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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. Like said some citrus stuff in the borders is good.


    Unless he is this cat - he laughs in the face of limes :lol:







    apparently Lion wee or dung is good at keeping cats out. they think its a bigger cats territory and stay away.


    or this cat who has an identity crisis lol



  2. im sure in the last one you were first to mention johnny liked the sausage about 4th comment or something... i think you like it secretly


    I hate it !!! Its disgusting :yuck:


    I knew you liked man sausage :lol: :lol: sorry could resist :blush:;)


    I don't think you could resist :wacko::lol:


    Im back in one piece from Costa Del Sol by the way B)


    :lol:;) glad youre safe

  3. I'm gay because of Facebook !!!


    I've got a missus, a wee baby & I love cars, boxing, UFC and Football !!


    Yet everytime I post a thread it usually ends up with comments about man sausage !!


    I've got my Missus, siblings, cousins, aunties and inlaws alls added, plus one Gay guy 'Markie' and one confused guy.


    I don't get it !!! :surrender:


    I knew you liked man sausage :lol::lol: sorry could resist :blush:;)

  4. isn't there a society for the widows of soldiers


    not sure what its called but you might find that they maybe put you intouch with some people :shrug:


    Thanks mate been googleing, doesnt have to be about someone who lost someone in the war just general feelings I can find, I know its a taboo subject and people will probably think im an idiot for asking, but if you dont ask you dont know :blush:

  5. Hi guys, Im shooting a film hopefully August for film festival, its a full on like 1hour and 20min film, but before I do this because of my lack of experience Im going to do a few shorts to keep me on my toes and in practice and maybe enter them in as well. An idea I had today was to do a quick short of a girl moving on 2 years after losing her fiancee in the Afghan war, and the emotional, psychological and physical state she would of had to gone through to come to the decision and meet someone else. I've never experienced anything of what its like to lose someone who's love for the person is on that kind of level, (rather than the love you have for a family member) and just really need to do some research into it. If anyone can point me in the right direction id really be thankful, I know its a sort of taboo subject and really hope none of you mind me asking, i'm not looking to exploit anyone just to understand it better if anyone can chime in. Im guessing its far from the feelings you have when someone you love ends it with you for no reason, or are there on some level similarities?

  6. I trained for many years in Thai Boxing, then Karate for many more. I then did three of four years at Lau Gar, a medium range Kung Fu system, which I loved because it seemed to up the complexity somewhat. I had a gap for a good number of years where I didn't train (University), but now I study Wing Chun, which is a short range kung Fu system which is a very aggressive style focusing on strikes, traps, kicks and take downs - very well suited to self defence, especially against multiple attackers. I would highly recommend looking into it, it's not what most people think it is. Even my mrs trains with us and she's very capable at taking me down :lol:. It doesn't matter how big and strong you are, good technique wins.


    Lau Gar !!!!! :scare::scare::scare: use to hear stories of the Lau Gar team from the 70's use to own nearly every tournament going they went to, a formidable force, especially at the early days of clash of the titans B)

  7. it's all about BJJ - Brazilian ju jitsu - if you want defence and a great way to stay in shape. some of the training is brutal in terms of how far they push you so your get fit very quick, and learning how to perform submissions is great fun once you start to pick it up.


    :headhurt::headhurt::headhurt: Until you get into a fight with more than one guy, whilst you try and choke the guy out the other guy will be booting you in the head :lol::lol::blackeye::blackeye:


    good write up evest :thumbs:


    Maz0 Ramon Dekker the turbine from hell is my fav too, the dutch are the best at Thai in my opinion, why people go to Thailand to learn Thai boxing baffles me, Holland own it at the mo B)

  8. I didnt realise the "what does Zedrush look like " issue was such a secret, I will post some pics up from Phils. :)


    lol Phil doesnt have any pics of me, sorry dude, only of limiter and our friend tree B) I make shrek look good :lol:;)


    whilst on the note of facebook fail I love this:




  9. I wonder how long before we start getting 3D Hollographic Projected Films into thin air................................. :wacko:


    or when you can smell the actors just by watching the screen that will be the next thing. Like playing a game like Gran Tourismo and you can smell the rubber burning as you take the sharp corners :lol: Or rockys armpits when he's boxing :yuck:

  10. Maybe its just me but I went and watched Clash of the Titans in 3D, first time I watched anything in 3d at the cinema, and after the lady had given me some crummy glasses I put them on and half way through started to get a really bad headache, as I took them off I could kind of see the image on the screen some shots were a bit blurry.


    Maybe it was the movie I chose but nothing really stood out for me, think I would enjoy watching the movie without the 3d effect. Sometimes some of the characters looked like they were an inch off the screen but thats about it. Id rather avoid 3d promoted movies and watch regular on screen movies without headache and silly glasses. Anyone else think the same or am I the only one? I really cant see the point of 3d. Now they are bringing out 3d tv's with glasses, are these really going to take off?


    Hope 3D doesn't become the industry standard in movies, as that would suck for me, perhaps its just a faze and will hopefully pass by...


    Film was a flop for me too even without the 3D glasses, weak storyline

  11. What discipline do you guys do? I thought karate was kinda dying out these days, with the fame of UFC style shows promoting thai/bjj as the only worth while martial arts to be master of universe!


    Lol UFC actually promotes all martial arts bud, mma is just that mixed martial arts you have to learn it all, BJJ use to dominate in the early days until stand up fighters started perfecting what they call a sprawl which defends against take downs now there is no one art that dominates they all have strengths and weaknesses, Machida for example is background is in Shotokan karate and bjj, he is a very awkward fighter cos of his style and is or was the light heavywieght UFC champion. GSP learns karate, bjj, greco roman, thai boxing and boxing and judo, Fedor leans judo, boxing, thai boxing, sombo, judo and variety of others. If anything UFC promotes all martial arts. Anyone who goes in there without a background in at least one particular art and tries to learn it all together normally dont do well, they become jack of all trades master of none. They all specialise in one art and then adapt other arts to it.


    Me, I'm a black belt in Pringles, once I pop I just cant stop :lol::lol::lol:

  12. Sometimes don't have time to get changed out of my thai shorts, but unfortunately they don't have same effect. If I got out the car they would have probably laughed at my shiny frilly shorts with huge waist band.


    Good story though, no doubt if things kicked off, the police would have driven past and seen 2 black belts picking on 3 guys for bumping their car, and you would be in jail!


    PMSL I own a pair of pink and silver muay thai shorts pretty sure wouldn't have same effect :lol:


    Yeh unfortunately had that of happened we would of been penalised more as think it comes down to how we control the situation. sucks

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