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Everything posted by tricky69

  1. Your about 5 days too late as this was sold by a member here for £20.5k : http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/129161.htm What a beauty Yep looked at that but not too keen on the interior to be honest.... would prefer the black looks like i am going to be fitting the bits and bobs myself then!! thanks for the welcome guys
  2. I know i have had her for 3 years now and had no problems at all so far so am going to be sad to sell her.... would post a picture but can't seem to make it small enough !
  3. Glad to meet you fellas... Hopeing to have my ZED in the next few months... as soon as i find a black GT4 with black interior and full nismo kit, wheels and exhaust.... This car keeps coming up on ebay as well:- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-GT4-3 ... dZViewItem Is it a good idea to go for this and add the kit and wheels afterwards or should i hold out for one that has everything i am after ? Cause i think i might be looking for a while if i do ! I have been hanging around this site and pistonheads for a while, i am 25 and live in south london. Currently driving a beautiful (and will be missed) E36 M3 evo... but she has to go for the greater good ! Also had a Pug 306 xsi and 1987 VW Golf.... so very early in my car career and can't wait to get my hands on my 350 !!!
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