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Everything posted by Lincolnbaggie

  1. I was quite pleased Blackpool made it as we might get 6 points next season now Feel worried for Cardiff though, they were banking on this financially and could now slide horribly downhill - administration next year a distinct possibility I would say?
  2. I didn't think that the 350z was equipped with an oil temp sensor as std, don't know many cars that do under 100K I didn't even think about it not having the sensor - must get my head checked for a brain at some point.....
  3. Anyone with a scangauge manage to get any readings apart from air intake temp, water temp, TPS, volts? I'd really like to be able to see oil temp for definite (amongst others) but can't seem to get it to work on mine?
  4. its not belated - i'm just very prompt! so u where to early I think you'll find it was AFTER midnight but i'm not sure of the precise timing of Martins birth - presumably it had something to do with the alignment of the stars, moon and people sacrificing a lamb........... Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:03 pm Think you must have missed BST - said Wed May 26, 2010 12:03 am on mine
  5. Voted for you Mark - sooo close, come on guys, get him in the next round....
  6. 'Thoresby Show' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAPANESE AUTO & PERFORMANCE SHOW, Thoresby Park, Nr Ollerton, Notts NG22 9EP (off the A614 2 miles north of Ollerton) Sunday 11 July 10am - 4pm admission £7.50, club displays, concours, arena, private entries, commentator, auto jumble and trade stands Last year we attended as United Z Clubs (ZClub, 300zx-Club and 350Z-uk) and won the Trophy for runner up Best Club Display. We must improve this year! Anyone fancy attending this stick your names below 1. Lincolnbaggie 2. Shire350z 3. Chesterfield 4. 5.
  7. Pretty sure the interior light will go off after a minute or so without locking the doors - it just fades down to nothing. Try it and watch it for a couple of minutes. I don't think you can lock the car without the alarm being set, but you could try Stanski's suggestion?
  8. Another example; filled up in Lincoln on Friday; drove to Birmingham from Lincoln for a meeting (110 miles), drove from Brum to Chirk/Oswestry for Wales meet mainly in rush hour traffic (no idea on miles - check your maps), drove 200 odd miles on Sat run around Wales (not exactly sedately ) and then filled up (total mileage must have been around 380-400 miles); squeezed 56.21 litres in and cost me £70 .21 But, as stated, if you need to worry about fuel consumption, buy something with a smaller engine...............
  9. I get 300miles out of £80 when driving normally/carefully having the throttle controller on eco5, some people here get up to 360 miles out of a tank Driving "normally" I get at least 450 miles out of a full tank - normally average around 27 mpg (= 10.46 l/100km; 80 litre tank should be 765 litres = 475 miles) At £1.25 a litre that's £100 for 475 miles = £31.58 for 150 miles Driving "like a t*t" I get around 250 miles to a tank - lots more expensive
  10. Please keep words to 1 or 2 syllables please Neil ... so that I can understand wot you're talkin about Thanks in antissip?????? antippisashun ? precipitashun ? aw fookit ... do what u want
  11. Thanks for all the good wishes. Bit of a bolt out of the blue when asked, but I'll do my best to help the members, the forum and 350 owners everywhere. I'd like to thank my manager, my mom, my two cats..... I'll get me coat now Seriously, it's a great honour, but I can be a belligerent whatsit - you've been warned
  12. Most inclusive trips include the beer ; other than that, can't thank you two guys enough. Brilliant weekend and great to see so many friends, both old and new. Bring on October
  13. First off, huge thanks to Dave and Colin for organising another brilliant weekend Also, huge thanks to R35Lee for sorting me out with a power steering pump so I could be there (and sorry I missed saying goodbye to you - hope you got back safely) Some piccies of mine (most of them when I got lost and ended up in front of the main group - just well cheesed off the video function on the camera decided to play up )
  14. Bit late to start this, but...... Don't know if anyone going to Wales is interested, but I have a few things in the garage that I can do without and can bring them to Wales if anyone wants to have a look? These can be sold as seen at Wales to anyone attending, but will not be sent to non-attendees at the moment..... JWT pop charger Polished intake pipe K&N typhoon system with extended cold air inlet tube Centre console/gear surround and gaiter/stereo surround/cubby/air con box etc from a 53 plate car Polished power steering reservoir Polished coolant expansion tank Blue catch can c/w blue Samco hoses I'm not going to take anything unless people register a possible interest as I don't have room for it all. Let me know if anyone wants to have a look at anything - all used, but in pretty good nick (pop charger in particular is practically new). Prices negotiable on the day. I'll stick everything left up for sale properly after Wales with pictures etc. so no dibs from anyone not going to Wales at the moment
  15. It would be a very tight squeeze bud. More space for us at Moreton in our two washing areas then, and just outside the bar too Yeah, it's a proper revolving door on those 3 or 4 spaces that the hose actually reaches to! And you have to wait three hours for Shire to finish his.... (four times in one weekend)
  16. Admiral for me too - just got my renewal through on their multicar policy - X-Trail £190 and 350z (with all mods) £300, both comprehensive and protected I am 44 though (with three points ).....
  17. Nice work, and local to me as well How much did he charge if you don't mind me asking (PM me if you wish)
  18. You really shouldn't rev the engine too much while the oil is cold - it will accelerate wear. I never take mine above about 3000 rpm until the oil is nicely warmed up......
  19. Update on this if anyone is interested! Turns out it was the immobiliser unit that had gone bang - new one fitted by local autoelectrician and good to go again. What he did say you might find interesting though... He reckons it blew when my mate tried to jump start the car after the winter lay-off. He says, when jumping a car, always turn on as much electrical equipment as you can on both cars (lights/fans etc etc) to avoid voltage spikes when you jump it as this is normally what fries electrical components. I always thought you should put as little load on the cars as possible but he said this is a common mistake that could cause all sorts of problems......
  20. It will always rise/fall with a rise/fall in engine speed (revs go up, pressure goes up) whether warm or cold, but 60 psi at 60 mph in 6th gear when fully warmed up is what you should be looking for. That's how I judge mine is fully warm ready for spirited driving (rather than relying on the water temp).
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