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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Kid: "Wow, it's a schooner!"Big Chap: "Ha! It's a sail boat, you dumb bastard!"
  2. I enjoyed Clerks 2, but some people I know don't think its that goos. There are some pretty funny scenes, but it is a bit predictable in places.
  3. rmmackfc

    Tonneau Cover

    Make one . . .easy
  4. You already got the body kit to go on?
  5. Do you think the fact that PS3 has Blue-Ray means this is going to win? Just thinking of the sheer volume of units that will be sold already with the player. I'm holding off until the war is over and someone will
  6. Haven't seen Chasing Amy, I've heard it's good though. I'll eventually get round to it... still trying to work my way through all the James Bonds...
  7. Nope, not that I've heard of. You can get some bits n bobs on Ebay US, but nothing in the UK....
  8. rmmackfc


    I'm going to take mine off if this is a requirment
  9. rmmackfc


    Good analogy, yes this is true. You also need to post naked pictures of yourself
  10. I found scratch x to be pretty poor, prefer the poorboys ssr stuff
  11. Me too, does help though A bit of hassle you've gone through Sarge, must admit it is a big phobia of mine getting new tyres. I'd rather pay over the odds for the tyres with someone I trust fitting them. Guys that done my 19s were spot on, took time to protect the rims before fitting.
  12. Don't mention football ..... my team (Kilmarnock) spanked 5-1 in CIS cup final Was a good night out afterwards though
  13. Photoshop is a must , you can do so much...even make bad photos into works of art
  14. Ok. totally gave up on trying to edit that other photo, think it's the lighting that's making it difficult to edit. Anyway done this based on a primer car and wrong interior but gives you a good idea Looks Also found this... http://www.modifiedcartrader.com/findVehicle/ListingDetail.asp?DirectID=3447&txt=2004_Nissan_350Z__FOR_SALE
  15. Jay and silent Bob Got Mallrats the other week for £2
  16. rmmackfc


    +1 Std is way to big, stubby does the job and have not had radio reception issues
  17. ....too late. Soon find out if they are any good or not
  18. ...your pushin' it! ....just kiddin' I've just made a start, probably Monday before I get the chance to finish it. Glad you like the sig, photo taken today before it rained...Photoshopped
  19. Looking forward to seeing this How much you spent on it?
  20. rmmackfc


    Think you'd tell your insurance company if you had these http://most-expensive.net/rims-in-world
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