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Everything posted by jonathan73

  1. You're gonna be SOL here Jay... The 350 speedo overreads BIG TIME. Well, mine seems to. My GPS consistently states my speed well below my speedo's reading. 70 on the speedo is about 66, 110 is about 98, 120 is 104 so it's well under-reading. Or the satellite just can't keep up
  2. Good colour choice - it seems you fit in to the local Red Car Club very well. I bet they're all jealous to 350 ownership The red looks good against the silver city of Aberdeen!
  3. Sounds like a plan. And I love it when a plan comes together
  4. So Zedrush - I've got a nickname for ya......... BERMUDA!
  5. Check these out.... Can the airbag be put back in? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nissan-350z-leath ... dZViewItem
  6. and Looking forward to seeing some pics
  7. Looks like a 2 team league - we'll battle it out for top spot then eh?
  8. I've entered a team for the Fantasy Premier League but how in the heckers do we join the fun??? I don't know how to find the 350z-uk.com league
  9. I reckon all the crashes were a conspiracy by the Royal Family and/or government in order to add credence to Diana's crash. Yours, Mo. Al Fayed
  10. But you're the Boss Tim. Have you not got someone capable of standing in for you? Would the empire crumble without you? Come on, you know yer wanna!
  11. Make sure, if you do buy one, when you check out thru Paypal to add a note requesting a NEW one. The one he sent me looks second hand (scuffed and a bit scruffy) and you don't want that on your newly detailed Z
  12. So it's confirmed for 1-1:30 at the Grosvenor Pulford ??(http://www.grosvenorpulfordhotel.co.uk/index.php) Just checking. B'cos I need to know if I've got time to make the 350 clean n shiny before turning up. Yeah, I reckon I'm a deffo now. Mrs 73 is on a hen weekend
  13. What time was decided upon - I may make a trip up Saturday morning for the day.... :drive:
  14. I love the Allegro (Vroom for 5) steering wheel. How retro and how thoughtful of Lambo B'ham to fit that bit of nostalgia as it's coming from the home of the Agg. :P
  15. jonathan73

    US meet vid

    Pity it wasn't on when Jacko is in the area - he'll be driving thru Huntington to get to San Diego
  16. You only JUST realised that? This has been the most inducing thread ever on any forum in the world!
  17. gangzoom. Nice colour - just get the damn thing cleaned Where you at? Put yourself down on the members map and check out who's local to you for some meets. Then you'll really love owning the 350 - the community here is special.
  18. Mrs 73 wants a break. From work rather than me I think. So we're wanting to go somewhere for a week - CHEAP & Warm. Anytime after 21st July.... Is anyone here a travel agent? Has anyone got a villa they know is available? Can anyone give me ideas / help. I've been on the teletextholidays / holidayhypermarket / etc sites and I'm getting frustrated! HELP get me some please
  19. Ghost- are you a hairdresser? Or a tanning salon owner? ,, ,, ,, No? Then ditch the S2000 and get the 350. Else you'll forever think you're a pu$$y
  20. When you've blackfire'd the 350 show us some pics Stew. I spent 3 hours+ on Mrs 73's Pug 206 today - foam, rinse, de-tar, clay, foam, rinse, wash, blackfire, blackfire sealant and carnauba. It looks sweet now - for a 206 anyways. No pics b'cos this just ain't the place!
  21. Pity they don't make those 'Z' centres for the GT4 wheels
  22. Nice one Mike. I see no benefit of these guys offerings so far..... Hopefully they'll chip in with some decent deals soon.
  23. Now get him to put the Zorts on
  24. Funny how potentially losing an £89500 deal will focus a sales manager's mind eh? Now, shall we put wheels on for Liam or lose his sale???? I know..... We'll put the wheels on Nice one Liam. don't prang it. don't park it at Tesco. and don't kerb those free wheels!
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