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Everything posted by jonathan73

  1. Derek Sulley Steve Burns 260TT,Gill and Jay Vinzx (Bee Gee Vinz) Russ Dalos Grolls, Maria and kids Nidge74 DJZ 60 Sunday only JEZ300Z +Wife & Daughter RSJ madmarco GTR-240Z Viniboy Mr Ex Datsun Dave Decay Suzy Chris260 Chunk Reddel 300 & Ann mantav8 Paul Wrangle KarenL richiep & Kerry Moggy240,wife and kiddie Steve-300ZX Big Kim boldy Scrawni TiZer Rob Gaskin datsun280zxman MaximG decay quickshiftz maharg zedboy DCarey Craig David BazzaJG Legrath Crotchrocket Rob&Helen Smith The Beast (Jason Farrow) Racer Steve Kiddell zedboy Brian & Brenda Baker Mark Warburton Sami & Guy fairladyzgirl Andy Duff lymon (dutch Z32 club) anon (dutch Z32 club) anon (dutch Z32 club) anon (dutch Z32 club) Jonathan73 It's only about 10mins from me, so I'll be there!
  2. I agree with your thoughts - it ain't gonna rot your tyres so they rip apart as you head down the road at 70. But, it depends if you want the better or best stuff rather than the, well, erm, cheap stuff. See if this link gives you any info (though may not be absolutely about your stuff).... Detailing World is a great site. http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... id=1046988 You could also get the opinion of Rich @ polishedbliss.co.uk as he's been very helpful to me.
  3. I think Neo that you're gonna find that has some "nasty" stuff in it that most detailers recommend to stay away from. I can never remember what the nasty stuff is but as I understand it, it compromises the tyre....
  4. I use Blackfire Long Lasting Tire Gel as recommended by Rich from polishedbliss. I use the Blackfire range for everything: Blackfire Shampoo Gloss Enhancing Polish Blackfire Wet Diamond All Finish Paint Protection Blackfire Wet Diamond Carnuaba Wax
  5. Not once but twice - I saw a GM (may have been silver) '04 coupe cruising along the ocean front in Fuengirola, Costa Del Sol last week. Boy it was toastie everyday, temps up in the high 30's Returned from a great 2 weeks in the Mrs 73 & I wanted a chilled out break in the sun and that's just what we got. THANKS to martinmac - for letting us use his apartment (pm him if you fancy a great deal) just 50yds from the beach
  6. My thoughts are with you Tim. I dread the day I post the same thread, i can't imagine life without my Dad. All of us believe our Dad to be the best in the world, but yours literally was! World Champion TWICE. TT Champ twice too. What a man, I imagine he'll be sorely missed in the MotorCycle community as well as the Lomas household. What a terrible thread to come back from holiday to.
  7. YEAH!! Spain is hot then Tim? Mrs 73 & I are going for TWO WEEKS today Looking forward to just chilling out on the beach with a cocktail maybe throwing some shapes in a club and generally having a good time with the missus. I'm glad it's scorchio, I've not been this pale for many years!
  8. I'm with Stew - I use Blackfire Wet Diamond Shampoo & Conditioner, Blackfire Wet Diamond Gloss Enhancing Polish, Blackfire Wet Diamond All Finish Paint Protection and of course the Blackfire Wet Diamond Carnuaba Wax
  9. This is the problem Martin - those on ebay I doubt work with a 350. Nissan Chorley dealer said that discs aren't necessarily interchangeable - what works in a Primera may work in an X-trail but not a 350.
  10. Guys I'm forever driving cross-country according to my Nissan Birdview SatNav. The CD I have is: Xanavi Birdview Road Map UK x5.1 Model: KE287-99944-04 It's 2004 map data Apparently the new disc is model KE288-9996X-06 Anyone gt one for sale??
  11. to the best forum on the net Check out the Members Map & pop yourself onto it http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/membermap.php Hope you enjoy the forum as much as I do
  12. Pingu - is the centre console a stick on? It looks a superb fit if it is - you obviously were an avid Blue Peter viewer in your younger days It does look a better quality than Chris I's (sorry Chris) but I guess that's explained by the $$$?
  13. I like the badges - still a nice subtle mod. I especially like the side Z badge - is that a complete badge or sticker/tension held? I've contacted the ebayer to find out if he does the interior door switch plate as that is scratched to death on mine.
  14. Nice and Subtle Chris Do the inserts simply stick on ( ) or do you have to cut them to shape ( ) I particularly like how subtle the guage and internal door handles are. But the side Z badge is too cute
  15. Interesting dilema - everyone wants a piece of SL! Reading your post I recall you being made permanent and you were dead chuffed, now you're not so keen. I guess you've done a lot of soul searching and are sure about your feelings. It seems like Option 3 would be the way to go as it continues (and develops) your areas of interest. I get the impression BT, although developing a new skill, would not be as exciting for you. The "Senior" part of BT shouldn't worry you - you gotta step up to the plate at some point (I was made a board director at 24 which seemed scary but I knew it was justified) but I get the impression you'd only really go for BT b'cs of the ££ and benefits, not job satisfaction. I count job satisfaction as a high priority - I left LA to come back to England b'cos I didn't like my job in LA! With this rain I do sometimes question myself though :blush: My vote is for Option 3. Good luck in whatever you choose.
  16. Mike - where's that BOSE button?
  17. When / if you get a 350, Action Guy! Rich - put yourself on the members map and look out for local meets I'll keep an eye out for you on the roads too
  18. Pity. I just spent another £60+ with Rich. He's had quite a bit of my cash recently.
  19. I prefer the more subtle cap - with a small Z in the corner and Nissan on the back...
  20. 375 miles on a tank and the light hasn't come on yet? How s.l.o.w do you drive Nixy IT's a 350 for God's sake - give it some right foot! : I get about 22.7mpg at best
  21. I now know why you couldn't leave the "Motor Cycle" store this Saturday Tim - it's a front for Arms Dealing isn't it!
  22. And a new location - custardville no longer applies. Orangeville may not be a good choice either - it's in Utah and, I may be jumping to wild conclusions, but you don't seem to be much of a mormon Sarnie
  23. I've got a Snooper Sapphire and it picks up everything but the police. So I got another tool for catching those little sneaky buggers.......... Eyes and Mirrors - they are fantastic
  24. the rear wheel is dwarfed by that kit... it looks
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