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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Spot the difference...
  2. ...ok so it fits golf bags (most sizes)...like i care. Begs the question why the f... would you want this... http://www.birdautomotive.com/Golf%20Bag%20Carrier%20and%20Luggage%20Carrier.htm http://www.birdautomotive.com/Bike%20Rack%20Nissan%20350Z.htm
  3. ...oh god, please don't
  4. Only ever had Bridgestone RE040s Had them on CTR too, they were on that too. I've been impressed however with the lack of wear on the rears. However, they're not happy when it rains...I live in Scotland...it rains...a lot From reading through the thread, the Falkens sound good...they're well priced too. Ross
  5. Unsure as to what you have or haven't done... I'd try speaking with the General Manager at Bishops and highlight this case to make him aware. The Service Manager could have omitted to telling him about this incident. . .it happens. If that doesn't work, I'd go up to the next step in the ladder i.e the top man for the Bishop's franchise. If that doesn't work then it's off to Nissan GB, telling them that dealer has been unsupportive. . .etc. If that doesn't work then I do as some of the other guys have suggested. Finally, if that doesn't work whatever you do, don't watch "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas ...it could get messy Good luck Ross
  6. Good luck in the search....it'll be worth it in the end Ross
  7. Any advice on this? If you buy tyres of the internet, can a garage refuse to fit them? Cheers Ross
  8. ...had to read that twice....thought you'd described her as a very dirty blonde
  9. rmmackfc

    Luma M5

    Certainly eye catching!
  10. Buy a police siren...works wonders
  11. I had a CTR too previously, can't say I really noticed much of a difference in fuel. Although that could be down to the fact that I can't run my mates to and from the football on a friday night now though. . . ah the beauty of 1 passanger seat. Ross
  12. Hello, have fun....you'll not stop smiling
  13. rmmackfc

    wheel offset

    Smaller offset the more they stick out Larger offset pushes them in Just to confuse you more, if you increase wheel width this also comes into the equation. Check http://www.1010tires.com/WheelOffsetCalculator.asp To figure out what you've got just now see... http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/350Z_OEM_Wheel_Specifications Ross
  14. rmmackfc

    wheel offset

    Personally i'd go between 20- 25mm Some info here .... http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5702&highlight=offset What you got fitted just now?
  15. Stew, not the best pic but might give you an idea... http://www.tsw-wheels.co.uk/?section=16&wheel_id=16&view=on_car_profile Believe they come in a 20mm offset...
  16. Think I'd rear end someone fast if that were fitted....
  17. Time attacks are smart , and will look awesome your GM Z. You'll need to post some pics when you get em fitted. 2ks not bad there about £1500 in the US, but the time you add shipping and customs...2k sounds good. I'm still trying to find them cheaper... What tyre sizes you go for?
  18. I already have Just waiting for them to arrive Cool Where you get em? How much?
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