upon a gentleman neighbour who had the most beautiful garden full of huge red tomatoes.

    The woman asked the gentlemen, 'What do you do to get your tomatoes so red?'


    The gentlemen responded, 'Well, twice a day I stand in front of my tomato garden naked in my trench coat and flash. My tomatoes turn red from blushing so much.'


    Well, the woman was so impressed; she decided to try doing the same thing to her tomato garden to see if it would work.

    So twice a day for two weeks she flashed her garden hoping for the best.


    One day the gentleman was passing by and asked the woman, 'By the way, how did you make out? Did your tomatoes turn red?'


    'No', she replied, 'but my cucumbers are enormous.



  12. Interesting thread. I'd love to know what happened to my my two Zeds - whether either is owned by a lurker on this site. I left the club stickers on both but no doubt they were removed before they were put back up for sale.


    I already knew what happened two my two zeds, my first one, the joker tried to sell for 55k and became the laughing stock of the forum, my second zed, guy had a little smash tried to sell saying light accident and then got flamed and again became a laughing stock of the forum :dry:

  13. Hey mate fantastic news, Ill be keeping an eye on this project one of my fav colour Z with stunning wheels getting a turbo kit :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


    Speak to Adam about the mapping, can't remember what its called, think unichip or something that can sort out the mapping on U.K car so it does not cause complications with the turbo. Also HKS pro might be needed to help monitor everything B)


    Not too clued up on that particular TT, I didn't know that the stock engine is good up to 500BHP thought 400 was pushing it :wacko: maybe I got it wrong but double check, I know there is a difference between american and british engines in the Z. Unless the newer 350z have improved pistons.

  14. Nice one mate, B) I probably wouldnt get close to that even with the new car Im waiting for :blush:



    What car you getting bud.............. If it's a zed then it probably will as my times are fairly standard for the zed............... :thumbs:


    Its a 911turbo, but Im such a terrible driver Id be lucky to make it in the 20's mate :blush::surrender::lol:


    did you get an adrenaline rush at the starting line? would love to go watch one of these especially if you have a car next to you bet the experience is insane B)

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