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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. Lee, thanks for the PM - reply sent. Not around this weekend as I have a wedding down south, but we'll arrange something. Just need some info on the stereo (see PM)
  2. Is anyone else having problems with PM's possibly not getting through? I've sent a couple to R35Lee over the last two days and not had a reply (unless he's ignoring me ) Lee, if you read this can you get in touch re our conversation at ZedFest? Cheers mate.
  3. Body kitted XJS? There is a name for it, but I can't remember now
  4. Shire, I've got one of them Scanguage things that's supposed to read codes if I can help at all? Let me know.
  5. I'm in for both days Saturday 10 October drive: 1) xStric9x +1 2) Ebized +1 3) Greekman 4) Beavis 5) Shire + 1 6) Stew + 1 7) Chesterfield + 1 8) 9) Nik397 + 1 10) AK350Z 11) WYW (provisional on Z being road legal) 12) Lincolnbaggie (possibly +1) 13) 14) 15) etc Sunday 11 October drive 1) xStric9x +1 2) Ebized +1 3) Greekman 4) Sunset350z 5) Jotun 6) Maccaman 7) Beavis 8) Shire + 1 9) Stew +1 10) AndyZ + 1 11) Chesterfield + 1 12) Husky +1 13) 14) Stanski +1 (I'm not being number 13!! ) 15) 16) Nik397 +1 17) AK350Z 18) WYW (provisional on Z being road legal) 19) Lincolnbaggie (possibly +1) 20) 21) etc Accommodation at Moreton Park Lodge 1) Ebized +1 (fri/sat/sun nights) - booked 2) Greekman (fri/sat nights) - booked 3) Beavis (need to book) 4) Shire + 1 (fri/sat/sun nights) - booked 5) Stew + 1 (fri/sat/sun nights) - booked 6) Chesterfield + 1 (need to book) 7) 8) AK350Z - Booked 9) WYW (need to book) 10) Lincolnbaggie (possibly +1) Fri/Sat/Sun nights booked (I think, though the girl didn't seem too sure!) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) etc
  6. Back home now (for the second time today!). Thanks all for a brilliant weekend. How did we manage to win that quiz? Congrats to Craig and Shire on their trophies and great to meet everyone else.
  7. When I made a write-off claim with Direct Line years ago, the assessor asked me about optional extras fitted to the car and increased the payout to take account of those, so I think factory options are okay - modifications using non-Nissan parts would not be covered as far as I know unless you have an agreement with the insurance company specific for these. I often wondered about the Nismo aero kit as this was a factory fit option, so should be covered under a normal policy even though they may argue it's an after market body kit?
  8. Cheers RT, but what happened to number 23 Must stop posting at the same time (I also deleted Chris's meal first time!)
  9. 1. martinmac Meal 2. xstric9x+Bex 3. Ian 4. Chris`I +1 - meal (2x) 5. Scot 6.M350ZB +1 (TBC with the +1) 7. IanS16 8. R800NER 9. Narcotix 10. Nurrish - meal 11. Sunset350z 12. Bundus 13. Bladesgrant 14. Chesterfield +1 15. Shire +1 16 Cavey 17.Coops 18. T8 JPE 19. rtbiscuit - Meal - interior - windscreen - bumper scuff 20. Husky - Meal (Spam) 21. Beavis 22. GT4 Zed 23. Gunmetalzgt Sorry guys - I think I mentioned I can't make this as I'm at a wedding all day. List updated.
  10. Just spent this morning fitting these and I have to say I like them! The fit is very snug on the oem covers. I heated the carbon covers and the oem plastic for a while in a low oven to get a bit of flexibility in them and then stuck them together using "No More Nails" permanent fixing tape. Clamped everything together and put a weight on to hold them for an hour or so and they seem to have held fine. Fit is spot on. Not sure if the weave flows through exactly, but you really can't tell by looking at them. However, a word of warning to others! When you press the two together make sure the carbon bit is upside down on the bottom (protected by bubble wrap or something) and then press the oem cover down onto this. I did it the other way round to start with and snapped the plastic retaining lug off my oem battery cover on the kitchen table I think I've found a way round this, but it will mean having to remove the cover and surround in one piece to get to the battery. I'll let you know of any issues after I've driven with them on. Cheers to Scott for going to all the trouble over these and letting me have the test dummies Scott, you can see them at ZedFest this weekend.
  11. 10 am I thought it'd be later in the afternoon! I'll try and get there as soon as I can to lend a hand setting up.....
  12. What time are peeps going to start arriving on the Friday night?
  13. Don't worry - I think I only know one or two others and I'm on my own as well. They're generally a friendly bunch as far as I can tell.....
  14. Had problems with my passenger window for ages and tried everything (resets, stripping it all down etc) but no joy. Eventually disconnected the door switch which sort of helped the problem and it's been like that for months although I haven't been able to open or close it properly. Then saw an ebay item - "Nissan 350z nearside pass window regulator good order" and took a chance with a 99p bid! It was the only bid made and I won it! Just fitted it this afternoon and everything is hunky dory again - drops when you open the door, goes back up again when you close it and window goes up and down so much better than before. Item included the door panel as well as the motor and regulator and works perfectly! Not bad for 99p (plus £20 postage but I don't mind that for an overall bargain)
  15. Have added Crystals in Lincoln as very good - they've had my Zed twice now - once to check an engine light code which they did and fixed for free when I popped in, and once for a P2 service when the whole experience was very good (from chatting to the sales guys about the new 370 to the technician who came out and asked me all about the car and what I wanted doing in addition to the basic service etc). Very good price (£184.13) and excellent free coffee. They even changed the brake fluid for free and mentioned the worn rear wiper blade but suggested I get it from elsewhere as their prices were "ridiculous". Good Ancaster South Croydon Sturgess Nissan, Leicester Parks - Ayr Lockwood and Greenwood, Ashton -u-Lyne (forum discount to) L&G, Manchester Nissan Dartford Westover Nissan, Bournemouth Platinum Nissan, Bath Lythgoe's, Bolton Middlehurst Wakefield Nissan (Harratts) Humphris of Oxford Fish Bros, Swindon Barton Townley Barrow in Furness. Very good price. Holdcroft Nissan Hanley(Very Good) Chorley Nissan (Very Good) Barnard & Brough, Haywards Heath Dorchester Nissan (Very Good) WLMG (West London Motor Group, formerly Dan Perkins), Slough Marshalls of Cambridge KJM Nissan, Reading Harrats Nissan, Sheffield. Edgars, Rowrah in West Cumbria. Crystals, Lincoln (very good) Bad Arnold Clark, Liverpool Benfield Motors, Portland Rd Newcastle upon Tyne Sunwin, Nottingham Park's Motor Group, Hamilton Nissan Shepperton Lookers Nissan, Chester (new dealership) Nissan Aldershot Glynn Hopkins Ipswich Evans Halshaw, Aberdeen Evans Halshaw Nissan, Mansfield
  16. The one that came with my Kenwood was also too big - my installer got one from somewhere but I can't remember where - sorry. Loads of people have replaced their head units so someone will be able to tell you where to get one from - no need to bin the HU just yet
  17. Stick me down for a polished washer bottle cap to match the aftermarket coolant and power steering cans I already have
  18. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12942,00.html
  19. Pages 18 and 19 in your "Warranty booklet and maintenance record" booklet
  20. I did register on the site to see what they were up to, but certainly won't be using it anymore (and I've removed my facebook contact). I must admit, it seems a bit strange to set up another forum when this one gives everyone everything they want - I wonder what the motives behind it really are As everyone else has said, why go anywhere else when this one is the best......
  21. I'm on first name terms with the polish boys/girls who wash the cars in Tesco's at Scunny (they've never washed the car but are always interested in it) and they always keep an eye on it for me, even telling people not to park next to it as they need the room for washing it (which they are never going to do) - Xmas bonus for them this year I think!
  22. They look fab! Well done for rescuing them from the house of evil. Makes we want kittens myself (tho not sure the two adults I have would be too impressed).
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