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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. You might be right - the rear wing's in..... Either that or its 10 mile back down the road and that caused the crash
  2. Awesome idea for a present, i'll keep that one in mind
  3. +1 Lost has...er well just lost it, but I keep watching in the vain hope that something will happen
  4. Nice pic! ...hand feeding lions...er my mother-in-laws cat scares the hell out of me, so don't think I could feed a lion
  5. ....Welcome, wish I had one as a second car
  6. rmmackfc

    Carrera GT

    After seeing the koenigsegg CC8S go round knockhill last year...i'd have to go for that. It sounded like the devil had just turned up ...although the FXX Enzo was pretty nice too
  7. Yeah, been watchin it, lovin it so far Thought about downloading them, but can't be bothered...I'll take it as they come. That's 3 series I now watch... - Heroes - Lost - Prison Break
  8. Two chances of someone driving mine for a test drive, none and ***k all. Insurance or no insurance, don't care....unless they give me a brief case with 30k in it
  9. +1 ...apart from the hangovers
  10. ...What locknuts you got fitted, std ones are a bit big
  11. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Carbon-Fibre-Door-Sill-Guard-Plate-Cover_W0QQitemZ190088451218QQihZ009QQcategoryZ40199QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. Yeah, how could i forget that great feature We have button, to work the headlight washers, but none to disable it
  13. Which one? Greatest hits Have you read "the Dirt"?....so funny Ive read it, and got a signed copy of the new "red, white and crue" album Had it on in the car today (well the ipod) and its awesome!!! Cool Love the Crue... absolute mentalists back in the 80s
  14. Really interesting post, the engine picture is so big!
  15. 3. After washing, you open the boot and water pours out. 4. After washing, you fold in the mirrors and slam the door...hey more water
  16. Kuro's nice...almost as nice as Sunset I'm sure you'll have loads of fun with the Z, I almost bought a S2000, but the salesmas was a complete tool, so went for the test drive in the 350Z first... I was hooked. It was also cheaper to insure, which basically sealed the deal. What I will say is that the Honda's paint quality is better, used to have civic type-r. It'd be interesting to know if there have been any other failures on a Vtec...you're right though, someone did get a good deal!
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