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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. http://www.ecurie25quiz.co.uk/ I did particularly badly, but quite good fun......
  2. ..outside the Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest! Anyone on here Just to show off where I've been all weekend really
  3. Was initially going to say ..but having read the whole post all I can now say is You may end up preferring the ferrari............ You may be right. I did look at the 430 but it was 40k over my budget and the 360 looks dated now imo Drive it like you stole it, and then make them an offer for an abused 430..... should come in the same price as an accident damaged audi
  4. Was initially going to say ..but having read the whole post all I can now say is You may end up preferring the ferrari............
  5. Today, 1-ish. Good to meet you........
  6. Cheers Grant; have you tried varying them at all and, if so, what effects did you notice?
  7. Just about to have my KW Variant 3 suspension fitted, and I'd like some idea what the feeling is re the set-up. Those that have this on, what settings are you running for damping, rebound etc. I'm looking at fast road use only for now rather than out and out tracking. Any input welcome.
  8. Got to admit the SD1 Vitesse I had was a fantastic car to drive, and probably the biggest grin per pound I've ever had in a car. 3.9 V8 plus a decent cam and race heads gave pretty good performance, and the noise through the SS sports exhaust was to die for. Scared a few bikers with it... Pity the build quality was so poor they all rotted away. Would love another one, but the twin plenums in good nick now are going for silly money. Couple of pictures if you are interested...
  9. In no particular order (cos my memory is not what it was): Renault 18 Turbo (v quick for its day) Opel Manta (great fun) Metro 1.0 (bought for 50 quid and the floor pan was two road signs welded together...) Rover 216 GTi (awful car) Rover 2600 SD1 (seized camshaft when I bought it, but freed off and lasted for many more miles before going bang) Rover 3500 V8 Vitesse SD1 (heavily modified and around 300 bhp) Rover 827 V6 ("like being the mayor of somewhere sh*t") Jaguar V12 XJS (averaged 9 mpg around London...) 1975 Granada 3.0 stretch limo (just for a laff, and took it to Goodwood a couple of times; had an exhaust made out of scaffold poles...) Peugeot 406 V6 coupe (great car but doesn't like brick walls) Vauxhall Corsa 1.7 DTi (good workhorse and still going) Nissan 350Z.....
  10. Cheers for the v kind offer, but have full European hard drive SatNav already
  11. No, taking five days to get to Pisa, at least another 5 to get to Portugal and then another 5 at least to get back to Calais with some stop-over time in Portugal at a friends place. Should be around 15-17 days driving at about 200-250 miles a day
  12. No, Nissan Louth! P&B Nissan, Grimsby Road, Louth, Lincs.
  13. I'm off in two weeks time Calais - Trier - Mannheim - Rhein Valley - Lake Como - Pisa - Cannes - Carcassone - Algarve - Calais Millau Viaduct on October 1st Three weeks in the Z! Can't wait
  14. Plenty of people have got them from the States; Adam at Z1 performance is the man to see (z1sales@z1auto.com). Cheap and reliable service!
  15. Sorry I didn't make it (had a bit of a weird Saturday night that carried over till yesterday afternoon). Sounds like you all had a great time apart from the weather, pity I missed it. Maybe next time..........
  16. Tie them to a chair, set fire to them and then stab them for good measure; that ought to do it Sorry, had a bad day at this end too
  17. As I mentioned earlier I can't guarantee being there for food, so better leave me off that list. I'll try and get there for a drink and drive out but no idea what time (I'm tied up in the morning in Sheffield and have no idea how long it will take.........)
  18. The handbrake is a separate drum-type brake that acts on the inside of the bell on the rear disk, so worn rear pads will make no difference to the handbrake. Rears always wear less than the fronts cos of the bias in braking to the front; 30,000 miles for rear pads is certainly possible.
  19. Unlikely I'll be there for 11.30, but I will pop by as soon as I can for a drink and chat and drive out somewhere. I assume you're not booking a table or anything for food (if so, better leave me off the numbers for now)?
  20. What time and where (can't see the details finalised in the thread). May be able to make it for a quick half...... apart from the one that says 2 pm and the Cat and Fiddle. Doh!
  21. Filter number looks fine, but my washer was 11026-01M02 ?
  22. Personally I think it will look naff with that showing in the middle of the grill. There must be a way of fixing the number plate so that it sits over that plate rather than on the bumper above?
  23. Sounds good, but then the plate would be above the grill and you'd see the mounting bracket below it which would look c**p No, you'd take the mounting bracket off it It's the plastic bit that's part of the bumper that will still show. Arrowed in the attached picture. There is a metal bracket that screws over this for the JDM number plate, but obviously they are a different shape completely. Still looking for a better way
  24. Sounds good, but then the plate would be above the grill and you'd see the mounting bracket below it which would look c**p
  25. Had a search but couldn't find an answer. How have people fitted their number plate onto a Nismo V1 front spoiler? The original black plastic plate surround off the OEM bumper doesn't fit the new bumper and I can't see how it's going to look good Minel, how did you attach yours? Any pics or help much appreciated
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