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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Wish I had the spare cash, looks amazing
  2. rmmackfc

    Lotus Exige

    Agree, as an everyday car the Lotus would be hard work. No creature comforts that you need for an every day car....VX220 ? ...Exige does look evil though
  3. Sounds like fun... get some pics up mate
  4. Cheers Nixy, checked out both £200 for two nights B&B with Dinner on 1st night...I'll let the wife decide Surely I'd get a discount at yours for driving the most appropriate colour
  5. Come on mate, how can you go from a 350 to this... Although it may look good in the Thames
  6. Guys, I planning on going down to Cambridge to one of my mates in August and was going to stop off in York for a few nights. Can anyboy recommend any hotels in the region that don't cost a fortune (want to save money as we're going to Newmarket races) but are equally not cheap and nasty. I'd prefer something out the city and with good parking Any recommendations would be appreciated. Cheers
  7. Lets face it they'd be rubbish anyway
  8. Good stuff mate. I agree with lomoto go for parts...
  9. Yellow appears to be the new silver ...common as.... Just kiddin' mate, looks sweet
  10. Doh My school report card always mentioned something about paying attention to....what am I taking about The one Bigphil has on his...can't remeber the name.... I've got it somewhere, that looks the game
  11. Ah, good. I'd been lead to believe the burgers were easy........ they are. The hardest bit is removing the old 3m pad. Guaranteed sore fingers +1 Hairdryer and Dental Floss ...it's the future. PS your neighbours will never look at you the same way again. Just a thought, if superglue is so sticky, why doesn't it stick to the inside of the tube .....and yes I know why
  12. You may get to the Maldives for that price although perhaps not all inclusive... I'd leave it to the last minute, especially being in London, you'll always get a last minute bargain.
  13. Is their not some fitment issues with the Veilside front lip on the sides?
  14. Could be genuine, guy I used to work with had a prosthetic leg from the knee down. A women in a supermarket once called him a disgrace to have a disabled badge when there was nothing wrong with him, his reply was do you want hit over the head with my leg
  15. Get a camera fitted instead
  16. I dont think Sarah would have been too pleased about that, which reminds me, i need to speak the receptionist tomorrow for you ...you're the new Cilla
  17. Welcome mate ......they're all great
  18. You can however use the connection to plug in you mini fridge to keep your beer cool
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