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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Holy sh!t Phil....that is a beauty
  2. Struggled with this one, think cause your car is black and it's a small image it is very difficult to see panel changes etc... Wheels came out ok though
  3. hehe, oops got wrong end of the stick there. I use Adobe Photoshop version 8.0 CS, retails at about £500. I've used other packages over the years, but i still prefer Photoshop I'll try and do your wheels, that'd look pretty smart I think....soon find out
  4. no probs, if you can get a photo of the wheels you want and a description of what parts of the wheel are to be what colour then I can photoshop it no worries. Liked the ones on the lambo (although painting the dishes green, they would chip in days IMO) Maybe need a bigger high quality picture of the whole car side on or whatever angle you prefer.
  5. rmmackfc


    Could be down to desirability, the fancier looking the car is from the outside, the higher chance someones maybe wanting to nick it. Agree it should be down to choice though
  6. Cheers for pic Paul, had a quick stab, here is the result. You decide. Think I'd get some rims customized to match if I went with this colour.
  7. Silver now, suppose it's nicer than banana
  8. rmmackfc


    Yeah, £38 extra a year....did someone say peanuts
  9. Nothing to lose in doing it yourself, if it goes pear shaped shell out the cash and get them done by the pros. Lomoto - what prep work did you do on yours, just a light sanding to key the surface being painted?
  10. I was worried they'd look a bit chav like, but yours look the business Val As my mother always says, if in doubt photoshop it When's the MOT?....may hold off to see if you had an issue, although i've just passed mine so they'd be there for a year at least Ross
  11. ...mushy peas, looks better than I thought though
  12. £385 + £38 last week for new rims. 31 years old, wife 26 years old. Had 3 points and a small hit.
  13. ....Anyone know the law on tinting rear lights? Seen these, opinions? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-350Z-Smoked-Tail-light-Overlays-Fairlady-Z_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ38661QQitemZ320092552022QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD2V
  14. Hello and welcome Big Phil lis selling a beauty right now...you may not want to wait http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6765&highlight=
  15. Will do... they ain't cheap new.
  16. Never thought of that before...sod that, that could be pretty scary, especially as it'll be wider than most european cars. live in the country and it was 7 ft wide! with the tyres sticking out even further (19 x 11.5) 11.5 +1
  17. Lawn...pah....stones put down at year end....now a driveway
  18. Would love to cross the Millau Viaduct http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millau_Viaduct
  19. Never thought of that before...sod that, that could be pretty scary, especially as it'll be wider than most european cars.
  20. Looks amazing, but I'm not shelling that sort cash out...it'll drop in price after a year.
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