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  1. Just wanted to say a big thank you on behalf of all Banzai Club admin and members for those of you who attended the meet. You made a big difference on the day. A fantastic turn out, good weather and some awesome cars including a D1 GB car, a Nissan Pulsar powered mini as well as 300+ other Jap Cars too many to mention... The meet will also be featured in Banzai Magazine March issue... To check out the meet pictures click here. http://www.banzaiclub.co.uk/forum/index ... topic=1910 Thanks again and look forward to seeing you at our next meet which will be announced in due course. Thanks again for your support. Banzai Club www.banzaiclub.co.uk
  2. we have refreshment vouchers for 20% off in the services if you require please come and see me (female, blonde hair called Saz, will be hovering around near the banzai club lot) cheers looking forward to meeting you saz
  3. hi guys slight up date on this meet, due to unwelcome attention from certain other sites we have now secured the meet at FERRYBRIDGE SERVICES off the M62, the management are even providing us with discounted vouchers for food and drink and offering us full use of the lorry park where we can be responsible for who is allowed in. THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED WITH THE SERVICES GENERAL MANAGER. If you need any further info please pm me. After numerous polite requests to the site in question to feel free to come over and have a look and to respect our meet, we were given verbal abuse accusing us as singling them out due to being a cruise site and basically telling us to sod off as it was a public car park, therefore i feel it is in the best interests of our meet to change the venue. Please can we apply discretion guys as to what sites infomation on this meet is posted on as all we want is a safe and enjoyable jap meet. Hope this has not caused too much inconvenience the venue is however in the same vicinity as the xscape so will not mean any further traveling for you hope you understand why we have had to do this thanks guys banzaiclub
  4. Place: Xscape, Castleford, W Yorks time: Sunday January 28th 12pm afternoon onwards. Jap gathering, chinwag, cuppa and maybe a bit of grub. Tell all jap peeps about it get ya sens down there!! hoping for a good turn out advertised on all jap forums!
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