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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Changed the exhaust last week... Took the rear back boxes off and it was loud, but not as loud as expected, so decided on straights with 6"x 4" slash back tips.... now sounds ...although my MPG is now in the 18s Before After Video clip
  2. Went to see it in IMAX last night ... WOW it is amazing on the REALLY big screen. I thought it was very good, although I wouldn't say it's the best film I have ever seen as some of the guys at my work were saying. Good action and a good story.
  3. ... fine line between genius and madman
  4. There is normally a warning sign that drivers use car washes at their own risk IIRC... lucky it never dragged the wiper over the paint work
  5. Bit of a trek form edinburgh, but I used to take mine to Parks in Ayr. Never had any issues. . . I now have a 350mile round trip for a service with the current car as I refuse to take to AC again.
  6. rmmackfc

    New BMW Z4

    Wow that looks Love the shape of the roof
  7. Well done Rob ... Of course you do realise there goes all future mods and you now have entered dictatorship not a democracy
  8. I feel the need, the need for speed Step 1 ... paint bottle green
  9. Hope you don't mind Mike ... removed that pesky van and lamposts...
  10. ...and here was me thinking it's because we have/had Zeds
  11. There appears to be a similarity to chinese water torcher here ...
  12. Last one for me too, although photoshop the light out and the van at the back
  13. I was going to suggest the same as Chris. £20-50 which is refunded at the shoot.
  14. Be safe in the knowledge that a Saxo is still a Saxo and has the aesthetics of of cat urine
  15. Unfortunately not always true. . . My missus got done doing 41mph in 30 at midnight in November. PC...Do you realise you were doing 41 mph? Missus... I saw you standing in the middle of the road and thought you were going to attack me, your lucky I never ran you down ...still done her One of the worst areas to drive through in my town ... especially at midnight.
  16. That was a bad one ... again.
  17. I like them .. what are they?
  18. Best race I've seen in years, shame Stoner came off, although I wanted Rossi to win. Couldn't believe the move where Stoner took Rossi, for Rossi just to snap back and take him on the outside of the bend ... long wait to the next one. Stoner was spat the dummy at the end complaining there were some dangerous moves ... thats racin' kid
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