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Everything posted by rmmackfc

  1. Awe...c'mon we're not that bad. Release the hounds....
  2. ...that was a good deal! Looks good so far Val
  3. rmmackfc


    ...especially like the one where it has become a feature of the house.
  4. Hello Ross... You have a scarily similar name to me... I'm also a Ross Mac Cheers Ross
  5. Oh dear... why has the black one got every single item on the car black, yet he has the tan seats! ....and yes it is KITT
  6. I've got that too. Got it from ebay US. Carbeyondstore
  7. Going away for the weekend to Fort William then down to Oban... Looking forward to the drive, hope there's no snow Ross
  8. I used Dent Devils the last time, 50 sheets.
  9. Is this still the 350z forum?!? ...Mills n Boon? Here's ma 10p worth... Personally speaking I'd do it before the holiday... not likely that this will happen but what if she says no? ....always have an exit plan. If your stuck on an island, an exit may be hard to find. Then there is the nerves, do you want to be thinking of asking her etc whilst on holiday, it could ruin it for you if you are gettin stressed out over it. At the end of the day, only you have the answer Ross
  10. LG manufacture a number of components for most of the major brands too
  11. The back reminds me of a 850i BMW....
  12. Top man! Good tunes too....
  13. I've got the Tosh 42WLT66 LCD and I'm happy as a pig in shi... Hooked up to Sky HD + Denon 7.1 amp + Missions it is superb! My mate just bought a 32WLT68, and has had a few issues between his Sky+ box and the tv, namely picture judder when changing channel. I had the same problem with mine too. Problem was solved by using the HDMI lead from Sky box, he doesn't have that option though and he's on his 3rd TV in 3 weeks. Sony Bravia is good, another one of my mates has one, only thing I noticed (although its a 46") is some fading in the corners. What hifi Sound and Vision recently did a test on 32" Tvs and the following website is good too... http://www.avforums.com/forums/index.php Hope this is of some help Ross
  14. There is no way i am cleaning him every 5 minutes from being in the snow, this was the best thing i have ever bought for him! haha. Its even a Barbour Nice ....thought he'd mugged a racing greyhound for a moment
  15. ...you watch desperate housewives?!?!
  16. Hehehe ....Any pic's of those new rims yet! ....or still "lost" your camera
  17. A snow button.... does it snow in Japan?
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