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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Welcome Mark Looks like you've been sorted out with sound advice. Photobucket is a must Means you can post as many pic's as you want without having to worry about running low on space. Dongle, see if you can get 2 .... I still need to get one of these, weren't std back in '04
  2. No animals were harmed in the making of this production....apart from a polar bear
  3. rmmackfc

    My 350Z

    I'm not normally a fan of red, but I have to admit after seeing this my view is changing, to quote a wise man "Sweeeeeeet Dude"
  4. rmmackfc

    Nismo V2

    Apart from the bloody great sticker it looks superb....I so want that V2 nose
  5. Our thoughts are with you Phil.
  6. Look good Glad I purchased these too
  7. Looks really good , can you PM me details and price...always good to know. Did mine myself last week and near killed myself...don't know if I could do that again I'm wondering if it is the same guy that did one of the guys at works porsche. It's red and was really in a bad way with fading, but now it looks amazing, near blinded me with the shine Cheers
  8. Cheers for the comments folks Another Sunset in the 'shire ....cool, not me std's are in the hut needing cleaned. I've been the full time student and have a honours degree, this is post grad. Work offered to pay for it, so I thought why not.... now I know why not though ....don't mention student loans, think I'm paying back £23/month for the next 400 years!
  9. Whoa, just read this. Sorry to hear you gotta sell up mate, but as you say some things are more important. . . there's always more Zeds Good to hear your still be posting, even if it is just to give Sarnie a ribbing
  10. The book will tell you whats been done, assuming they previously stamped it...sounds like P1. I'm an '04 and that's what mines due next.
  11. Sex in the nauties ....na Technology Management, quite interesting but a bit in parts. Looking forward to my next module though, on user interface design. Hopefully be more interesting than the current compulsory one.
  12. Hello folks, Been keeping a bit of a low profile recently, I've got an exam (Open University) in 2 weeks time (23rd April) and I'm busting my guts studying for it and working....which has meant a near internet ban Hopefully things will be back to normal soon....until my next course exam...but thats the last one in October Missing the banter! Take it easy, Ross
  13. Well done Beavis! Feel free to add a "whore" sticker to your back window
  14. Boxters are quite simply boring, it has all the design flair of a concrete block!
  15. Ok, know your sitting with a sore leg Nixy (get well soon btw) but don't be worried by this. My wife drove my CTR and now drives our 350Z, not an issue. The rear has kicked out once when she was driving it and that was on a roundabout, in the wet, with one rear tyre that needed replaced...the electronics soon sorted her out. Frankly if this guy has spun it in the dry he must have been wellying it or there has been oil on the road.
  16. Ouch I was once filling the washer bottle up (after 3 runs with the kettle) on the 4th go the bonnet started to shake with the wind and I just caught it before it blew back... that was bad enough Glad I caught it now... how she mends ok
  17. Just done mine in 5hrs Wash, claybar, Paint Cleaner, Polish, Wax....bed....I'm knackered
  18. Thought Tech Wax is a wax not a polish.... Always sceptical on these tests, I was the same colour of car used etc etc...
  19. That's why I bought them from a garage, as I'd heard a few people complaining of garages refusing to fit....not exactly a customer focussed strategy IMO. £20 a tyre...more like £10
  20. I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt, he may think that as the car is a 350Z Nismo, I assume he means body kit and thinks the exhaust is "special".... the rust would state otherwise
  21. ......and keeps on goin' 5 miles in a TVR, that is good
  22. ....2 miles up the road it had probably broken down
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