Nice one Jacko real comparison, but playing my 1st game of 5s in 4 months this Friday... I remember when my fitness made up for my lack of skill... may need to take on the hatchet man role now. Can I still kick it??? ...soon find out
Ah, so it was you who outbid me! No, well done. I went as high as I thought it was worth.
Makes a change, it's normally me on the receiving end... cheers
£89...great Mine is on the blink and I'm sure it needs regassed. It was in for a P1 service 2 weeks ago, but an Air Con check isn't applicable to this service looking at the check sheet. so nobody noticed
There was another TG episode where they tested 3 convertibles in a quarry - 350Z, TT and S2000. Hamster loved the 350Z. Clarkson himself said it was the most fun, although you needed nerves of steel. Bear in mind ESP off and in a quarry.
I thought it was a slight improvement, but Plato's article on the Brabus was very Top Gear esq. ...oh and what a car that is not to forget the Audi, looks almost as good as a Zed
Not that I want eveyone wearing the same clobber as me but I bought a t-shirt of this fella a few months back
Robots in Disguise with the fake nose and glasses
Tell her to go to it with her do not want to see this.
Mixed bag of reviews here