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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. £400 ... knew it 384g/Km
  2. Well sure as hell beats sittin in an office 9-5, 5 days a week
  3. Stuff like this makes me want to keep mine longer ...... and buy a Supercharger
  4. Seen it before, apparently happened in Ireland
  5. Nice .... I used to have one of those
  6. Saw a 1985 Bentley advertised for £9k. 6.75L 15mpg
  7. rmmackfc

    My Zed

    Looking ...fancy doin mine
  8. Non voter here... monkeys with red flags easily win my constituancy. Add Des Browne to your list Jay...
  9. splash guards? tell me more. i dont really want to start buying tons of styling stuff, i wanted a front lip that was nice and not just another nismo. i also have an ings rear spoiler to go on, i dunno, gonna get it painted and see. Got mine from Lees Autos in the US already painted, £100 all in
  10. IMO it needs something to accentuate the sudden drop when viewing from the side. A set of splashguards could be a cheap fix unless you plan on getting new sides
  11. Do we need to worry, will Labour be in power in 2010?
  12. I need a rant.... If you drive a gas guzzler (to quote the government) you have to pay a higher and higher road tax. 1. Now what if you only drive it 1000-2000 miles per annum, hardly fair. 2. We are spending £2Billion, that's a "B" not a "M" on frontline troops fighting other countries wars. Now I don't think that the Challenger 2 tank is the most enviomentally friendliest modes of transport...do the government pay the tax on those... 3. This whole environment scam is a joke. The UK on a global size for pollution is miniscule. Are we single handedly changing the future of our world with our small emmissions cars...nope, we won't make a dent. The only benefit, and it's a small one is that the price of second hand gas guzzlers after 2010 should be good as you'll not need to fork out £950 on showroom tax... showroom tax! ! ! what sort of name is that, next we'll get "looking at price tax". Rant over... for now
  13. Maybe the same thing then, but I'm sure this was at the wheels Possible photo... http://jalopnik.com/cars/spy-photos/pos ... 331735.php
  14. Looks nice, I heard there is a 550bhp V-Spec coming out too albeit in a years time...
  15. Did someone mention black..... still prefered Sunset in the Summer though
  16. Well put Nixy, agree some of my mates couldn't give a Castlemaines XXXX about their car
  17. ...yeah should this be marked NSFW
  18. If you go on the PH forums you may have seen this... truely depressing http://www.supercarforums.co.uk/chatfor ... sc&start=0
  19. A number of the car parks I choose, have bays with hatched lines where you are not supposed to park, I normally put a tyre width into these giving me extra room. Although yesterday when I took the car for a service, I stuck it in a completely hatched area as I couldn't fit in any spaces! When I came back to get my car they put it at the front door with no other cars near it ... nice I've also chosen end spaces, meaning only one side of the car is exposed, then park as close to the edge as possible (without wheel scuffing). The biggest problem I have is the length of my car, the front or rear normally sit way out in the open.
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