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Everything posted by mini

  1. Would there be any problems my mate coming along for the blast in his MX5?
  2. Thanks Jacko. I will be there. I'll be there
  3. I've just moved over to Stratford from Brum. I'm a northen boy by heart but seem to be slowly moving further and further away from my roots! Better roads in Stratford, once you get out of the town centre that is. Town is for posing!!!!
  4. Hi all, I moved to Stratford upon Avon at the weekend and wanted to know whether there were any members in this neck of the Country? There seems to be quite a few zeds around but so far I've not seen any of them being driven.......are zeds being used as expensive garden furniture for the wealthy upper class?!?!
  5. Got the e-mail, sounds like fun, I should be good to go..... so long as work doesn't decide to ruin my potential fun!!!
  6. I know discussions about this have been posted on here before, but I can't find the posting. So does anyone have any tips on replacing the rear wiper????
  7. Think I might have a hot dog for lunch
  8. Been told I'm getting a merc C180 auto, never driven one before so that should be a bit of fun especially in this weather. Just got to think about what to do with my left foot for the next week now. Might try in car yoga
  9. I know it's been some time since posting on this topic, but the guy that reversed into me has finally accepted full liability (after taking a bit of verbal abuse) So it's time to put my zed in the body shop to bring her back to her former glory! Goes in this Saturday for a week, the only downside being I'll have to travel around in a hire car, but it will be worth it.
  10. Well, I took the zed out this morning (had no choice) and have eventually arrived in the office!!! The journey was slooooow to say the least, with the only tricky bit tryng to get into the office car park! It was one of those delicate crab crawl manouvers trying not to slam into the side of the building! Glad I bought a spare pair of under pants with me Still gotta get home yet and the forecast is due to get worse
  11. welcome to the forum Gonzo, you'll certainly have equally as much fun in the zed.
  12. Thanks for letting me know FM, I'm hoping the insurance companies will sort it out but it's not an overnight process! It's at this point you begin to think "how good is my insurance company???" Has anyone had to have panels replaced? Can they matched to the existing paintwork or is it a complete new re-spray?
  13. Hey Sarnie, The pic's looked great & well done on the times, I enquired about a track day at Silverstone at the weekend...pretty good deal I thought....£300.00 for a full day. The morning you would be taken out by instructers in their cars (3 in total - single seater, lotus elise & RS4) then lunch and out in the zed in the sfternoon. Is that what you did? By the way, do you work at Mooch (interior design place in Digbeth, Birmingham)? If so I work just up the bank from you and have often admired your car for a long time. If not, I'm admioring someone else's carB)
  14. Hadn't thought about doing it that way and I would like to get it sorted ASAP. I'll speak to my insurance company and see what they say. Cheers:)
  15. Yeah, but what about if my insurance company can't prove he did it? If that were to happen and I'd already done the body work, I wouldn't have the option of getting it done privately.
  16. I wouldn't be quite so cross about it if it was a genuine accident, however, the guy that saw it said "i was on the phone and heard I huge bang, so I looked out the window to see what had happened and your car was rocking with another car attached to the side of it. The driver must have then realised what he'd done because he wound his window down to have a look then sped off" The police have done nothing to date, but the witness has said he will make a statement to both the police and my insurance company. I'm holding off getting the body work done at the minute because if (for whatever reason) he gets away with it (lets be fair the legal system is screwed) and that would be the end of my NCD. Any one any idea how much this would cost out of my own pocket if he does get away with it?
  17. After owning my zed for only a relatively short period of time I was horified, to find that some guy had reversed into the side of my motor and then did one!!!! Basically, the story goes, I parked my car up after work on the side of the road (no off road parking available at the time) behind some friends car's. I was leaving early the next morning so it wasn't going to be an issue blocking anyone in. Then, when I return to my car in the morning this is how I find it!!!!! As you can imagine I was more than just pi**ed at what had happened and initially thought it had been vandalised by kids.....when returning from I long day of meetings in the North West, I was approached by one of the other tenants, who lives in the house I was parked outside of, to say: "someone drove into the side of your car last night" to which I responded "no s**t sherlock, have you seen the damage they've done!" He then responded "don't worry, I have his registration plate. It was a silver Peugeot 206." Anyway, I went to the car to get a pen and as he was giving me the details, it suddenly dawned on me that the draived that did it lives over the road!!!!! And he obviously didn't think anyone had seen him, as he didn't leave a note. Rather than confronting the guy and potentially putting myself in a cell for the night, I decided to let the police and insurance companies deal with it. Watch this space and I'll let you know how I get on, as he hasn't accepted liability as yet and my insurance company said it could take months to resolve!!! One thing that I have learned from this experience is always protect you NCB, it might be a bit more expensive but man it's worth it.
  18. Try 'First Alternative' they've given me a good deal and you'll save an extra 10% (I think) if you apply online. I found them much cheaper than anyone else. Let me know how you get on.
  19. mini


    Tried the WD40 option over the weekend before I washed the car.....came straight off didn't even need to rub it too hard.:teeth: Thanks for the advise guys.
  20. Sheena, I really feal for you. I had a similar encounter in my old car, Meganne 225, drove it down to London for a meeting and when I was driving out of the City some nutty old women came hurtling towards me in a Micra! I swirved and curbed the front and rear offside alloys:headhurt:!!!!! B*****d!!!!!!!! I hate Micra drivers, they are just as bad as white van drivers
  21. mini


    I agree, horible spoiler....really lets the Z down
  22. Does anyone know, if you had a walkman phone (ie; Sony Ericson), as I do, could you play MP3's off the phone through the bluetooth adaptor to come through your sterio? Basically, so that it does the oposite of when you receive a call?
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