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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. This thread is an emotional rollercoaster, glad you have both sorted this one out......oh and ignored Zedrush...just kiddin' bud
  2. Welcome mate Original spoiler - check out Delsa Motorsports on ebay.com, you can buy them painted. Aftermarket ones there are a lot to choose from...
  3. rmmackfc

    Mud Flaps!

    Lees Autos in the US, on ebay.com Your looking at about £100 all in.....and they come painted
  4. I've noticed that the new fad up here for the chavs/neds is driving with only the sidelights on round the town centre circuits. . .yet to see them being pulled over.
  5. Gutted for you mate, chin up though, don't let the buggers grind you down. Get it fixed then see how you feel. . .
  6. Well done sir 3 years! ....they really wanted to sus you out
  7. She'll never lose her jacket anyway
  8. I've found that the Merc drivers are worse! ... Mercs are the new BMW drivers : ) Reminds me of an incident that happened to myself. I once pulled out on two lane dual carriage to overtake a car and a bus decided to try and use some form of drafting technique, I had pulled out in plenty of time as well. Next thing he starts flashing the lights ... enter rage mode for me. I proceed to overtake the car as originally planned, knowing we we're approaching the mother of all hills.... then at foot of hill drop 3 gears and leave the bus to crawl up the hill .... hahahaha Car 1 - Bus 0
  9. I wouldn't know being a spoilt only child +1 apart from the spoilt bit ... I was workin in the mines at 12
  10. Yip, if you are not used to RWD, then it'll be you.... no offence
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