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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. Interesting about the JDM audio, let us know if you give up on it, and decide to try and get some cash for it... I am currently learning Japanese... (sorry ... trying to learn)
  2. Correction... the cheque has gone this midday, apologies. I have already started divorce proceedings with miy incompetent missus...
  3. I believe it is a law thing or legislation that the speed should over-read but never under-read. Also the accuracy changes at different speeds (at low speeds is near enough accurate and as you increase speed, it will start to over-indicate) check it out...this is true on the last 4 cars I have looked at. I also read in a magazine once, that manufacturers can use this "tolerance" to cheat a little on gearing ratios and other speed related "perceived performance", so basically it looks to us as it is doing better than it is actually doing... specially to give better results for fuel consumption. for example, if magazines or customers drive at a constant indicated 70mph, and achieving 40mpg, ( not on a zed of course!!!) actually the fuel consuption figures are for a speed of 63mph, and in reality the guy should be driving at around 77mph , then, the rpm will be higher, the load will be greater and the fuel consumption will be worse... cunning lot car manufacturers... Actually the Z is much better than my old primera, and other cars I have driven, though i think top german cars are much more accurate in general. jee i feel like WikiZzzz...
  4. for 15k should you be able to find a nice one without the steering wheel mod...? I say this because I think there could be alsorts of small concerns with removal of the airbags... How was it done? Damage to connectors? Airbag connections have a high sensitivity to changes in resistance, so any amount of corrosion, developed through lack of use ( open to environments, could affect operation... or trigger the warning light to go on ... Also this probably means the airbag light in the speedo will be on all the time? if not it means previous owner has been tampering with the speedo also... captain sensible says... look around and see if you find a better/similar deal, specially if you want the the airbags in, as it seems the case...
  5. adrian flux, 4yrsNCD, SP30x2 MS90 £500xs. just under 900
  6. can you see the pictures ? I think you are talking about number 8 in the picture above... the link is the service manual which can be found in the technical forum as a "sticky"
  7. Hello guys I might be able to go, (depends on job commitments, and a possible business trip on Monday.... ) but definetely like the idea... this is lazy from my side, but can you make a brief summary of the latest plan rather than trying to read all threads and figure out the latest decisions... The meet: Where it starts, time and date? The Drive: (Maybe same as previous one you did last year?) -Approximate times for the whole day event: -Do you plan a "pre-meet" the night before? or do most people make their way in a single day. -Also Is there a "post meet", if the drive finishes late? -Could people meet/join at half way points in the drive? sorry lots of questions... i'll stop now.
  8. Not clear to me... here ... this can help locate the part you are talking about ... they came from this usefull link, http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2945 but rather than downloading it, someone can tell you straight away if you can highlight the offending part! Normally all trim parts are simple to remove and refit, maybe a few screws, and "uncooperative " clips, but you can get there in the end with a "persuasion tool" ( screwdriver of hammer i find normally works...depends on levels of frustration....)
  9. I am posting my cheque tomorrow ( Me +1) Cheers
  10. on the back of a transporter?
  11. Cheers Lomoto! uk spec get the headlamp washer button in that location... hummm more investigation needed...
  12. Japan models have lower corrosion durability requirements because in Japan they do not apply aggressive de-icing stuff on the roads... they change tyres, use chains, or drive on de-iced roads. I heard in some regions...they even have networks of geothermal water pipe works...running below some roads to keep them nice and toastie in winter preventing icing... as for the other aspect of Japan Manufacturers don't like second hand cars because they don't make so much money on these .... so in Japan car manufacturers, managed to convince the government to enforce a rule that used cars have to go to the technical inspection after 3 years, and this is a costly matter since a check costs between 1500 and 3500 EUR. Once you're in the system, you have to get your car checked every 2 years, and once your car is 10 years old, you need to go there every year. This is a reson why the Japanese change cars quite fast, usually before the car is 3 years old. Important aspect is that you have no control whatsoever on the cost of possible repairs, because after the technical check, the car is driven to the garage and they do the repairs that the technical check asked them to do, you just get the bill with your car. A very nice rip-off...
  13. excellent ... guys at work asking why am I crying...
  14. The same as autodimming rear view mirrors in US spec Zeds... crazy decisions... but i guess someone is saving a few quid /car somewhere in the Nissan empire...
  15. Yep my JDM has auto drop on both windows ,also autofold when car is locked with fob, also autodip on side mirrors when reverse is selected , both can be disable with a switch on dash if required Where in the dash is this button? ... must investigate this further... cos' i bet the system is there ( With this CAN/BUS whatever it is called...) , it is just not available due to the spec of switches.... no doubt a cost reduction idea to give UK spec cars headlamp washers and spoilers and rr foglight...
  16. I've checked some pics on the web and seems the jap spec has auto up on all switches . I currently still have manual UP/DOWN on driver side for the passenger window, so what i need is a japan spec driver side switch console. And I'll be 100% automatic... it will be nice to find out if any of the jap spec driver switch packs has an option for auto mirror folding on ignition off, maybe a top spec model with all the options ticked...I am not interested in tinkering with aftermarket solutions.
  17. a little discovery I made this weekend. My passenger window switch seems pushed down into the trim, so I got myself a new one on ebay for a tenner. When i got it I set to replace it, easy job... but then I noticed my UK spec passenger switch was not auto up/down. (The Switch face is black) , and the one I got on ebay had Auto and a window logo... removed original switch to find the switch pack came of it fixings and could be refitted no problem... , then installed the Auto switch and low and behold it WORKS ( automatically that is...) So UK spec cars ... get yourself Japan spec switches and you can have auto up on all windows!
  18. Zzzz...

    my aerial

    the law of the streets... and it is probably worse if you try and lock it in place, they'll probably damage it, get frustrated and teach you a lesson by showing what a straight line looks like ... on the side of your car... just keep an eye in your local patch for a blinged fiesta 1.1 with loads of tin foil and a stubby... and later inflict your revenge and re-cover it... the law of the streets...
  19. I agree...my red mist kicks in as soon as I joint the motorway... every time... I have UK motorways... sorry no ... I hate UK motorway drivers... On this subject... undertaking is illegal... yes, but in the event that someone is on the third lane at 69mph, and there is no car in the second lane and crawler lane... If I was to... say ... for example.... go onto the crawler lane and pass the car on the third lane... is this considered undertaking? I know this sounds like a stupid question... but there could be an argument to say since there is no one in the second lane, you are not "directly" undertaking anyone... Otherwise the guy in the third lane should be paying 3 times road tax, as he is forcing everyone not to use these 3 lanes while he is there pottling along in his own little effin world...
  20. if it has more buttons than a mouse... no.
  21. vm image fileserver, growable RAID5 arrays kernel compiles (piles?) Redhat? Ubuntu Linux distro ? Plone? sorry guys I started reading this and my brain went into meltdown trying to understand suddenly i feel even more techno-ignorant...
  22. Zzzz...

    ToyZ's R us

    depends ... I have seen some of the "made in Japan" ones EBBRO etc... where the attention to detail in these small cars is pretty impressive... I'll try and get an "interior pic" of one of my 1:43 scaled cars... so you can see what you can get. So it depends on the brands and the price... (I must congratulate myself for not lowering the tone regarding "4 inch" comments... )
  23. don't we all drive "race cars" for public use....
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