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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. +1 ...only drastic colour changes will really be noticed
  2. Ok, here is a quick mock up of two tone rims as Zedrush suggested
  3. 25k seems a good estimate. My last service was at 23.5k and they said I had about 5k left on them, so i'll change 'em in autumn probably
  4. That'll do nicely I'll do it tonight hopefully.
  5. whats the postage like from Lees Autos? If I remember it was about $70 on top of the $100 for the full set of guards. Well packaged so no problems with damage.
  6. I bought pre painted splash guards from Lees Autos... no probs. I've also bought stuff from Delsa, (not painted items though) and had no issues.
  7. Welcome mate Any colour, doesn't matter, they're all good My choice would be Orange though
  8. You got a decent picture of yours (the larger res the better), having trouble finding a decent GM with Rays on web. Could be difficult to replicate these colours in photoshop as iti s difficult to tell the difference from a photo IMO
  9. Welcome mate, good to see another Scotsman on
  10. I'll try an mock this up for you tonight between coursework and photoshopping an old P1800 Volvo Not too sure on shiny chrome wheels, personally. They can look good in the sun, but can also look very plastic IMO
  11. If you are willing to wait about a year and half I'll sell you mine
  12. Welcome mate I use mine a daily car, does the job for me. Sarnie's first Zed was sold to P15UL T, was Black....now Green GT4, GT, std - Whatever one you get, they're all good IMO
  13. ...hmm not sure. There website doesn't give much away, but for NA engines there doesn't seem like a big hike in bhp
  14. 290...hardly worth it then really
  15. rmmackfc

    USA 350Z

    That looks like one hell of a trip
  16. Dastek, funny that they are in this months Banzai I believe. Have they done a Unichip for the 350? Sounds
  17. Nice one , knew it wasn't yours mate, i'd seen it on there . I posted mine on there too....the 1st of many perhaps
  18. Ferrari F430 front, Porsche 911 side skirt..........sorry dude
  19. No problems then with rear tinted lights ....I really need to put mine on
  20. I used the colour variations feature in photoshop where you can lighten/darken and add more primary colour to the mix. After that I used Hue and saturation to try and get the colour blend spot on. The bumper was taken from a F430 (you probably guessed that anyway) and the lip was on this. Agree that the lighting could be better on the lip though. Business sideline....could be a plan... I'm going to start my next project today B4 F1 starts....thinking of hotrodding an old SAAB 92, I've got a rough idea of what it looks like in my head so should be fun.... cheers Lol you nutcase, careful can be quite addictive, if you got a colour printer get some hp photo paper and print it and start your portfolio, will come in handy true...very true. Printer...I've got one of those at work
  21. I used the colour variations feature in photoshop where you can lighten/darken and add more primary colour to the mix. After that I used Hue and saturation to try and get the colour blend spot on. The bumper was taken from a F430 (you probably guessed that anyway) and the lip was on this. Agree that the lighting could be better on the lip though. Business sideline....could be a plan... I'm going to start my next project today B4 F1 starts....thinking of hotrodding an old SAAB 92, I've got a rough idea of what it looks like in my head so should be fun.... cheers
  22. I don't like red cars too much, but the Zed looks Red sports cars will always sell, plus the fact that these are pretty rare should help IMO
  23. good spot It was a rear wheel I used for both...I'll remember that for the future. I think the wheels are a bit bright too tbh Cheers
  24. I trying to learn more and more on photoshop so I decided to have a play about with a custard 350Z, since they appear to be the most popular colour now Anyway here's the results. . . Before After
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