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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. 174 views, only 4 names down... maybe not a great idea to try and doo a "round britain rally" in a car that drinks 99RON gallons every 20 miles or so... Anyway I intend to put a lot of miles on my zed ( sod the re-sale value...I bought my ZED knowing it will be a loss maker, but fun super-accumulator...). I will let you guys know where I am heading, and that pint, up in aberdeen, and john o'groats is definetely on...soon...
  2. I have got ONE Original (bought in Japan) NISMO Decal Font size 18mm tal and about 150mm long maybe I should just put this sticker on EBAY also...
  3. Stick it on ebay dude! I DARE YOU http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... &rd=1&rd=1 As I said ... NO RESERVE on this one...
  4. Zzzz...


    just because its got the power, the tune, there's no excuse for a HALFORDS pink tune ... NISSAN... if you are reading... please stop it ... NOW...
  5. it is going on ebay this weekend ... godammit! for any one interested... NO RESERVE on this one...
  6. I think Nissan have been very unconsiderate, because I have a sports bag which is quite big and they don't explain to me by means of a sticker, HOW to fit it in the boot... And there was this other day I went to tescos and I could not figure out how to neatly stack the tescos bag... what was the best way to insert the bags into the boot... Also I feel a bit of a fake because I have a zed and I don't play golf... so part of what i paid for the ZEd is wasted... I cannot use the "valuable information provided by NISSAN to get the most of this car now... maybe I should just go and buy a golf bag and use it as my backpack... If anyone is willing to buy this sticker from me I will gladly try a get back some of my wasted money...
  7. Zzzz...


    what's happened to the photos of the cabstar in pink and the ZED... I cannot see them !!!!
  8. did you need to read the label to do this or did you have enough brain cells to figure it out without the stupid sticker....
  9. Zzzz...


    first was this then this.... now ... this comes along...
  10. or mine... how many "Z" chromed logos can you have on the outside of the car....unbelievable... I specially like the stylish tie-wraps...
  11. why did Nissan think it was fundamental to put a sticker in the boot about fitting golf clubs? a)They must have thought golfers are an essential market to the 350z sales? Nissan Think Golfers are incapable of putting golf bags in the back of the car without guidance. c)Nissan hope that everyone who buys a zed will take on golfing after seeing this sticker... WTF...
  12. no comment required...50quid and it is yours... www.350z-accessories.com/prototype_z_grill.htm
  13. I have to say mi michelins pilot Sports with around 300 miles on them are GREAT... very limited Traction control activation, good feel as to when the car is reachingt the grip limit and then very progressive , controlable oversteer... all this in the recent wet. sludgy, greasy roads I have had to deal with! I am very happy as I don't consider myself a good driver but I can confidently control the car when I get a bit "excited" I could not recommend them enough...
  14. yes ... just realised it didn't transfer very well, and I cannot upload it due to size... so try this link http://www.nissan.com.co/papercraft/350z/fairlady_2.gif there are other as well... enjoy http://www.nissan.com.co/papercraft/papercraft.php
  15. good on ya', as you say do as many as you want... and you never know some "southerners" might be encourage to go up north, and have a bit of a "scottish meet" , and cover a few in one go... I am thinking also we could post the photos online and "wet" peoples interest... I will definetely do some of the most northerly scottish runs, as I have always wanted to go up to the most "northern" place in UK...and this is a good excuse...
  16. just a bit of fun ... and you can do as much or as little as you want... depends on your competitve streak!
  17. oil hitting a very hot exhaust or catalyser, could generate fire!, maybe whilst driving this will be unlikely but worth checking... I am not sure of the layout of the sump plug and the exhaust... but also might be worth inspecting any electrical connectors (02 sensor connectors etc) in the proximity of the exhaust...) and checking for heat damage, contamination etc.. which could deteriorate the harness not now, but 2 months down the line... It might even be worth getting an independant AA inspector to come and have a look and assess the condition of the car and underfloor, and indicate likely areas of damage and potential deterioration. Oil can attchk plastics, harnesses, connectors etc... with this information in hand you can then decide if it is worth pusuing small claims court... (the AA cost could be recovered and charged back to the dealer... if there is a problem...or potential future problem... after this the car needs to get properly cleaned for the whole underfloor with oil contamination. you could even raise the issue that from an environmental point of view it is ILLEGAL to dump used oil ( except in correct collection points) as such his error has caused you to break the law... Basic Errors Like This Should Not Be Tolerated.
  18. WELL HELLO THERE! I have some good news (well I hope you will be interested...) I spoke to the guy organising the round britain rally and he has agreed to let me have last years rally itinerary for use this year by the 350z-uk.com forum... In his words: From: Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:14 PM To: Subject: Re: 2007 RBR registration Some 3 or 4 year ago we thought of running the "Round Britain Tour" for cars. I wrote to numerous car clubs and magazines but not one was decent enough to even reply. That's their loss. If you and your friends want to have a go attached is last year landmark list. Come back to me with what you decide what to do. If there are more than 6 people who want to have a go. I will be happy to administer it and more importantly mark the photos at the end as I have the proofs. David SOOOOOOO!!! how about it? do you fancy taking part? It will be free this year, but if it becomes popular I think we have to give David the right to administer and maybe charge some fee to give the routes etc...( after all he does spend time and effort organising this event.) So the rules would be simple: 1. You register interest. 2. I send you the landmark list 3. Then it is up to you which landmarks you choose, but each has a value. 4. You go there with your ZED, you take a photo with your zed and the landmark ( where possible, for ones which are impossible to access by car ( we can print a 350x-uk logo and RBR logo A4 sheet and take a photo of you and the A4 poster) 5. You keep a track of all your photos and "expected" score. 6. If there are more than 6 people, David Agreed to review the photos against the photo proofs he holds, and give a final score! 7. Winner gets the Recognition of being the best travelled ZED in UK, ... I see this as an opportunity for : 1. Random meets ( maybe 2 or 3 ZED meet at the same landmark by accident and have a good old chat?) 2. Gives you a good excuse for a good drive to some very nice parts of England Scotland and Wales. 3. Whilst there is a scoring this will be only to encourage you to go more places. Anyway, the landmark list has 51 landmarks in England 20 in Scotland 13 in Wales Maximum score available 1800points. (Scottish and Welsh landmarks generally score higher due to the distances involved in some of them...) IF you are interested let me know and what I can do is set a start date as the 1st of MARCH. and run until the end of Aug-Sept. For those who show interest and are really keen their names will be recorded in this thread, and I will email the landmark list. Come sept, I can collect and send back to David and get official SCORES. So ... put your name down... you know you want to...
  19. I will give you the option of making one all by yourself... how about showing your "tuning" skills? What would you do to the Zed if you had the artistic flair? Here is you chance to show the world at little cost! For those who fancy a bit of fun... how do you fancy posting your best efforts on this thread... let's see what kind of minds live in this forum... Cutout, tune the style build it and post a pic... Maybe moderators and admins can select the best , and be independant adjudicators... Everyone can judge...
  20. why do you want to go faster to work???? but if you must... I think i saw somewhere the novidem supercharger is 7k ( press the button, connect the supercharger and uleash hell...but press the button, disengage the supercharger and trundle to work as per normal...slowly... )
  21. I sugegst you look at the japan prices , as this is a japan company: For the 4 piece set ( 1st item on the list....) 68250 YEN @ 237Y/£ = 287.38 pounds...(Edited ... previously i put 237 GBP ..sorry ) 630 USD @ 1.95USD/£ = 323 pounds.... a 12% (not 35%)price hike to buy in US dollars... yeeehaaaa! who 'da'cowboys...??? Japan is going through a very weak period economically worse than US... ARIGATO...
  22. I am sure they have done all the work and so on... but isn't carbon fibre a bit peculiar material for wheels? As far as I understand carbon fibre is stong and resilient depending on how the strands of fibre and so on are laid out, but if you load them in different direction to what they where designed, they shatter. Also if you get sratched or chips in the CF these become stress concentrators, and later on when you are loading the wheel (high speed for example, arent they prone to just break? I am thinking if they designed it for track use... have they considered Mr lemon head, kerbing them, or do they have a clause saying IF you kerbed them, please remove immediately... (theres 3k in the bin...) I remeber this from mountain bike frame technology, I know it is slightly different but the principle is the same... Once you have a big "off" if the bike frame was marked in the loaded and stressed areas, the frame becomes a nice piece of junk...
  23. Zzzz...

    P3 Service

    everything that is supposed to be carried out in a P3 is indicated in the service book. It indicates the reccomendation to the dealer (Inspect (I) or Replace ® , from engine oil down to grease in hinges and tread depth... I find very weird that a Nissan Approved dealer ( even if he did a service at 3000) would have stamped the book at 3k I think he should have considered that as an "extra" service and not checked the book... and it is correct P1, P2, P1, P££££... i think it is around 350 quid right?
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