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Everything posted by mini

  1. Don't know whether any of you read this magazine, I don't personally but thought I'd buy a copy for my flight up to Glasgow on Tuesday due to the front cover (plus I need to take my mind off small talk when sitting next to a fat business man for an hour)..... Anyway, they had an article/test in the new May edition at Cardwell Park (I think) between the following: 350Z GT-S, tuned Manaro 6.0, tuned 3.2 TT (you're bound to hae seen this in mag's, it's the ornage one), a 500bhp RX-7, and a bog standard Porsche Caymen (there may have been one other, but it was a long day and I don't have the magazine to hand) The supercharged zed came up top car (it was the kuro Novidem one). I will scan the article and post on this link it tomorrow morning. This now leads me to a couple of questions, which you technically minded people may be able answer for me...... 1. Can you fit a turbo-charger to a zed? If not, why not? If so has anyone done it? 2. Why (the first question may answer this) are they developing/developed a supercharger rather than a turbo ot twin turbo? 3. (this may sound like a stupid question but...) can you fit both a turbocharger & a supercharger to a car? I'm not saying I'm gonna do any of the above but was just wanted to know in general
  2. By the way, I meant the guy that reversed into me has moved out not my mate who told me about it or my other "BIG" friend that kept giving him @*!# when I wasn't around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Funny situation, he moved out just before he accepted liability!!! What's that all about? Maybe he thought I wanted to with him??? In some situation a few choice words go a long way!!!!
  4. I'd take a punt on it if I didn't have one already, however, saying that I am thinking of selling mine to get a Kuro with a Nismo kit!
  5. Yeah, I'm tempted at staying in Chester too, as it's a bit of a drive from Stratford but will need to book somewhere quick! So long as I can find a cheap hotel with a bar I'll be happy
  6. The body work has now been done and it's looking good as new again. They had to keep it for an extra week because the door lining and rear quarter had to be replaced!! It did mean I was in a hire car for extra week but at least the job was done properly
  7. mini

    White lines

    I'm NOT happy about it I'm thinking of writing the Birmingham City Council for whatever good that will do! If any of you come across something similar and you are ushered across the newly painted white lines flick them the bird and take a detour
  8. mini

    White lines

    Bloody Birmingham Council workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in Brum this morning for an early meeting and when I was driving out I came to a couple of guys repainting the white lines in the middle of the road. I was ushered across into the right hand lane (to overtake the large truck which was following them) and then back again before the workers. Well, do I have to say more, you can imagine what happened.......on driving over the white paint it is on my tyres and inner wheel arch Why do this on a Monday morning is my first gripe and why usher people across the white paint you have just painted!!! The paint is not normal stuff either it is more like intumescent expanding foam, the fire retardant stuff. Anyway, having only just washed the car late Sunday afternoon I not have to do a mid week wash as well and it won't be a two minute job to get this stuff off. Why is it than whenever I get my zed looking really good something happens the next day? A pigeon emptied its @rse over it last Monday!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Fair point Beavis, have to admit that I'd not given this much thought until now as we not had anyone ask up till very recently. I don't include Kev in this "non zeds" as I think he's the exception as hes a former Zed owner up til recently and a still a regular contributor. I think the best way forward now is that we will NOT let anymore non Zeds on the drive now or in the future ones to ease worries about this and stop it getting out of control as well. I would suggest that seeing as Tim Barks has already confirmed then we honour it this time. Also I'm assuming that Mini has asked his friend with the MX5 by now, therefore I'm thinking it would only be fair for us to still let him come if he still wants to. But I guess Mini that if you haven't told/asked him yet then might be better not to now..... Anyway thats just my inital thoughts for now. I'll see what the rest of the mods think and sure we'll discuss on here anyway... I agree entirely If my mate doesn't speak to me about this I won't remind him and/or if he does remember still want to come them he can sit next to me in a proper car! It'll save him on petrol anyway and he can pay towards mine instead
  10. mini

    Coming soon...

    Nice motor mate What else is on your must own list????
  11. mini

    Watch out

    That's terrible news, but as others have said at least he's ok. I think he might need something stronger than a cuppa!!!
  12. Yes we cannot change the event now, but i think new ideas are needed, i have some thoughts of my own but for now i will keep them till discussion. One point i will raise and it might be controversial is that i am a little worried about the amount of non 350 zeds wanting to come. I dont have a problem with former members like kev with his bmw but just a little worried about others tagging along. If we allow everyone to come then things could get a little out of control. Most zed members i have met seem fine decent people who are sensible. i just dont want to get into a situation where we invite people who may be not quite as sensible.....hence ruining the day and after all this is a 350z day out. Just my thoughts thats all, because with the amount of cars turning up we dont want any silly incidents. On a lighter note i may bring along a brand new carbon front spoiler cover, i won it on ebay but i am not convinced it works with the yellow...........i might hold a mini auction for it You can't auction me off!!!!!!
  13. mini

    What's quicker?

    The zed would still look better though....
  14. mini

    What's quicker?

    Ouch!!!! That's got to be stupidly quick! The one I was following was in good shape with a tidy body kit, but when he put his foot down he couldn't loose me. Saying that maybe his brass pendulums weren't as big as his exhaust!!!
  15. Just cruising I think, so he should be ok:teeth:
  16. mini

    Just bought.....

    Nice looking feet mate I'd like to see some pic's of them on. Price seems quite reasonable to me, especially if you can't pick them up for a zed anymore. I'm looking at paying £2K for an imported set of 19" Rays with rubber. Will you need to get spacers to fit them, they sound WIDE!!!
  17. Was following a moded Supra on the mototrway earlier today, he nailed it so I followed (as you do). It was quick, but not quick enough.....So..... What do you recon???? What's quicker?
  18. My thoughts exactly....would have said it earlier myself but didn't want to offend anyone who has one You aint seen him yet...he looks like hairdresser but a very good lad. Will he be able to keep up if he's at the back????
  19. Yeah, no worries Jacko. He's kind of indesicive hence he's driving an MX5!!!!!!!!!!
  20. You've got me thinking now!!!! It was on the M42 Stratford direction. By the way, how do you reduce the size of files to attach for your profile? Everything I have saved on my machine seems to be too large to attach!!!
  21. He is not a definate at the moment so leave him off the list for now. If he does come he'll be alone. His name is sex pest......watch out blue lady!!!!
  22. Spotted today 05 Kuro passing hopwood services, I waved as you cruised up beside me. I waved, you ignored me!!!
  23. Stuey, I prefer the Penta's out the two but would personally go with a set of imported 19" Rays. Which were posted on here not long ago. I'm still trying to justify spending the money on a set
  24. Nice one In all this excitement I've already started preparing the car for the NW run
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