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Posts posted by 5tu

  1. Feeback from HTC:



    Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center.


    At the moment and according with the software manufacture it's not possible to connect the HTC Android devices to other mobile phone or systems devices. The connectivity works with Bluetooth headsets only. The main reason is due to the fact of Android (operating system) doesn't have the drivers and protocol support for this new operating system.



    Thank you for your update. You can follow up the products news upadate in the RSS feeds of our website.

    We are looking forward for Google to release the update in Android but soon a communication will be released regarding this matter.


    um......... There you go then. I didn't know a Mazda 6 was a headset :lol:

  2. Well i had the chance to, so it'd have been silly not to. After all the comments about it looking better in the flesh i would have to say that it does. But not by much. Maybe it was the brown colour....


    Car was a GT spec manual so i was looking forward to seeing what the synchro rev match was like.

    With the salesman busy with another customer i killed time with a quick look round the car. Sitting inside you do notice the improved interior. The dash seems more vertical so i felt closer to the window. Probably get used to that after a while. The multi function gauge is nasty. The line of red LED's for the fuel and temperature looks cheap. While its nice to have a glove box i'd kinda miss the big bin behind the passenger seat. There's a shelf but its not exactly spacious. Boot seems shallower too. I could be wrong. Also with the sub moved to the boot you're losing the space saver. May or may not be an issue depending on how you feel about the spray can replacing it. That's the boring stuff out of the way. :lol:


    I get the keys and push the starter button. There's a quick roar of the exhaust. Not as nice as a 350z IMO. Off we go. Salesman tries to direct me out a long straight road but i tell him i'd rather check out the handling thanks. First chance i get i floor it. Damn it feels quick. Pulls far harder from low down than my '04. Having read all the reviews mentioning the noise of the engine i did think how bad can it be. They were right. It is bad. Just a noise. Not the sportiest engine note i've ever heard. This wouldn't be so bad if you could hear the exhaust, but you can't. It's all the worse when the synchro rev match does its thing (the actual important rev matching bit is very good). It just reminds you of the noise again. I wonder what difference an air filter and exhaust change would make. The noise is what brought a smile to my face when i first got a 350z and for me the 370z is a step backwards in that area. Also there is more road noise than in my 350z. Both it and the 370z are running 19's. Very surprised by that considering its supposed to be a bit more refined. This is a shame as the actual handling and braking are so good.


    Overall the car is better. But as mentioned elsewhere on the forum it doesn't blow you away like the 350z did first time. Maybe that's because i'm used to the performance more and it's not such a big step up. I'm in no rush to change. I really wanted to like it. Was the next logical replacement. I've no idea what car i'll ever change to now.

    Who knows, maybe it'll grow on me :p

  3. Hi,


    I've been lurking for quite a bit now (2yrs maybe :blush: ). Never had any need to post as the board has so much good info there's rarely a need to ask anything. Anyway I've had my 04 GT for about a year and a half now. Of course I've gone for the lazy nismo mods :teeth:





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