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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. ok... here is one of the concerns I am trying to get dealer and NMGB to take on... just wondered if anyone has had lacquer peeling off on your car, not only on the antenna aerial but any other area, maybe in edge of panels, etc.. 1st response was the std " Nissan don't have records of a concern in this area therefore it is not a warranty item...bla bla bla " the fight goes on....
  2. No I have no association with NMGB, I work in the making of the cars, not the selling and dealing with the world. So I have to take the front end approach also and deal through the main dealer, however I know a bit more of the development background on some bits, (I am in no way an expert on any one part, as they say jack of all trades) so I know I can take on a fight with them and win if there is enough technical evidence to prove it. your case is a bit difficult, because it is corrosion, and the root cause of you concern can be: -Poor paint process ( paint not sticking properly to metal, pin holes on paint that allow water to go under and bubble up) -Poor coating application (sharp radius / corner, no properly coated and allowing water ingress to the layers below the paint) -but also could be -Stone chip (not only big stone chips but very tiny particles could cause some damage leading to corrosion initiation. - The dealer or you could have removed the wheels and scraped the paint surface. - Some salt/chemical spray could have been applied. - Some chemical was applied that attacked the paint. Etc... There are quite a few root causes, and what you need to do is have conclusive proof that there have been "no external" influences to affect the performance of the paint. Another thing to consider is that this corrosion is not a structural issue, ( the wheel will not fail due to this , it is purely a cosmetic concern, and the criteria for cosmetic corrosion damage might not be as strict...I am not sure but i can imagine this kind of logic being applied. It is not great for the customer, I know, but it is just cosmetic... Maybe NMGB set a 1year cosmetic corrosion criteria...after this it is a case-by-case... You concern is a very grey area... how can you prove it was a defect or weakness of the design? and prove it was not an external influence...? your word against the dealer, in this case dealer always wins, unless: -you have the technical "high ground" ( very difficult in corrosion items...) -the dealer puts a good case to NMGB. -He takes on the job and does it himself ( of his own "goodwill" budget) in order to keep your custom. After all 50quid a wheel, 200 quid to keep a customer happy if he thinks you will come back to him for servicing for several years etc... could be worth his while...and potential re-purchase intention... Negotiation could be key, (without making it obvious you are trying to bribe him with promises of servicing in future) -You pester him and threaten with magazine letters etc... but this is risky and will damage your future relations with them... I am not sure about the guys who have had wheels replaced or refurbished, but I bet they would have been done by the dealer, rather than as NMGB warranty claim... So my only suggestion on this is keep approaching the dealer, or if you have enough confidence that no chipping (even smallest of stones!) , or chemicals have attacked your wheels etc... the argue the case and present the hard facts but in your case I think it will be very difficult to prove. Sorry I cannot be any more helpfull... My wheels are starting to pit/bubble but I cannot prove they are poorly made, and I am going to struggle with a paint defect on my car... but I have a 6th gear synchro problem I know I can prove it is a defect.. between 30%-60% success for me , so not so good either... I think also generally, It does not help that Nissan dealers in UK are franchises, not actually owned by NMGB, (you have Camden, Evans Halshaw etc... and they want to make money for their company, and NMGB don't want to give money away to third parties...)I guess it is a battle of budgets between companies, where the customers end up being affected... ) which annoys me, as we try and make good cars and then the whole brand image gets tarnished by "rawhide nissan" dealers... and all our efforts seem to be lost due to the front face of Nissan at the dealer forecourts... Not long to go before INFINITI comes to Europe, then you will get Lexus dealer service...!
  3. It is unfortunate, but true, you need to "sell" your concern to the Dealer... because if they present a good case to NMGB and they have the evidence and give NMGB the facts, it is likely the warranty claim can be accepted, specially if Dealer knows you will not give up, or challenge it technically, or you are just a good valued customer of them... But if the dealer presents a basic picture of the claim, does not have the information at hand, and shows no drive to NMGB to want to address this item, I am sure NMGB will be happy not to pay out... It should be a straight technical judgement , but it is not... Even I get fobbed off (and I work for N!) if that's any consolation... ( I am currently in discussions to get a few things sorted... but they say there's no problem, but I know they ARE not design intent...)
  4. I am not electrician, so maybe this is a load of "B0770x", but I look at it as a simple circuit with a + and - terminal. The Car Battery negative is wired to the body(thick chunky wire), and then you have the positive terminal wired to fuses, harness etc powering all the ancilliaries. Since you generally need +and - to make a complete circuit, the - of all the car ancilliaries (alternators, starter motors etc...have to go back to a fixing point in the body) Hence why you have "ground cables" they are the ones that close the electrical loop. I am not sure if they should be called "ground cable" (shouldn't they go to ground? but on a car they are isolated by 4 expensive bits of rubber?) ( Someone with electrical knowledge please clarify... ) Anyway the thicker and better quality the cables, the less resistance for electricity to flow, hence improving electrical responses...Also important is to make sure there is good metal to metal contact... if you bolt to a painted hole in the body you might not get earthing at all... you need to cut into the paint to get to the metal... Howevere this is bound to be a marginal improvement if you think of ther remaining electrical wiring... stil std, so the improvement of one cable will still be limited by the lowest performing part in the system, I THINK... maybe someone can expand on this...
  5. In terms of dealers they will try and blame it on anything and everything unrelated to the car. But as pointed out: -The dealer can reject a warranty claim which directly, or indirectly in some cases, can be attributable to a modification that deviates from the basic design and specification of the vehicle. From this point the dealer will try and take the high ground and blame it on modification carried outside Nissan. However if: You carry out a modification which uses parts of the same or higher performance and specification You installed it to the correct Nissan Specification ( Layout, Torques, Bolts, clearances to other parts etc ) Then you can argue your position, but it will be hard work. In the case of earth cables: 1. Cables must be of a higher material grade ( O2 free Copper wire will probably be better than the Std Nissan) 2. Diameter of the cable core must be same or greater. 3. Layout and fixings must be kept to the same. ( No interference to other parts) 4. Terminal design, crimping and fixing bolt must be same or greater. Basically copy the layout, terminal and fixing method and upgrade the cable, and you can hold a strong case if they try and allocate blame to this modification. If you do a quality job you should not have any concern ( other than getting through the dealers Stubborn-blame-you attitude) But I would say that the benefits of a "high" performance Earth Kit compared to a perfectly installed Standard Nissan might not be so high. If you think your car has a problem in this area... remove the earth bolts check if the bolts are making a good metal/metal contact, and in the body fixings make sure the bolts cut properly through the paint. I am just saying this because the effort of argueing with a dealer might not warrant the small improvement in performance.
  6. How about Japanese Themed Bushido Knights/Fighter/Fist ( choose one... ) (Bushido is "Way of the Warrior", which is a Japanese code of conduct and a way of life) or Saiyans (サイヤ人, saiyajin?), commonly abbreviated as SJ, are a fictional, nearly extinct race in the manga series Dragon Ball, its three adoptions to anime and the self-parody Neko Majin Z. They are a powerful simian warrior race who play a central role in Dragon Ball Z ( my favourite Manga Cartoon when I was a kid...)
  7. maybe he is a footballer... maybe he works for porche and gets a 30% discount, buys it and sells it and makes a nice little profit... maybe he didn't realise that when his wife said " do whatever the **** you wan't " she actually meant..." If you buy it I will cut your B@lls and display them as garden ornaments..." )
  8. nice car yes we deal in any jap car and would love to fetch something as good as that over there is quite a few in jp Thanks for the reply, I'll be in touch later on the year, first must do my homework on the car...
  9. Zzzz... When I started creating an account here I thought: 1. must have a zed in it... 2. must have a double meaning ... 3. must be completely anonymous... 4. must be a bit quirky... as I was thinking this I started pressing the Z key and the name just appeared... who needs imagination when the keyboard can do it for you... plus quite appropiate as I like sleeping...
  10. Nissan current ethos is all about "if it ain't broke, don't fix it..." New wheels = New testing , loads of validations, manhours testing, new tooling to make them, loads of extra money, and I amsure ( anyway look at porsche, they are not particularly ground breaking are they...) It just shows that even after 4-5 years the zed is still quite fresh and good looking and there is not that much out there to challenge it... the sign of a true classic in the making... a few engine tweaks a little bonnet mod... couple of new colours... is all that's needed to refresh it. (think about it... your car will look very similar to the new one... as apposed to if you bought a 5 year old BMW vs the new one ( people will realise you have "an old car"... so if Nissan can sell the new one, with such low changes after 5 years it has to be a good sign... )
  11. I have got one with the Euro Spec Switch ( I changed it for the Japan Auto UP/Down Spec ). I was going to put it on Ebay... you can have the complete unit, for a tenner. PM me if you are interested...
  12. 1. beavis 2. Stew 3. Ian 4. Morg 5. Zzzz... Cotswolds , works for me and some very nice roads, Lake District would be impressive drive scenery, Scotland awesome ( depends i guess but in some areas maybe some guys might neet to "jack up" their rides...pathfinder style?) I think somewhere more geographically central will help everyone to attend the meet ( say if every one from London to Aberdeen could make it there by motorway in say 3hours ...) I am not sure if this will be possible...
  13. Scotland? definetely I Would be up for it ....
  14. habahabahaba.... that samia would be my choice....
  15. loads of information in here... http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Category:Brakes
  16. good point i think the statement on the 19's refer to accessory wheels... I am not 100% sure about uk spec...this is only japan data, but i am sure if Japan get it Europe always has a higher demand so I would bet that they will be available on the GT spec... (I'll edit the comment to make it clearer...)
  17. I have been having a look at the japan website and between squiggles and janglish , managed to pull out some pics and details or interest, maybe already covered...but maybe usefull to have in one place. Colours [ The cars basic details The bonnet is made from aluminium to keep the weight down... CF propshaft... 2 induction kits required from now!!! The new VQ35HR V6 produces 306 horsepower and 268 lb-ft of torque and features a twin air intake system, among other enhancements, that increase efficiency and allows for improved fuel economy. 18-inch aluminum-alloy wheels and 225/45WR18 (front), 245/45WR18 (rear) Bridgestone® Potenza RE050A tires Available (Maybe as accessory? or perhaps as Option for GT pack for EUROPE? )are the RAYS lightweight 5-spoke forged-alloy wheels, 18x9-inch front and 19x10-inch rear with 245/40WR18 (front), 265/35WR19 (rear) Bridgestone Potenza RE050A tires (Grand Touring Coupe models only) (NOTE, the US website states"available RAYS® super lightweight 18-inch front/19-inch rear 5-spoke forged alloy wheels (Coupe only). " hummmm The for the interior other than anemic grey trim seat nothing much... this could be an usefull bit of kit... that's it....
  18. Hello ... Just out of curiosity, will you deal with any kind of Japan import? I am toying with the idea of next year getting one of these...as a garage toy/project...if the prices are right... KPGC110 Skyline GT-R of 1973 but I have never seen anyone deal with this kind of vehicles... which might mean waiting for my next trip to Japan...
  19. soaps.... i don't follow them... but piccies of hotties common lads no half measures if you discuss , inform VISUALLY
  20. +1 .... MPS = 10/10 rating... takes the drifting out compared to the bridgestones, but the cornering is awesome, the wet handling is unbelievable and the ESP kick-in is much more progressive... ( rather than snapping in like the BS) you can feel it coming to the end of grip and keep it just before ESP kicking in... but they do cost...
  21. Zzzz...


    A Japanese "performance" horn... I Don't think so... it might be slightly louder than the standard asthmatic wheezer we get, but japanese are too polite drivers to use the horn properly... The only people that know how to make horns are the italians , isn't that right Val? Talking of horns, prize goes for the WELSH dixie horn ...
  22. 100% agree , the day was for driving and meeting like minded people. As a relatively newbie to this kind of stuff I really enjoyed the day (getting lost included!) . And I would not envy doing the organisation that went behind the scenes so thanks to all of you who made it happen! Next time...if it is not done before I commit to contact Mr Guinnes to do it... (Queue the music of "british national anthem") even if it only lasts 2 days, still, www.350z-uk.com will be the First to establish this record... the name will live forever in the annuals of history (Queue off the music")
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