Glad to see it's all fixed now Scott - you should have said you were sorting it and I could have given you a hand as I promised. Did you have any problems replacing the suspension?
Looks like they cleared customs last night
At Foreign Delivery Unit, February 26, 2010, 11:40 pm, GREAT BRITAIN
Out of Foreign Customs, February 26, 2010, 1:11 pm, GREAT BRITAIN
Into Foreign Customs, February 24, 2010, 9:28 pm, GREAT BRITAIN
I had the same problem. Only option is to strip the door down I'm afraid. I tried the window reset and it didn't work - ended up replacing the motor and regulator (although managed to get one on Ebay for £21 all in)
Is that a general question (in which case my personal answer is no, they generally know what they are doing and do it very well) or aimed at Vik54 (in which case I'll let her answer)?
Honestly, we're here to help you
Too late in the evening now to start offering advice, but before you think about buying have a good read through the various FAQ sections. Sort out the difference between the various specs etc in your mind and then you can start making an informed decision.
PM me or if you want any specific help and I'll try and guide you through the differences between imports/UK, GT4/GT/nonGT etc. Don't buy the first one you see just because it's yellow!
Mods, I'm sorry - please retract my earlier post and don't hold me responsible for WWIII breaking out
As I said when I started, just back from the pub......
Its an aftermarket retrim no matter what the seller says.
Its also a poor spec 350z in yellow
If it was silver that car would be £11k or less.............
Think you need to check the FAQ section. GT4 was a special UK edition in either yellow or black with slightly more bhp, different wheels and a plaque of authenticity. No 350 has a sunroof. All are 2wd.
I'm with Sarnie on this one - hugely overpriced for an import - only the fact that it's yellow is swaying you.
Hang on for a better buy at that kind of money (UK GT4 will be come up at some point for less than that import... or buy an import for four/five grand less and get it resprayed).