Just got home after a great day out at Thoresby. Great stand, positioned right next to the main arena, and very ably looked after by everyone there.
Awarded runners-up for best stand of the show (again - we must beat the Celica's next year) and managed a v. creditable runners up for roadster of the show (well done Mitch )
Congrats to Vince for his blingtastic 300 (best modified car).
Unlucky to MadMarky (but he did get a mention), Erasurehead, Ikarus and Grant for coming close in various categories (but the judging was dubious to say the least....)
Very well attended event - I think we had about 12+ 350s there plus a few 300s, 240s etc (and a Mondeo police car ), and a big thank you to Arkwright for organising it, AttakZ/Mrs AttakZ for the brilliant strawberries and cream, and Roo, Mitch, little Mitch, Grant, AttakZ/Mrs Attack and all the others (who's names I've probably forgotten) for their excellent erection skills
I'll get some piccies sorted once I find the camera amongst all the flags, bunting, trophies, shelters.....
(PS New flags look great and don't blow away!)
Knackered now and off the the pub for a few well-earned scoops.......