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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. The 40 and 45 doesn't refer to mm; it is the % of the width (40% of 225 = 90mm, 45% of 225 = 101.25 mm, so a difference of 11.25 mm).
  2. You have to be "5 posts" old, so only one more to go (It's just to stop spammers, nothing personal)
  3. Too right along there - concentrating on the speed, what with the Gatsos, mobiles and unmarked money makers that frequent the A217 between Banstead and Reigate Or just too old to see properly
  4. Really appreciate that Chris Let me know how/when you want payment.
  5. We seem to have two 350z-uk leagues this year The one from last year has automatically restarted, and now we have a new one with the code mentioned by Mart. Does this mean someone is going to do the double?
  6. And so they should as it's exactly the same service
  7. I'm in again this year (see if I can improve on last year's second place) "Peter Onthewingey" (which is going to look a stupid name if we sell him to anyone in the next few weeks )
  8. ... and remember that a P3 is no different to a P2, so why waste your money? Just get a P2 done instead.
  9. Looks the right size for a rear strut cover to me?
  10. Sometimes jump starting a car can blow a small electrical component with the voltage spike. Friend of mine jump started her MX5 and it blew the immobiliser unit (car wouldn't start at all - eventually needed a new unit at £130). The guy who sorted it said you shouldn't really jump start modern cars as it can cause voltage spikes up to 14V which is enough to fry the smaller components. He also said that if you do have to jump start a car, make sure all the lights, radio etc are on on both cars as this helps reduce the voltage spike. Much better to use a trickle charger over a number of days to get charge back in the battery. I now keep a spare battery charged in the garage that I can use if either of my cars goes flat.
  11. It needs doing more or less now really, but I'm not planning on driving much until ZedFest in 2.5 weeks time (but I want it done by then).
  12. Tarmac, any chance we can get this off the ground now we have at least 5 definites (I have to change my oil and might as well replace the undertray at the same time ) Any idea on timescale?
  13. 1. Roscopervis 2. Lincolnbaggie 3. SteveW 4. Keyser (when you get 5) 5. Lexx 6. kite 350
  14. List started on Tarmac's behalf: 1. Roscopervis 2. Lincolnbaggie 3. 4. 5.
  15. Me too - my plastic one is held on by a couple of cable ties and the will of someone up in the clouds at the moment. Nice shiny aly one for me at £145
  16. Need: Nismo V1 bumper Nismo V1 skirts Nismo V1 spoiler Nismo LMGT4 alloys Kenwood DNX7200 stereo DBA 5000 series rotors KW Variant 3 suspension
  17. Chris, am I doing something wrong. I want to add modifications, and it allows me to choose manufacturer for, say, exhaust as NISMO, but then there is nothing in the product category and it won't submit without that (or let me add a product)?
  18. Off to Sheffield on Sunday night to see them Saw Airbourne in Brum last year, and they were awesome - loudest band I've seen in a long time. Their album work is pretty good (just a modern AC-DC basically).
  19. Give Zmanalex a PM - he knows all about the fluids etc (and stocks them as well).
  20. Personally I think a P1 and coolant change would be fine - you can show that the plugs, brake fluid, air filter etc were done last time, so I don't think any potential buyer would be put off. No point spending money on a P3 anyway, and a P2 will only replace your air filter in addition over and above a P1, and you did that last time.
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