I used the colour variations feature in photoshop where you can lighten/darken and add more primary colour to the mix. After that I used Hue and saturation to try and get the colour blend spot on. The bumper was taken from a F430 (you probably guessed that anyway) and the lip was on this. Agree that the lighting could be better on the lip though. Business sideline....could be a plan... I'm going to start my next project today B4 F1 starts....thinking of hotrodding an old SAAB 92, I've got a rough idea of what it looks like in my head so should be fun.... cheers
Lol you nutcase, careful can be quite addictive, if you got a colour printer get some hp photo paper and print it and start your portfolio, will come in handy
true...very true. Printer...I've got one of those at work