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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. A bit of both, I get bored quite easily once I've done my first season. Am looking at next project now, Porsche 911 turbo or GT3 I just love wasting money on cars How about a 350Z project car (I reckon you could get that looking good ) blade, 53 plate, good engine? I'll do a straight swap for mine (I'll even return it to standard and sell my kit separately so as not too put you to any trouble )
  2. IMO that's an 05 plate import (new when?) for £15 grand with a (potentially) crappy retrim Is that a GT4? Why bulk at paying £16 grand for a proper GT4 and then consider this?
  3. Personally I quite like the bodykit in the picture, and it's inspired me for a few mods of my own
  4. My comment wasn't aimed at that particular picture (which I actually found very artistic) - it was more the general levels of debasement some of the threads fall to at times from certain parties....
  5. Just wish I had the spare £25K - that car is absolutely gorgeous...................
  6. Back from the pub, and probably going to get shot down in flames for this but...... ...do we have any female moderators on the forum? Looking at the "porn" issue in the thread, maybe a view from those potentially more susceptible to some of the sexually risqué stuff that gets posted might be an idea? We have a fair few female members now and it might be something to look at in the future...... this is the 21st century after all (and I'm not trying to be anti-sexist, or sexist or whatever PC claptrap we have to put up with these days, just a thought) My own personal view is that the mods do a great job, not helped by some of the ignoramuses who treat this place like a kindergarten. (As I said, back from the pub......)
  7. Its more how much time you lose by them being in customs We'll find out soon enough - went into UK Customs last night.....
  8. Send a PM to our new mod (Shire350z); if anyone knows anything about clean engine bays it's him
  9. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Only joking James! Congrats and all that! Now you go easy on those you know best.................
  10. My Bose amp is still in situ, so yes it can be left. Just put some tape over the connectors.
  11. Just get there on the Friday and all will be well (Will Colin follow whatever route is planned anyway - I thought he normally decided to take us all on a detour )
  12. Surprisingly enough the fronts were fine once the toe was adjusted. I had planned on getting adjustable A arms, but the guys said wait until we find out if you need them and then said I didn't - saved me a few bob there! Also the rear toe bolt kit wasn't needed as the toe was adjustable enough as it was (but I have that as a spare now in case of future problems).
  13. The alignment check/adjustment itself was £45, but that was "mates rates", so no idea what they normally charge. They haven't got digital readouts and stuff, it's all done using hand-held camber gauges and laser lines on a scale. They only really use it for setting up their race cars so it's all portable, but I'ver done some work for them in the past so they are willing to do me a few favours Any news on when we're attempting to replace your suspension? This weekend is out I'm afraid (Sat is footie and Sun is E Mids meet), but I may have a spare day next week or the weekend of the 6/7th March? If you want a lift to the E Mids meet in mine on Sunday let me know
  14. Got both mine replaced under warranty and they've been fine since
  15. They were actually replaced quite a while back due to the creaking, so they'll stay on until they break again (and then some adjustable ones will be ordered) This modding thing never stops once you start
  16. Got a four-wheel alignment done a couple of days ago for the first time in 2 years since the KW's were fitted. rear camber was -2.75 and -3.9 degrees No wonder it felt a bit weird on the road. A set of eibach camber arms arrived at my mechanics next day and I've just picked it up - everything now aligned beautifully and it feels so different on the road again Big thanks to Simon and Will at GG Steel Racing in Kirton - £225 all in incl the arms, fitting them and adjusting everything was a damn good price me thinks Now they reckon I need new ARBs to finish the job off properly
  17. Not sure on the offsets, but you need 245/35/19 tyres on the front, not 40 profile
  18. I think I'd be checking the background v carefully on that one. Nice house though!
  19. Sounds like you've disturbed the butterfly slightly while cleaning so it's not closing properly at idle?
  20. have you tried to delete the cookie on yr pc ? Noooooooooooo, he'll crash the forum next
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