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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. The basic spec only has Traction control? Can i ask to confirm if my understanding is correct? Traction Control : is purely a system to regulate the power to the wheels to prevent wheelspin, when you try and pull away too quickly or if a wheel looses traction, but this system has no "correction of ****-up" capability. ESP/VDC is the system which combines ABS, Traction control and a whole set of sensors ( lateral accel, yaw sensor, etc...) , so that it not only detects wheel spin and tries to correct it, but it also detects if the car goes "out of line" and individually brakes each wheel to bring the car back in line... Is this correct do 350z have 2 systems? I though they would have all come with EDP/VDC only... Nixy, if the button in the car you are looking says only TCS I suggest you don't bother with it... keep looking I think you can get one with ESP/VDC, it will be worth it "that one time" ( or two or three....) the car steps out of line
  2. I am pretty sure that if it has the uprated brakes it will have the Traction control as standard... in fact I bet they all come with ESP/VDC as std... but also very easy to check ask your friendly dealer to look round about where his knee would be when pressing the accelerator and there should be a button with ESP or VDC written on it... ESP -Electronic Stability Program (Common term for Europe) VDC- Vehicle Dynamic Control ( Common term used in Japan or US I think)
  3. I Japan you get 4-5 different standard specs... http://www.DELETED.com/350z-info.htm states that there are : Coupe Fairlady Z Fairlady Z Version T Fairlady Z Version S Fairlady Z Version ST Fairlady Z 35th Anniversary Edition Nismo S-Tune GT Roadster Fairlady Z Fairlady Z Version T I think (but not 100% sure) from versionT onwards all Jap spec come with BREMBOS, and possibly fit RR spoiler, though I thought the spoiler was the aerodynamic aid required only for European unique high speed driving conditions... The basic spec I think is the one with 17" alloys, and the 200SX brake system, so you really neet to be looking for T-spec of higher...
  4. have you seen the matrix version..... A W E S O M E dude...
  5. I haven't done it for a while so I cannot remeber exactly but, If you are going for the economy run, set it at 4000rpm , start flashing at 3500 and it will keep you in top gear at around 70-80 without light flashing, This forces you to accelerate gently to prevent light on, and then keep it in a nice rev range for economy... Otherwise 5750 rpm giving me 1250 rpm to change gear before my face hits the windscreen ( a little bit too sharp that rev limiter... )
  6. don't worry there is a whole team of important peoplein a dark office in the dungeons of the EU headquarters, already designing all the stickers to go in the car to explain all the requirements...
  7. The ESP/Traction control can be tuned to allow "levels" of recovery... I read somehwere that the Skyline GTR traction control is designed to allow a level of drift before it activates, this is to ensure it keeps sportiness feel... And people like top gear and magazines have compared the 350z traction control with that of an Audi TT , the latter been very efficient and kicking in very quickly , but this reduces the amount of sportiness and driver feel... with the nissan you still keep a level of perceived sportiness ... I think the concepts for each car are different and the Z is more after raw driver appeal, than the "clinically engineered performance" of a TT I bet if it wasn't for the US and the latest fads for safety , Europe spec zeds would not have come with ESP.
  8. Surely that will depend on the driving style he intends to take ... -Gentle cuise round the ring... -or "Sabine-chaser" mode...
  9. Correct - It is a Driver "AID", not a Driver "RESOLVER", it will not get you out of every situation, therefore it is not a safety cushion to sit back and relax ....
  10. yep same here... but isn't it a separate speaker somehwere in the dash ?
  11. I am sure there is a legislation requiring cars fitted with gas-discharge 1. If the reservoir tank is below a certain capacity, to provide a warning light. (VW passat has a warning light...) 2. or to simply fit a windscreen/headlamp reservoir tank with a greater capacity ( i thought it was around 12 litres minimum... ) But i will check this, I am sure it is in some VCA or VOSA regulation or European directive... In the case of the ZED i think there is enough space just to fit a huge tank therefoe no need to more lights in the speedometer...
  12. 95 RON is ok for regular use in city driving, if you are going to drive track-style then you need 98 RON definetely. As far as I understand Tesco 99 is a bit of a lottery... They will buy petrol from the major petrol suppliers (BP, ESSO, SHELL etc...) whoever is selling cheapes at that time...and buy in bulk at the lowest price. They then take it to this company which creates ethanol from enviro friendly crops, and this will bump up the RON rating to a minimum of 99. they also add some cleaning additives to help maintain good engine performance.... You can probably expect tesco stuff to be a minim of 98RON, but you could be lucky, if tescos get a "good batch" of petrol , add the ethanol stuff, and end up with something rated at 102... but this is probably a lottery... anyway nothing wrong with tescos stuff... me thinks...
  13. Zzzz...

    Pics Of Tinting?

    My "WOW wow wow" was not directed at your comments, it was other comments about the law requiring only 30% of light to go through... I thought that could be cause some problem ( specially for visbility!!! )
  14. following from steve_b comment I found this... http://www.spy.org.uk/cgi-bin/trafficmaster.pl Traffic master have a more advanced number plate recognition software and hardware installed on many more roads across UK roads, than the government has...however they are not using this information for ID purposes, but who are they to stop governments ( governments who by the way....let them run the business in this way...) interesting read.... welcome to BIG Brother... I read through the web site, and I think the content is a bit "conspiracy theory" everywhere... I am taking it with a pinch of salt...TBH...
  15. thanks for all the music tips... i am now trailing through the web to listen to some of the stuff... I'm starting with The minels' stuff...and move on from there... GC350z thanks for the advice... suddenly my driving holiday has become more of a nightmare... than a holiday, plus a few guys at work have said similar things... 5 H ! T...
  16. no it is not bad... follow your feelings... do it , a bit of cool factor do it... do it... I might even do it myself... I am a LED closet lover... get them in blue to go with your interior light...uber cool. I need to research which is the best way to wire them in (indicators or parking/position lights, or perhaps standalone switch...)
  17. Zzzz...

    Pics Of Tinting?

    We have to be careful when we make statements that they are accurate and valid, otherwise people could end up being stoppped by the constabulary for something that was done on forum advice... And it is dead easy to find a lot of the info on Google these days so no excuse to double check... I am pretty sure OEM tint will be around 15-20% max, when they apply it, letting 80% light in, minimum. I guess , and this is my guess, as I am not an expert on this, if you then select a 30% tint, it could compound it to 45-50%? So yes a very light tint 10% for example would already put you on the limit, and you might not really notice it. I hope good "tinters" would measure the starting level and then decide the requiered level of added tinting. I am also pretty sure that under normal circumstances you'll probably get a telling off from mr policeman, if you are a good honourable decent looking citizen...that is if you get stopped by one of the two policeman left patrolling our roads...
  18. They can only find out if you have a taxed vehicle by the number plate, not by the tax disc. Plus the vehicle tax chequers are always forward front facing cameras, so unless you drive with a balaclava , and a fliper front number plat, they will get you... if you want to break the law... might as well just have a dirty number plate, you might be able to have an excuse ( unless you have detailed your whole car EXCEPT the number plate...
  19. BE different go for these ... you know you want them....go on... I dare you... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-3 ... enameZWD2V
  20. I've seen a lovely sunset orange model Jap spec in one of the threads, it belongs to a student i think ... which you could get really cheap... but it did have some minor front end damage buy it cheap spend 5 k on top get a nismo kit, and respray...no one will notice... alternatively you are perfectly entitled to tell me where to go...
  21. How to spot a 350z-uk.com member???? We all have stubby's and silicon
  22. Zzzz...

    Pics Of Tinting?

    WOW wow wow! check google before making misleading statements! http://www.vosa.gov.uk/vosacorp/reposit ... 202005.pdf The legal position is that the front side windows on all cars must allow 70% of light to pass through them. That figure also applies to the windscreens of cars first used before April 1985; any car first used from then onwards has to let 75% of light through the windscreen. The level of light transmission is measured by metering units which cost up to £500 each. Supplying them for roadside checks across the country has cost VOSA £13,000. Another way of doing it would have been to include the measurement as part of the MOT test, but since there are 18,000 MOT test centres in the UK the equipment budget would have rocketed to £90 million, and the extra time added to the test would have led to an increase in the fee - all this for a very small proportion of UK cars. If the meter registers figures better than those mentioned above during a roadside check, there is no problem. If between 45% and 65% of light gets through, the driver is advised to have the tinting removed, failure to do which might result in a prosecution and a fine of up to £2000.
  23. I know what they based the styling on....
  24. http://www.ingsusa.com/azure2005/index.html
  25. haven't found the kit web page... but in the mean time found this .... I love japanese car girlies...grrrrr
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