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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. Why not just refurb the two damaged ones - be a lot cheaper?
  2. Can he not be contacted through the forum then and shamed into being more helpful?
  3. ..or Avon ZZ3 as well? oops, beaten to it
  4. With 45 profile tyres you'll reduce you rolling radius by about 3.5% which will affect your speedo a bit and may also cause problems with the ESP. Not sure what kind of variation it can cope with before it starts complaining. It will also make the wheels look smaller in the arches. Camskill do Toyo T1R in the correct sizes, have you considered them?
  5. You are welcome to be a passenger in mine....if you v got a strong stomach.... Any chance of grabbing a passenger ride Greekman? Been to Cadwell loads of times with my mate in his Evo and it's a cracking circuit. Only 30 minutes from me, so I'll be there as a passenger/helper for anyone who'll have me....
  6. I always thought it was "furry muff"
  7. Not exactly a sin (thunderbolts won't get you for it), but a no-no in the Zed - I've eaten three course meals in the X-Trail though (to mask the smell of smoke mainly). And smokers can notice the smell; everytime in get in the X-Trail I think "God, this stinks"
  8. no your wrong again, it means NO OIL PRESSURE Strictly he's right - "This light warns of low oil pressure" to quote the manual - no idea what the threshold is for triggering it, but that implies it comes on below a certain pressure rather than at 0 psi
  9. Mine's a 53 plate (November 2003). I think all early cars were 16 mm and later ones (06 onwards) were 22 mm, but that's for UK cars - no idea for JDM, sorry.
  10. the low oil light should have been illuminated for some time, so you need to check that. . there isn't a low oil pressure light. When the oil pressure light comes on it means there is no pressure, your pumping air. Correct! What led the OP to suspect a problem was the low pressure on the gauge. If the pressure warning light comes on you've basically got no pressure and you're pretty fubarred (unless you stop immediately and get lucky). There is no warning at all of a low level of oil in the engine....
  11. According to the manual that is wrong; there is a pressure gauge and dashboard pressure warning light, but no level warning (only way to check level is via dipstick). Low pressure on the gauge may indicate low level (as in this case) but not always correlated. Don't some of the 06+ rev-up engines have a history of excessive oil consumption? This may be another example of that.... Interesting, so we really could almost run out of oil as long as there is enough to keep up reasonable pressure? Correct, that's why it's essential people check their levels via the dipstick regularly (should be every week or before every long journey). Not all rev-ups suffer the problem; it's only a few cars apparently (something to do with slight ovality in the cylinder bores during a batch of engine block manufacture if I remember)
  12. According to the manual that is wrong; there is a pressure gauge and dashboard pressure warning light, but no level warning (only way to check level is via dipstick). Low pressure on the gauge may indicate low level (as in this case) but not always correlated. Don't some of the 06+ rev-up engines have a history of excessive oil consumption? This may be another example of that....
  13. Yep, only 4.8 litres for the whole lot, so 3 litres means it was nearly empty
  14. I'm a 30-a-day man, but the 350 has never been smoked in (even on a five-hour drive I pull over for a smoke) - don't want the smell of smoke in there (The X-Trail is one big ash-tray however...)
  15. Can't picture that The scoop fixes behind the ally crossmember - bolt has to go through the hole from front to back and then scoop fixes to the end of the bolt behing the crossmember? If the bolt isn't long enough to reach through the bolt hole and leave enough at the back to get a nut on it can't be done (or am I missing something here )
  16. I had the same issue with the seat belt guide. Its a simple fix, just lube that bad boy up! I have have the same rattle comming from the three dials. While driving today i reached forward and stuck my fingers in the windscreen vents. This seems to stop the rattle. Yours might be the same..... I've lubed up the seat belt which works, but it comes back after a while. Maybe get some RimWax on it
  17. Stick me down - I can always sell it on if it doesn't work with my set-up! 1: Nurrish - Red - 22mm 2: Andy - Red - TBC 3: fakeindian -Red - TBC 4: rtbiscuit - Red - TBC 5: GT4 Zed - Red - 22mm 6: Lincolnbaggie - Silver - 16mm
  18. I've got numerous rubber pads discreetly hidden behind and under panels in my cockpit to try and stop the rattles! Only two left now are the drivers seatbelt guide and one near the rear strut brace somewhere. I think it's a fairly common problem on the 350 (especially with uprated suspension shaking everything round a bit more).
  19. Bit difficult when you have an oil-fired Aga - bit of a pain to have to stand in the garage to cook tea
  20. nope, because then my air scoop would fall off. the air scoop is currently held with a bolt through the towing eye socket. if i left the blot in, but just cut a whole, i'd still need to take the bumper off to remove the bolt. this option swaps the bolt for a towing eye. but what i might do is hide the towing eye behind the plate if i don't like the look I was thinking about this as well; I have the K&N Typhoon on mine, with the scoop attached to a long bolt that passes through the towing eye hole. Would putting one of these on allow me to bolt the scoop to the back of the towing eye hook or is the thread not long enough on these hooks? I think the thread needs to be at least 70mm to be able to bolt the scoop to the back of it - anyone have any idea how long the thread is on these hooks?
  21. Got a great mental picture of going into Morrison's when they have a BOGOF special and buying twenty grands worth of Nescafe......
  22. That might come in at a bit more than 20k Just what I was thinking Looks a bit frightening to be honest - maybe aim for around 550 so you can actually drive the thing......
  23. But you can buy a proper carbon stick on one.......
  24. If you suddenly found a spare £20,000 burning a hole in your pocket, what would you do?
  25. Leave the lines, smooth the badge And buy yourself a proper carbon roof instead of cheating
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