Heres another 2 white ones at a better price and less miles.....
Weird I spotted this last night in the Autotrader site.
Is it just me or is the rear left tyre flat.
I'm not a fan of the gold wheels either ..... black or white
Getting shot of those orange indicator/reflector nonsense on the front! Need to start hunting on where to get some new ones from....any ideas?
Followed by short shifter with Nismo Carbon knob
And next time im on leave I'll be getting some form of intake from BigPhil
Plenty of places to get the reflector etc ... Ebay would be my first port of call.
I remember when I had mine and an elderly woman was looking in the window when I was parked at the supermarket, I could hear her commenting to her daughter (I assumed) trying to work out what it was ... didn't ask her if she fancied a ride though
Welcome back mate, Happy New Year
The biggest news was that Jay actually decided to share pictures of his car with us! ... I won't even list the ideas he has fired across the site ... last I heard it was new fenders, or wings as we call them