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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. my spanglish psell chequer said it was ok...
  2. REVERSE PSICHOLOGY LESSON 101 To be honest , we DONT need anyone else going, the numbers are fine and we can have loads of fun, the rest are doing fine not coming, after all it is better to watch the Saturday take away show, or whatever it is called... and WALES is soo far away... NAhh better off without them lot we'll get the fun, the photos, the experiences, and the fun of meeting fellow ZEDDERS... Let this be an exclusive meet for exclusive people... NO RIFF RAFF attending this meet please... only QUALITY PEOPLE NEED APPLY... END OF REVERSE PSICHOLOGY LESSON 101...
  3. today I sell, tomorrow I mod... which way does the wind blow today... but I know how he feels... it is difficult to let go... and on top of this he is just making his mean machine even more appealing
  4. HERE http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en ... &z=16&om=1
  5. For those with a keen knowledge of Japanese the following chapters will give you a good idea of how to hone your drift skills...ENJOY... For the rest, who don't speak the lingo... some nice videos of drift skills... (Apologies for the spelling my janglish to spanglish conversion is not so good) Basic drift lesson 1 (tight circle) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy7zANji ... ed&search= Basic drift lesson 2 (open circle) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYpGbrYP ... ed&search= Basic drift lesson 3 (figure of eight, basic switch control) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWLdvBg0 ... ed&search= Basic drift lesson 4 (power oversteer) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pqXqz1O ... ed&search= Basic drift lesson 5 (handbrake and brake control) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7Ack_i4 ... ed&search= Basic drift lesson 6 (all technique combined) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6gzwWv9 ... ed&search= If you master this lot... you can be the official 350z-uk.com "DK" WARNING : tyre sponsor might be required...
  6. Zzzz...

    which wheels

    Or you don't need to change, get them powder coated in black with a nice matching orange style line around the circumference and a hard wearing lacquer over the whole lot, should give you a neat look to your motor for around 80 quid a wheel. (for a proper respray and bake job, i think you can get them resprayed cheaper... but work on worst case and you will always be pleasantly surprised...)
  7. The zed in my opinion is the most under-rated sport car in this category and as such it attract little or no hate/envy/appeal to theft. The Nissan anti-theft systems while it is not all bells and whistles it performs as well as any competitor and the only way they are going to nick it is by nicking your keys... but since they are not a "volume market" they do not attract the effort of b@st@rd thiefs. (it is more profitable to go for imprezzas etc and older performance cars... sold in big volumes...) and due to the limited number on the road they are not the most easy to disguise from police... so i am pretty sure this has to be one of the best bets for a sports car in this category. The car is impressive to look it is impressive to drive , but really a bit of a dog to steal and sell onwards ( whole or by parts) As for envy attacks, as you mentioned while it is great car, the badge makes it a "car for the people" , and it is not pretentious in any way... The biggest issue i have got is with a neighbour a "premium german" brand car and since my car turned up he seems determined to prove to me how much better his car is(overtaking in 20mph areas, cutting me up a couple of times etc....) and to make access to my garage port as difficult as possible SO I think i get more grief from people trying to prove to me that their "more" expensive car is more worthy of the road I drive on, ... just a beatiful car...no one slags a beatifull girl-next-door-blond (only another bitching blonde... )
  8. you get ALL those colours for the price of ONE? B A R G A I N !
  9. REVENTON ?!?!?! in spanish this means "blowup" ( as in tyre blowout!!!) excellent... I am assuming they kept to their philosophy of naming each car after famous bullfighting bulls however they could have picked a better bull for this car...
  10. I don't know ... if sarnie was tail end charlie ( or should it be tail end "sarnie") and he agreed to have two or three big vinyl stickers in purple stuck around his car saying something along the lines... of -I wish I was a ZED... ZED RULES! LAMBO SUCK! or I am just a colourful VW... or -I used to have a ZED and miss it a lot ...because now I get accosted by big blokes in tight leather and handle bar moustaches... or I upgraded from a ZED to a Lambo and now I don't have a group of nice guys and cars to meet with...so I tag along... what you think...
  11. oh dear that looks like the The hobo spider (Tegenaria agrestis) It is a member of the genus of spiders known colloquially as funnel web spiders. Individuals construct a funnel-shaped structure of silk sheeting and lie in wait at the small end of the funnel for prey insects to blunder onto their webs. Hobo spiders sometimes build their webs in or around human habitations. Although this species of spider has a reputation for aggressiveness, they will normally avoid contact with humans. Most bites occur when the spider is accidentally crushed or squeezed by a human. The spider's venom is strong enough to cause considerable local pain and has been reported to sometimes cause tissue death (necrosis) at and near the bite GOOD NIGHT , SLEEP WELL
  12. It might be dust, but as I have the cleanest pads at the moment...also now i found out this has something to to with the leading and trailing edges of the pad. the pad is quite a close fit on the sides of the backing plate and the movement up and down on the disc surface causes the leading or trailing edge to rub against the caliper body at high frequency, generating the squeal. Hence why the workshop manual mentions specifically the copper greasing of the leading and trailing edges of the pad... maybe the heat /ambient etc causes the pad backing plate to expand a tiny fraction more than OEM but enough to make a slight contact to caliper body causing the rubbing/squeal noise under light pedal pressure where the pad had some level of compliance to vibrate...
  13. xStric9x Chesterfield Zzzz... :kicking
  14. I haven't really been on tracks so much , 4 (sedate) laps on nurburgring... and after that i have had them off twice and cleaned them up, copper greased them un-shimmed them , then re-shimmed, and the last thing I did was make a small chamfer on the edges... As I say it seems a bit of an environmental issue also (hot ambient)... as the spanish forum they seem to suffer the squealing a lot with these pads. If I wait till winter or the rain coming back it will probably resolve it for another year, then it would be a matter of trying to wear them out before next summer...
  15. No pads and discs are fine... all checked... it is a characteristic of the pads I think... I have the shims that came with the original pads fitted... I tried it without them... no improvement either way... chamfered them... etc etc... If you have not had it yet (the pig in your brakes squeeeeealiiiing), it might be your braking style is different... i think if you are a late-braker and stop "positively" you might never hear it... as I say , i feather the brake pad between say 10mph and 0mph to avoid an abrupt stop...it is in this time and with warm disc/pads ( for example after driving around town stop/starting for around 5-10 minutes...or after a few decent stops on the motorway) No solution but, to just buy new pads...and try them out...
  16. Hello Traders I got a question from a fellow Zedder in Spain asking me for a reputable source of a full Nismo V1 Body Kit, or "NISMO STYLE" V1 , from the UK or US ...I said I would check out our UK club... and traders. I have seen bits and pieces from different traders, but I just wanted a one point thread to identify who sells the whole kit , rough idea of prices, and deliveries etc... these guys tend to also do group buys for the right price. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!
  17. Always, the styling is decided and wheel and tyres specified at the early stages of the concepts, it is then up to the ride andhandling experts to tune the TCS, ABS etc... The TCS can go wild if the rolling radius has changed in relation to each axle (~FR and RR)...so going round a corner, for example, the fronts will be turning at some rate and if the RR are bigger and turning at a slower rate, the TCS will think the Fronts are slipping and try and slow them down, when in fact they are perfectly ok... and this will apply also to each wheel corner, also you then have the effect of g sensors, new wheel and tyres might allow you to pull more cornering "G" and I think the TCS ESP thingy is tuned to detect certain "G" levels at which point it starts to judge that you are going "too fast" for the corner... so it can cut in ... Aim to keep the rolling radius as close as possible to the original dimension and you should be ok (FR and RR) ...as for cornering G etc... if the wheels and tyres are correct size, the effect should not be so noticeable...my opinion anyway...
  18. no! you bunch of ignorant zed owners!!!!... you obviously have no concept of styling and keeping symmetry when accessorising... making a mirror image with airfreshners, gives a much higher quality feel... Also think... When you sell your house you put bread in the oven etc to make it appealing to the senses...same here... also why does one passenger benefit and not the other?... it shows that you can afford an air freshner for your passenger... you don't skimp on having the best for your ZED... please re-tune your thinking... now then ... where can i find a spare steering wheel and instrument cluster...
  19. I concur, never a peep out of them Same for me, and so much better than the OEM. but have you guys had ferodos? if yes, could you develop the squeal using ferodos... and now you cannot get this squeal under the same circumstances... this is what i want to know... otherwise it could be your braking styles are different from mine... I've had oem, redstuff and ferodo's OEM: Crap Redstuff: Good and NO squeeling Ferodo's: Superb but wailed like a banshee Thank you!... don't let them tell you your are useless... OK so if you have the squeal and the red stuff didn't under the same usage, it gives me confidence to go that route... OK ...dammit ... 185 quid for pads and now another 100 and odd quid for new pads... in 3000 miles (3000/185= 16 miles/pound ... probably the most expensive pads in the world....) anyone here want 2nd had ferodo pads... ? going cheap...
  20. I concur, never a peep out of them Same for me, and so much better than the OEM. but have you guys had ferodos? if yes, could you develop the squeal using ferodos... and now you cannot get this squeal under the same circumstances... this is what i want to know... otherwise it could be your braking styles are different from mine...
  21. did you have any insect bites when you woke up? it could be worth checking.... A young woman was sunbathing on the beach and was just about to drop off to sleep, when she felt an insect running along her jawbone and then down her neck. She brushed it away, and thought nothing more of it. After about a week, she noticed what she thought was a pimple growing and growing. The skin was inflamed and it looked like a blister. Then, one day, she was blow-drying her hair and hit the inflamed spot with her hair dryer. The blistered skin broke open and hundreds of tiny white baby spiders and pus came pouring out of the wound! It seems that while she was sunbathing, her pores had enlarged enough that a mama spider could deposit her egg sac in one. They incubated under her skin until she smacked herself in the jaw with the hair dryer! good night all....
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