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Posts posted by Zedrush

  1. 3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.#


    That sounds like a VRT system...







    I would hate it too (in fact I would be furious), but it would a fair system. Don't know how you would classify cars, but something along the lines of insurance group + emissions/engine size + price could do.


    I hate the whole "he will cut this, he will cut that" talk and people being unhappy about higher taxes, etc. Would you prefer a little more tax or doing a Greece (or possibly quite a lot worse than Greece) in a year or two?


    chuck out all the illegals, get rid of of human rights, ban women from having kids if they or their partners cant depend 80% on themselves to finance the new family members, throw asbo's and those unwilling to work in the army frontline unpaid, they just get food and a tent, inspect properly benefit thieves, and force all pedophiles into human suicide bombs aimed at terrorist headquarters, you could fire them from planes as a human canon, save on expensive bombs just shoe lace grenades on em. That would free up some money for starters.

  2. 3. Transform VAT to make it price and item-dependent. Item-dependency should be limited. ie. cheap goods should have no to very little VAT. Expensive and luxury items should have high VAT (eg. cars, yachts, whatever else). Replace the current taxes on property with a sliding scale VAT tax where cheaper houses have very little tax and more expensive ones have higher amounts. Have lots of gradients with small increases to prevent the current way of agreeing a price £1 below the threshold.#


    That sounds like a VRT system...






  3. ha ha or the otherside




    The line at the bottom cracks me up



    PMSL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


    They are all as bad as each other, Im voting conservative but only cos they seem the best option for me out of a bad lot, will it improve the country who knows, Labour has stuck us in a position which truly has f^£ked this country up, is it all Labours fault, no but they didnt help, what I will pin on them is this bloody human rights law that Tony Blair introduced in 1998 thanks to his troll of a wife. They cut the loopholes on tax evasion and increased the loopholes on terrorism and criminal law. They spend so much time making sure your regular joe blogs gets penalised for silly errors just to fine people with money and less time on the rapists and and Jihad activists abusing our system and getting paid compensation at the same time. You are better off being an illegal than a citizen, my mum always said dont bite the hand that feeds you, well thats what Labour has done time and time again and Im getting fed up with it all. Make pregnant unemployed teenagers take the snip, kick out any immigrant who have been here less than a year and has already committed crimes in the U.K, throw people who dont want to work in the army and start getting britain back on their feet.


    Its funny how Australia use to be the place they sent our top criminals to keep Britain safe, now Australia has become over the many years for many more of a safe haven to keep us safe from our messed up government, go figure :wacko:

  4. Lookinga at all the great measures brought in by Labour, and the even more due to come, I often wonder if the government actually want any small businesses in the UK at all. Manufacturing is even worse.


    National insurance rises for employers, compulsory pension schemes at 3% of wage bill by 2014, increases in corporation tax, reduction of allowances on equipment, pensions contributions, cars now taking a decade plus to write off the depreciation.


    Manufacturing cant even write off the whole cost of new equipment, yet if its a PC or other IT equipment you can!


    Its bloody ridiculous now, and with the revenue the country now needs to raise, any successive government will be looking to get it from the "rich business types" - I see no positive outcome. We have already shelved plans for expansion and reversed decisions to look for more employees. We have had one retire and have not replaced them either.


    The taxes on small businesses are already costing jobs. Hiting businesses with daft items like compulsory pension contributions and national insurance hikes, and removing their tax breaks is just going to cost more.


    Its all because the government (whichever one is in power) has not got the balls to totally reform the welfare system. We have had the situation for far too long now, where people can be better of on benefits than working. Whilst ever that is allowed to exist, then we will be forever fighting the benefits culture and an immigration nightmare. Immigration is only such a hot topic becasue of the high numbers. Those high numbers only exist because of our ridiculously generous welfare system. Fix that and the immigration problem will mostly resolve itself.


    Dont even get me started on the "local income tax" by the Lib Dems being spouted as a "fair tax". Im just waiting for a door knocker to come and talk to me about that and Ill rip him/her a new one.


    Am with you mate, we are already looking at moving our HQ to a different country as I can't see it getting any easier, then having outlets here. country is on its knees and we end up getting shafted because of it :dry:

  5. Gordon Browns opening speech last night


    "If its all about style and PR then count me out... if its about the big decisions then Im your man..."


    Today was the launch of his new PR posters:


    "Don't forget to vote Labour, Mum" and "vote Labour, Gran" in childrens style crayon handwriting, hmm one of the most cheesiest PR stunt if ever I saw one... still waiting for them to launch their other poster to this collection:




    :lol::lol::lol: sorry couldnt resist

  6. Drove a F430, Murcielago and Turbo one after the other on track. The turbo was the better car.


    Doesn't have the looks and attention the others get but its spot on driving perfection.


    Lovely colour of your's too. :)


    Can I ask why you went for the turbo and not a GT3?


    Cos mines a hand me downs from my mum lol :lol::blush: She wanted me to stop spending so much on cars and get on with some investments so instead of the new 911 I got hers, I prefer my wheels though.


    GT3 is stunning before I had the Aston was thinking of it, but so uncomfortable for me, im not the smallest of guys

  7. Well as promised, I drove past mums house on way to work and quickly snapped some pics, looking back Im wondering if I did make the right decision lol, but Im pretty sure I did I love the colour of mine and ill probably end up changing mine end of the year lol, but I will get some pics of them together and also do a video of them both before or if I sell this year. Anyway heres some pics.








    only pic of mine thats old but good for colour ref lol



  8. Hi Jay, glad to hear your doing well, stealth tax is a b1tch, and as other have said what is next ???







    :lol: waiting for that, well i have taken mums car so you know what that looks like, ill get pics of her new one and post em up tomo :thumbs:

  9. wont ask them, they have done me alot of favours already, including paying majority of deposit so I didnt get hit too bad when vat went back up to 17.5 % amongst few other things. Just a joke that the Government will have any excuse to add stealth tax any way they can just to squeeze more out of us

  10. WOW !!!!! fair play to you mate, you back with any different world views? B)


    Defiantly mate! Its such an amazing place and its insane on how quickly its being cut down! Dont quote me on this but I'm sure its something like the size of wales is being cut down every second. How scary is that! The experience also made me want to learn Spanish! :lol: The Peruvians are incredible!


    Bloody ell :scare::scare::scare: Whats being done to stop this?


    Apparently, there was a certain amount of the rain forest that was allowed/agreed to be cut down (i think it was something ridiculous like 60%...may even be more?) so we will never lose all of the rain forest but even that amount would be devastating to the planet so we are trying to raise awareness and Sky have a "Sky rain forest Rescue" program on the go where you can adopt a jaguar, donate money etc. Theres a facebook group.


    I know it sounds like it but im not working for Sky! :lol:


    can you pm me link bud im up for donating :thumbs:

  11. WOW !!!!! fair play to you mate, you back with any different world views? B)


    Defiantly mate! Its such an amazing place and its insane on how quickly its being cut down! Dont quote me on this but I'm sure its something like the size of wales is being cut down every second. How scary is that! The experience also made me want to learn Spanish! :lol: The Peruvians are incredible!


    Bloody ell :scare::scare::scare: Whats being done to stop this?

  12. okay, ive been playing this damn game for about 30mins now, its addictive, told everyone in office if anyone calls Im in a meeting lol, but I cant get very far at all, furthest is 7014, I got the bomb on my stomach and jet pack, how do I get a load of money to get the big rocket tanks? Do I just keeping playing it over and over till my distances build up? Ill be here till next year saving :surrender:

  13. But surely they gave you a price breakdown when you ordered it? Granted, when ordering a high-price car I guess you're a bit less sensitive to the cost options (especially with Porsche), but you surely wouldn't just order a car and leave a deposit without actually checking what you pay for?


    Dunno, might just be me.


    No mate just gave deposit my family and I know the dealer really well, I go to the same gym as one of the managers there, they know us really well as we use them alot, so told price with extras came to 117k, only got break down sheet today on delivery of car and it said road tax 950, thought was error as normally its around 430ish, just a shock that so much was charged for road tax. Im sure many dont mind paying for accessories for their cars but when you have to pay for extra tax it would peeve anyone off no matter the cost you spent on the car itself, its the principle of the matter, or am I the only one that thinks this? :blush:

  14. Surely you must've noticed the tax on the final cost sheet before you ordered the car? Tbh on a £100K car I'd haggle that cost away elsewhere, maybe a discounted 1st service or something.


    Only got the cost sheet today mate, put deposit down before xmas

  15. true quibbling over 500 quid in comparison to the cost of the car might seem pointless, but its principle, it feels like im funding terrorism, except instead its the bloody government :blush: Im sure you guys can understand that no matter how much you spend, if it went to charity then fine, but as Ive been getting raped by tax hikes in every other area, this was taking the **** a bit

  16. What car did you order jay? At 950 quid road tax........... i would expect it to fligh :blush:


    Hi mate its 911 Turbo PDK with all the extras in metallic black, red brake callipers red seatbelts and sin as part of the numberplate, looks nice, but I fell too much for mums car as its Gemballa tuned :blush:B) not that that improves my driving I still drive shite lol :blush::surrender:

  17. Hi guys, as some of you knew, i ordered my new car last year and borrowed my mums car in the mean time. Well during the period of waiting for it I fell in love with my mums car and she made me an offer to have her car and give her the new car, :lol: (she is ever the great dell boy lol) convincing me the money Id save doing so was too good to let up as the only difference between her car and new car was the PDK option and the colour. Well I thought for a while and wanted to change from having black cars and seemed pointless spending the extra when i could invest that into better things... so to cut a long story short I now own my mums old car, going to style it of course and she got my new car.



    So today she finally received it, and I know I made the right decision, she then showed me the invoice and on it said road tax £950 :scare::scare::scare::scare: I was gobsmacked called up the centre to find out if it was a mistake and they told me from April 1st they imposed a tax hike on all new car purchased, next year it goes back down to£435 WTF !!!!!!!!! when was this announced???? I hate this f^&King w@^k sstain of a government @$$holes :rant::rant::rant:

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