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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. I did 45 miles on the --------- today YOU daredevil... next you'll be bidding on ebay for useless things you don't want, hoping someone else will outbid you...
  2. basic question... but I have been trialling a PDA with TOM TOM and bluetooth GPS module, but when I have left the PDA in the cubby hole, the battery on the PDA goes flat very quickly in a couple of occasions... I think it is due to the CD player generating a lot of heat which goes directly into this cubby hole and must drain the battery... either that of the combination of hot CD'd and then cold environment and the cyclic hot cold condition... or it could be a duff battery, but outside of the car it holds charge for weeks...so i doubt it... ANYWAY... any known concern with fitting a tom tom etc..and "overheating" or not functionning correctly due to CD unit heat in the cubby hole? Cheers !
  3. if the photos are correct I have MPS 2... anyway that pattern tyre...
  4. I am glad to have volunteered information and ideas... but since my knowledge of the midlands spans about 200m either side of the M1 between Bedford and Newcastle... I am not sure if I can be of further assistance... maybe some locals can point nice locations? Otherwise there are a few places up north (Anwick...etc... ) or even in West wales I spotted a few places... but midlands... no idea...
  5. doesn't this mean you have coolant up to that level and you just have to top up to the "max" line? Sorry if I missed something here...
  6. How about some picturesque/impressive location... (good old castle with a good parking area for meet, impressive arty photos... etc followed by some "pub-ball 3000" run (teetotal of course...)
  7. Styling, you call that styling... He has not even bothered to get a stubby aerial!!!!!! next he'll be sticking a confederate flag onto that mast and dixie horns...
  8. not recomendable to push the car till it runs out... apart from the inconvenience, as it runs out, i heard that it can have poor combustion cycles and potentially damage catalysts, if unburnt fuel goes all the way down there etc... just take it from the brochure 80 litres in the tank and a very conservative fuel gauge...
  9. snow driving? just ignore 1st and 2nd gear... maybe the snowsox will be in use
  10. I have developed a Moist feeling in my pants... pissing myself laughing. .. or out of fear of actually seeing some one with this kit ON the road
  11. A Bidding war has started! I guess my detailed explanations of the sticker and its function has helped... sl114, this is what happens when you dare someone...
  12. good question... how do I know/ find out ?... They are probably 1's as they took a lot of negotiating to get down to that price fitted.
  13. I had the bright idea of operating the windscreen washer ( with lamps on) and driving against a -3C wind ( probably with windchill factor would be lower..) and the headlmap washers have frozen themselves in the out position... I look like a ant , with my antennas out ... hopefully they'll thaw out by lunch time...
  14. i think you are only supposed to apply a very (VERY) thin layer of paint, and perhaps even the type of paint used might be important... Maybe previous customer fitted himself ( or even dealer did it... and then decided to colour match them himself with a can of halfords spray paint can...
  15. what have i started... lomoto... anyone knows joncox100?
  16. Sarnie. you are a star... Ebay queries now replied...
  17. Ahh ok ... that's worth 35 quid... ok I'll go and subscribe now...
  18. SORRY !! i forgot to tick the box below to publish it, and then... I submit it and it was too late... send it again and i'll repost it... 29 views already...
  19. Sorry let me get this straight... the subscription fee (35 quid) only gives you access to information threads... (those of which could be more than likely be found if you google around...) No discounts for shows? No better discounts than those you give here? No special events, show space... etc... basically... are they charging 35 quid for information that more than likely you can find on the internet, if you look around a little bit... I was nearly tempted a while back...
  20. Michelin Pilot Sports , and if you get them for less than 600 quid fitted you're onto a winner... The step change in performance was incredible for me...
  21. LMAO... read the following question posted on my ebay item: Do you have also sticker that tells me how to remove 2 golf bags from my boot? I managed to get a pair wedged in there about six months ago and they have been there ever since as I'm not sure how to remove them without a sticker for direction? Anyone here?
  22. spotted on a day out, to check other figther pilot tools...
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