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Everything posted by Zzzz...

  1. i have used the touch up kit, but never used the brush... it is actually too thick... the kit also has a small metal brush to lift any rust from the metal. The best way if you have rust is to very gently brush it off with the metal wire brush ( and I mean really gently, won't need much to lift it...) then get a piece of masking tape and rol it into a cone and stick it on your finger and place the smallest of drops of paint on the tip... then touch the centre of the chip and the capillary reaction ofm the paint will spread the small amount of paint into the whole chip... as I say the smalles of amounts... it will seem it is not enough but it will... and prevents getting a "blob" ... and don't worry about adding lacquer over it otherwise it will make it stand out more... this way it takes the eye of it... simplest and most effective way i think...
  2. Yes i think it is 54k and the only possible explanation the dealer could give you for trying to change the plugs and charge you for it ( apart from his name being "rawhide corral dealers") is that due to the fuel quality in Ireland the plugs get dirty quicker... you can tell them that unless ireland is exporting eastern european watered down fuel , he can go a take a hike... I cannot believe with 14500miles the spark plugs would be this damaged... "a cargo of testiclae" to put it politely... me thinks...
  3. ms90, 3 P (AN HONEST MS90!!! but the revenue making office (sorry police ) decided to use the "guilty unless you can prove innocent beyond reasonable doubt ..." and take the money and make my life hell for the next 5 years of motor insurance...)
  4. TO be honest I only like driving fast for my personal benefit. To beat another car and be worthy of comment you would have to know 1. the driver is as good or better than you. 2. The car is as good or better than yours BOTH those items have to be proven... Race a Porsche with an unskilled driver... and what do you prove? ( that he can't drive... not that your car is faster than his...) Race a Mondeo with a good driver and what do you prove? (that the car is sh!t and that maybe if he had a good car he would probably thrash you...) unless you a driving against some one you know is as good as you and has a car as good as yours...I don't see the point... plus it will probably involve breaking the speed limits... In my opinion... street racing is a way to try and justify your purchase, or the fact that you think you are a better driver than the car indicates, maybe because you think you feel the need to justify the purchase? Proper race? do it in a track... there are plenty of RWYB etc... events... Since the ZED I find myself much calmer driving... it is a cool car, YES, is it a fast car, YES, ...then just enjoy it... is it faster than the next car with an unknow driver in it? Who cares... CAPTAIN sensible over and out...
  5. Zzzz...

    ipod ad

    If the frequency it transmits, is close other Stronger radio stations, it won't pick up this channel, or have interference concerns. Have you tried different radio frequencies? I bought one from Japan once and it did not work very well in UK specially those frequencies close to the Radio 1 , or mainstream radio stations...
  6. errm I got AdrianFlux 780 quid UK GT Spec, no tracker Fully Comp with 6 points (3 on an "more serious" ( I call it revenue making) traffic offence), )and a couple of incidents where i helped to scrap some vehicles I was happy with this quote... as the more serious 3 points are causing me no end of trouble...
  7. see... granted the name probably works better in Japan how many car names have this kind of thought? golf, corrado, polo, civic, micra, primera, ibiza, touareg, cayenne, qashqai, ... If you get rid of the badges, there will be too much metal exposed, and would look bare, and potentially "bum looks big"...comments... Sarnie got a big wing which balances the overall aspect of the RR ... ...It is amazing what a badge can do to break the shape & size of a panel Just my opinion... you'll have to judge it by yourself...
  8. No fairlady for a lady...????? I am disappointed... I think it is quite a nice badge... if you know the history of fairlady... for joe-bloggs public... it will be a bit gay...
  9. 55 pounds !!! mon-dieu... extortionate... old nokia phone on ebay...10 quid... orange sim card Free ( +5 pound top up) car charger for nokia...3-4 quid. 1 hour labour hardwiring it to the power socket behind your seat... Free( sort of...) total prices 20 quid tops... and you don't have to remember to change batteries etc. that one is usefull to spy on some one elses car...
  10. EURO-Spec will definetely will have underbody protection compared to Japan Spec.
  11. Don't know if this has been mentioned but phone tracking is a cheap way of getting a tracker fitted to your car... get an old phone and charge cable wire it permanently to the mains of the the car's power socket for example and hide it out of sight, fit a cheapo SIM card and set phone to silent... Register the SIM car with one of these websites and voila, when a TWOC'r gets you car , call the web site ask them to locate your car and send the nice p-constable over to collect it... or turn up with a couple of big mates and a few b-ball bats...
  12. should have a 1 of "X" according to who buys it first and should stop at 180 badges... even more exclusive...
  13. http://dennis.cerosmedia.com/441a9ec279 ... 0c5588.cde plus other interests...
  14. Whe i drove the Minim I though on a-roads and b-roads, it is just too skittish, jumping around the road all over the place... the suspension is too hard, and when you ask the Mini Dealer... they say it is a Mini , selling point and follows the classic Mini handling... I say it is downright awfull, and a pain to drive for long periods... and the mini classic I am sure handles better than that germanic thing... Short wheel base and lots of power, means once the error has been done, there is no time to correct it...less stability, etc... Long Wheel base the behaviour becomes more predictable and if the back goes you have time to correct it... Go from a high powered, front wheel drive, short wheel base, car and you will get loads of little bad habits, which you might be able to get away with a front wheel drive car... and then change to a RR wheel drive car and those little bad habits will make your driving very interesting... Go for the Zed, ... respect it at first, and slowly and steadily push the boundary bit by bit... it will be more rewarding...
  15. I am guessing they mean 290 at the wheels compared to the 230 measured at the wheels in std format...
  16. Maybe Pooky 74 can explain what the Dragumball Z thingy she's advertising in her signature involves...going on in August. In tried to read it but it was all french to me... Maybe get some ideas, and who knows in future could even have an Anglo-Franc -ball (ad)venture, (If we get our headZ to it I am sure we'll make it more successfull than the last joint venture! )
  17. +1 no problem, to disconnet the battery...
  18. does the uk brouchure mention GT4 alloys as an option?
  19. They come from and xtrail and need a little bit of the base rubber cut off but fit nicelyh.... one in good nick... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... &rd=1&rd=1 another in slightly "hamster chewed" state... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... &rd=1&rd=1
  20. By rollers i guess you means the power out put measured at the wheels right? I think OEM tend to quote the flywheel figure, and by the time you put in all the losses of the powertrain system. The factor into that fuel quality, air temperature, ECU program according to your previous driving history etc and other factors and I think 230 bhp at the wheels is not that bad... next time fill her up with shell v-power petrol a couple of times before the dyno roller, and reset the ECU... i bet you could get a couple of horses up from this measurement...
  21. Zzzz...

    Hmm 364 BHP

    Ingredients for a TT... 1. Get a Medium Segment Platform of a hatchback (GOLF/A3) 2. Stir in a FWD and some golf engines. 3. Alternative slap an engine too big for the chassis and make it 4WD to try and keep it under control... 4. Slap a over intuitive ESP TCS etc,... which kills any hope of small drift action...and other bits and bobs from a Golf 5. Dress up in pretty clothes and put an audi badge... voila a TT add 300+ horses to this platform and it willbe fast all the way to the first bend and no5t even the quattro will get you out of it... that's if the ESP, TCS etc will let you put the power down...and you will need to have the ESP TCS on... It is too clinical and no fun... If you want power and uniqueness, but not a zed, get yourself a R34 Nur spec, or UK V-Spec, etc... The TCS on R34 was always designed to allow a certain driftability, and to not remove the sporty feel and driver involvement. and you can get a lot more power out of it... and the platform will be design to take it... The TT is designed for people who can't drive but want power and looks...
  22. Checked the www.nissan.co.jp the press article for the JDM says the Anniversary edition is basically an ST version with alloys and leather and power hike... The ST version in Japan does not have cruise as standard, therefore it is likely it is a real one... with accessory RR lamps and different exhaust... As for Euro Bumper or Japan Bumper... some people will prefer always to make their car look Euro rather than Jap... ask leTank... he started with a Japan base but i think by now he's got it more or less up to EURO spec...an excellent standard looking motor...
  23. The i-key in Europe is different from US and JPN. and if there was a problem... Micras, Pathfinders and Qasqais would have it reported by now.
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