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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. If not I'll end up with two and can change colours when I want
  2. If it were me, I would swap back to OEM and run it for a while to make sure there isnt another problem. Also take pics of both to see if we can see any difference that may cause the problems. Cant imagine what it could be Yeah, may have to try that. The reservoir was bought from ESR years ago and has never felt right. Phil had a look and couldn't see anything wrong but reckoned the baffle arrangement in the polished can "may" cause problems. He also commented on the high temperature of the fluid. Other people must be running the same can without problems though......
  3. Do you have a PAS oil cooler fitted and are you using the correct fluid. May be the PAS pump on its way out. I have all parts available including rack if required. Alex. Cheers Alex. I'm sure all UK cars have the oil cooler don't they, but not checked Fluid is the original from new with a bit of a top-up using the correct stuff when I changed reservoirs over. I'm sure the pump is OK because if I go back to the original plastic reservoir everything seems to be fine. I'm convinced it's something to do with the polished reservoir, but I can't see why that would be I may just have to revert to the OEM reservoir and lose a bit of my bling but I don't really want to have to do that.
  4. Great news, and thanks for organising this Do you need addresses from us so you can post them on (I assume they are all coming to you for distribution)?
  5. May have a slight problem with my power steering fluid and/or reservoir. Basically, after a run my power steering fluid gets extremely hot and spits a bit out the top of my reservoir. I have got a polished reservoir fitted in place of the original plastic one and the problem only seems to appear when the polished one is fitted. Also, after a run, the steering is "juddery" when put on full left lock and moving slowly (can't think of a better word really). I've bled the system countless times and it doesn't make any difference, but it is fine when cold. The fluid level is fine and I'm not losing any fluid - I would assume it's an air-lock problem, but I can't seem to improve it at all. There is no bubbling or cloudiness while bleeding which indicates no air-lock, so I'm getting a bit frustrated. Any one got any thoughts or similar problems? How hot does your fluid get?
  6. 1/ martinmac if I have to walk there. 2/ SunGodRA - need to confirm, might be in Mexico then 3/ Muddy (sat) 4/ Scott 5/ ATTAK Z 6/ MadMarky 7/ Patman 8/ Greekman -if i dont forget about it until then lol 9/ Smudge (if life gets better and I get a job by then) 10/ Chris`I (TBC) 11/ Harman350z 12/ Shire 13/ M13KYF (sat) 14/ Lincolnbaggie 15/ DontPanic (Dave - Probably Sat & Sunday morning) 16/ Gibby
  7. 1/ martinmac if I have to walk there. 2/ SunGodRA - need to confirm, might be in Mexico then 3/ Muddy (sat) 4/ Scott 5/ ATTAK Z 6/ MadMarky 7/ Patman 8/ Greekman -if i dont forget about it until then lol 9/ Smudge (if life gets better and I get a job by then) 10/ Chris`I (TBC) 11/ Harman350z 12/ Shire 13/ M13KYF (sat) 14/ Lincolnbaggie
  8. Oddly enough all mammals have exactly the same bones (we even have the tail, it's just hidden up your backside ) Not sure I quite follow you bud, what you trying to say? Didn't mean up your backside, should have said "one's backside". The bones that would make up the tail (if we had a visble one) now make up your coccyx (three to five bones fused together) - that bit that really hurts if you sit down too hard on a wooden bench
  9. Oddly enough all mammals have exactly the same bones (we even have the tail, it's just hidden up your backside )
  10. My plate's fixed to the bumper at the moment so the hook will be below it. Just wanted it to hide the hole in the nismo bumper and to enable towing if needed as my towing eye hole is currently used for the typhoon fixing. Not sure how it will all work yet, but I'll find a way! Off for tracking and alignment check tomorrow before she gets used on Sunday (weather permitting) for the first time since November
  11. ..and I missed celebrating my 500th post Not bad in 3 years (not spamming like some do )
  12. Think I understood your question Going on permanently as I need to secure my Typhoon to the back of it (somehow!) Probably protect the metal with a bit of spray grease or something looking at the pics on the US site though
  13. Handbrake won't help as that works like a drum brake on the hub not the disc.
  14. Or just stick a "wanted" ad up for an Azure OEM bumper. That many people are fitting aftermarket bumpers there must be a mountain of OEM ones in people's garages.....
  15. Wales last October was my first real event with the club and, like you, I was a bit unsure what it would involve. At the end of the day, it was so well organised by the team that you could just relax and enjoy the great drives - they have a knack of letting everyone know when and where they should be without sounding like school teachers. Only problem I had was remembering who everyone was - user names, real names and cars all blend into one when there are that many in one place. I just ended up calling everyone "mate" and it seemed to work! Worth booking into Moreton Park so you can spend time with everyone and definitely worth making a full weekend of it You will find we all eventually stand around at the end of each day watching Shire wash his car three times and taking the mickey out of him, followed by drinks and dinner! Oh, and be careful who you follow, as those that plan the routes don't necessarily follow them It will be brilliant and I can't wait (and I'll be heading over there on the Friday afternoon if anyone wants to convoy from the East Mids)
  16. I have an OEM aerial that I could let you have for p&p! However, I live a 2 mile drive from the nearest post office, so I'll have to drive four miles to post it (that's at least £1 for petrol), then there's the postage on top (say another £1 at least) plus the half-hour of my time to find it, pack it up, drive there and back etc. Should take me about 30 minutes in total - I normally charge £60 an hour for the work I do, so we'll say £20 for the half-hour I have to take off work to do it as you are on the forum (mates rates at 30% off sounds reasonable) giving a total of say £23.00 all in for p&p! I reckon £10 from the earlier offer for p&p sounds reasonable in these circumstances! You get my drift....
  17. Well said that man (most sensible post for a while)
  18. Just come across this on youtube - cover of Metallica's Battery - only instrument is the drums, all the rest done with vocals. Not sure what I think of it really, but the "guitar" solo is pretty impressive. It starts off pretty slowly, so give it some time (and turn up loud).
  19. If you're after two rears, some are for sale here viewtopic.php?f=32&t=30075
  20. Try borrowing a couple off someone on here for a few days and bung them a bit of beer money. Someone local to you must have a spare set of winter wheels in the garage. Post up a request and see if anyone can help?
  21. If you post up the "after" from the first garage we could let you know if it was adjusted correctly?
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