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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. 225 was the std width, decided to stay with that as i'm still running a 8" wide rim on the front. I'd heard people saying that going with wider front you could loose some of the handling. Putting a larger width on front doesn't necessarily mean more grip when cornering, due to the cambering of the wheel when turning. A wider tyre can also have other detrimental effects such as increased aquaplaning and friction (resistance) as well as increased steering feedback which may be good but up to a point. Just my opinion, it all personal preference
  2. ... ...same rears as you, sorry 275/35
  3. Money no object I really would have a tough time deciding but I think I would be drawn more towards the Koenigsegg. +1
  4. ...£509 up here matey 19" 245/35 & 275/35??? I not grumbling tho as they picked my wheels up from home and are gonna drop the old ones off next week at my new house From the factory floor direct to your door I've got the 19" 225/35, same rears, could explain slight difference in price
  5. General consensus I believe is it makes a nicer noise, no hp change though
  6. Welcome aboard Get some pics up of the Zed
  7. hehehe My dads mate has an African Grey....it doesn't swear, but it's a good laugh, especially when it winds up the crows and seagulls by imitating them
  8. ....until you stop bubbling and they say yes we'll change them
  9. He has had sex with more than 30 different models in 20 years  plus two motorboats and a pal’s JETSKI. - Classic quote
  10. Two lovers in a layby .....the cars that is lads, not you
  11. Yip, the world is getting madder by the minute Frankly if someone is offended by the "three little pi...puppies" then they should be dragged out into the street and shot....there are people out there needing vital organs!
  12. Nice I've got the Falkens too, happy so far
  13. Hello and welcome I'm sure someone on here will have experienced this, have you tried a few different dealers. I had similar issue with my old Honda CTR...all 4 replaced no problem. You could choose to get them refurbed, if Nissan ain't going to do anything.
  14. Believe you can go 265/40/18 on the rear with the std 8" wide rim, (same as the GT4s???)...can't remember where I read that though... think it was on a US forum. A tyre calculator would tell you, plenty of these available on the web Potenzas are mince though...had them on my last two cars and never liked them
  15. ...stick a Honda badge on it ...once it's the green machine, I'd imagine you may turn a few heads
  16. Just a suggestion, lower price and sell exhaust separately...if you've still got OEM exhaust. You may want to update your advert saying that road tax will be band F...ie it ain't a gas guzzler
  17. Notice the rebadge on one of the black ones to 420ZTT... 4.2l?
  18. Am I missing something here?....why on earth would you want to use MS paint to do this
  19. I'm with you! There is enough of us on here to form our own party So let me get this straight, I have an 04 plate, I'm ok. If you've got an 06 yir screwed. So what if you got for example a 02 Hummer or an old clapped out piece of sh!t that burns more oil than George Bush can lay his grubby paws on...
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