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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. Pressure is always fairly high when it's cold so I dont think you have anything to worry about. As long as it's at 60 psi at 60 mph in 6th gear when warm you're fine
  2. No Rays, but looks clean enough. There may be someone local who could pop and have a look at it first for you to save a potentially wasted journey?
  3. Must be an import only job - mine hasn't got one
  4. I don't seem to have one Any piccies to show where it is (or was it 06+ only)?
  5. Only got a choice of four here, Labour, Tories, LibDems or BNP No way is that tw*t Brown getting my vote and I don't really trust Cameron to do anything but help his mates. I've always thought the LibDems were too ineffectual to be worth a vote so that leaves the BNP, and then I'd get accused of being a racist and all that crap - what chance have I got to make a difference About time we shot all the MPs and got people in who actually have some experience of being in the real world - having to buy their own cars and run them, having to work a 40 hour week for bugger all, and having to pay for everything out of their own pockets instead of using our money to fund their lifestyles. Is it going to happen? Of course not; who'd rock the boat when life is that cushy. Power to the People, Wolfie; revolution is the only way..
  6. The UK is in DEEP trouble... The population of this country is approximately 60 million. 32 million are retired. That leaves 28 million to do the work.. There are 17 million in school or at Universities. Which leaves 11 million to do the work. Of this there are 5 million employed by the UK government. Leaving 6 million to do the work. 1.2 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden, and fighting in Afghanistan .. Which leaves 4.8 million to do the work. Take from that total the 0.8 million people who work for Local or County Councils. And that leaves 4 million to do the work. 3 million of these are EEC nationals or foreign workers so that leaves 1 Million UK people working At any given time there are 888,000 people in hospitals or claiming Invalidity Benefit. Leaving 112,000 to do the work. Now, there are 111,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And there you are, Sitting on your arse, At your computer, reading jokes. Is it any wonder that we are in such a mess and that I am stressed out through trying to cope on my own?
  7. Cheers Lee I can't work the damn thing out, but you've got me sorted (again)
  8. I must be and cos I can't work Facebook out! How do I add as a friend or become a fan - there's nowhere to click to do that on their page that I can see. Any help appreciated from you younger, street-wise peeps out there
  9. Am I being thick here, but I can't find Falcon Performance/Lee on Facebook Cheers for the pump by the way Lee - turned up this morning as expected Let's hope it solves the problem....
  10. Personally I wouldn't trust Nissan to diagnose a problem that quickly and accurately. I'd get someone more knowledgeable to have a look at it first before allowing Nissan to start stripping your engine down and charging you a fortune. As you are based in Reading I'd get Abbey Motorsport to have a look at it first.
  11. Nismo exhaust for my X-Trail - bargain Not too sure how many X-Trails have a 3.3 litre engine mind I'd be more than a little suspicious of this - why would Nismo make an exhaust for the X-Trail
  12. Yeah, I'm receiving fine, but sending them is not working. They are just sitting in my outbox and have been all day today?
  13. Anyone else on here use Orange/Wanadoo broadband? Can't send any e-mails via the SMTP server today and wondered if anyone else was having the same problem or if it's a problem at my end? Any help/comments gratefully received
  14. 1. Shire (sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 2. Chesterfield (sunday) 3. Chris`I (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 4. Nurrish (sunday) 5. Madmarky (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 6. Yokomo (Sunday)- DETAILS RECEIVED 7. Scott (sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 8. Bladesgrant (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 9. Ians16 (Sunday) 10. Roo (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 11. Lincolnbaggie (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED
  15. 1. Shire (sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 2. Chesterfield (sunday) 3. Chris`I (not sure which day or maybe both) - DETAILS RECEIVED 4. Nurrish (sunday) 5. Madmarky - DETAILS RECEIVED 6. Yokomo (Sunday)- DETAILS RECEIVED 7. Scott (sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 8. Bladesgrant (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 9. Ians16 (Sunday) 10. Roo (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED 11. Lincolnbaggie (Sunday) - DETAILS RECEIVED
  16. Agreed; most of the interior has to be swapped over for it to work.....
  17. Not as simple as swapping over the heater controls only. You have to replace the entire centre trim from the three-pod gauge surround,the stereo surround, the heater control surround and knobs, gear lever surround, main centre console with ashtray etc, cambus air-con box inside the dash, knee pads and rewire the hazard warning switch. It can be done, but is expensive.
  18. Alex, do these fit with a Nismo rear spoiler or are they very tailored?
  19. Presumably you just mean a nice hotel in the middle of Rome near the Vatican as you can't actually stop in the Vatican?
  20. the original nismo wing of this style doesnt actually clear the boot if i remember correctly it has foam pads in between the tips and the boot metal. this may be different i dont know. Sorry to go OT but from what I found searching my350z: cheshirecat79: "Just a note- the V1 JDM version should not touch the hatch on either side. The tips will be about 3/16ths or 1/2'' from the hatch." So I take it most people have the USDM version as mine is the only one I have seen so far that doesnt touch Makes sense I suppose as the USDM/JDM sideskirts are different too Mine is genuine USDM and doesn't touch at the sides either (makes cleaning easier!)
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