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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Nice, that is quite a jump in power....still prefer the RS4 though
  2. Tomtom one Cheers, the way she's going on about it the Tom Tom is going to win
  3. ...right I'm lazy, the wife harps on at me to buy a Tom Tom, or what ever. What model is that Tim? £150 sounds about all I'm willing to pay considering I never get lost and it is solely for her benefit....why she want's one I'll never know. I can understand it if I travel a lot or live south of the border with a lot of large cities, but we've got Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen...that's it Secondly, do you have to fork out more cash once you actually buy one of these for subscriptions to something or other....did I mention I was lazy.... EDIT - PS looks good
  4. Teachers ...yeah and they'll complain they don't get paid enough too
  5. rmmackfc

    Nismo 350z

    Styling for the blind
  6. rmmackfc

    My New Wheels

    Lovin' the wheels Ian, look good on GM
  7. Hi welcome Not sure to be honest, sure someone will know. Few of the guys have been fitting computers in their car with everything...they look the game Get some pics up of you zed
  8. Yeah mine doesn't play any CDs other than the one you last were listening to when cold .... can't same I'm too bothered
  9. Miss my CTR, but the gearbox was goosed and it needed two new rears...wasn't that sad. My mum sold my old Punto (which I had sold to her) a few months back, I was sadder seeing that go ....some good memories in that one
  10. Welcome dude Least you got another...look forward to seeing it
  11. I didn't consult Val as his opinon did not register on my scale of important things to consider. Saying that that are forged and are very expensive and therefore expect him to approve glad to see my subliminal brainwash to members about buying proper wheels has finally worked (so subliminal he doesn't even know he's had it ) You wish pal. I always buy the best that I can possibly afford, whether it be houses, cars or wheels ...pole dancers
  12. Mike, Jimbo has stole your car ....come on Jimbo get some pics up when you can
  13. Photoshop allows has an option of "save as web file"... that's what I use
  14. Unless your clutch disappeared. ...sorry
  15. rmmackfc

    Watch out

    Holy Sh1t , at least your mate is alright. Surely the CCTV gives them some form of identity to these guys. No different than armed robbery IMO, where in this case they use the car as a weapon. Hope everything works out
  16. not really mate, looks like it's the same height Thats what I like to hear....further justification to buy one
  17. Looking good Val ...like the black. Is the front any lower to the ground than the std front?
  18. oooo....skylines ....love it
  19. Nice Sig Beavis! ....getting overly worried on the amount UY sigs and cars out there....need a filter for my monitor to cope with the UY overload
  20. Sorry, not going to make the NW run... I'll lean out ma window and see if I can hear it reverb through the valleys Does it sound chav like, or more sophisticated sports car like? ....like I'm sophisticated Cheers Ross
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